Koch study: medicare for all saves money

I can prove it but you've shown you're not man enough to look me in the eye.

You proving it is not contingent on me doing anything.

You should be eager to post your information here since you think you're so infallible.
You're hiding like a coward is due solely to your fear of knowing the truth

How am I even to trust you'd show up to some IRL meet-up? I can't trust that. In fact, because you're so resistant to supporting your own argument, I think you wouldn't even show.
I knew you wouldn't understand the Constitution reference and how the two are different.

Fine. Explain through Constitutional terms how Obamacare is different from Romneycare and how that's different from the same plan the Heritage foundation produced in the 90's.

I'll wait.
You'd have made a great Nazi back in the day.
Actually, it's the far left loons who hate Jews, not conservatives.

Jews destroy the left's good ole victim mantra by their very existence and success.

The Nazis are on the left, along with those lovely little terrorist Muzzies they so adore.
Actually, it's the far left loons who hate Jews, not conservatives.

Jews destroy the left's good ole victim mantra by their very existence and success.

The Nazis are on the left, along with those lovely little terrorist Muzzies they so adore.

Yet you're the one that supported Obama solely because of race. The sad part is despite claims that he's black, his runaway baby daddy is black but his mother was white trash.

I didn't support Obama because he was black. I supported Obama because McCain picked Palin. And because that was the worst judgment ever, I couldn't trust him with the office of the Presidency.
Actually, it's the far left loons who hate Jews, not conservatives.

Jews destroy the left's good ole victim mantra by their very existence and success.

The Nazis are on the left, along with those lovely little terrorist Muzzies they so adore.

Did you go to the klan rally last night Minty?
This is on Page 20, paragraph two of the study cited by ThinkProgess in the OP:

"The federal cost of enacting the M4A Act would be such that doubling all federal individual and corporate income taxes going forward would be insufficient to fully finance the plan, even under the assumption that provider payment rates are reduced by over 40 percent for treatment of patients now covered by private insurance.

Such an increase in the scope of federal government operations would precipitate a correspondingly large increase in federal taxation or debt and would be unprecedented if undertaken as an enduring federal commitment

Obamacare was a poorly designed and thoughtless solution. The equivalent of bulldozing a house because the A/C was broken.

Not at all. Obamacare didn't destroy anything. It created a marketplace where you could go and comparatively shop for plans. It was more "free market" than anything you clods have ever done. Ever. Including Medicare Part-D.

Obamacare wasn't poorly designed either; it got 24,000,000 more people covered.

Since your Russia Tax Cut, 4,000,000 people have lost health insurance.

Way. To. Go.
You doxxing yourself isn't contingent on anything I do.

You're the one who made your personal circumstances central to your argument. Now you won't even verify those personal circumstances because you're afraid.

Just admit it; you're afraid of doxxing yourself on these boards because it would mean that nothing you've presented about yourself here is true.

This is exactly why I warn people like you against using personal anecdotes to support your weak argument, and it's precisely why I use verifiable averages and medians in everything I do here.

The very essence of his existence is fear.