Koch study: medicare for all saves money

Ahhh I see.

You got yours...and fuck everyone else huh?

How exactly are you "paying more" since the ACA was begun?

No, I EARNED mind so fuck you if you think I should pay more because you aren't willing to do for yourself. I apply that same concept to food, clothing, and shelter. I go earn what I have to fund those things. If you don't, fuck you if you demand I pay taxes to provide yours.

Higher out of pocket maximum/year. Increased dependent premiums. That's just two. But you don't care as long as some freeloader gets something for nothing.
No, I EARNED mind so fuck you if you think I should pay more because you aren't willing to do for yourself. I apply that same concept to food, clothing, and shelter. I go earn what I have to fund those things. If you don't, fuck you if you demand I pay taxes to provide yours.

Higher out of pocket maximum/year. Increased dependent premiums. That's just two. But you don't care as long as some freeloader gets something for nothing.

I asked how you are paying more for your healthcare. You couldn't answer...because you simply aren't. Healthcare costs were rising every year (at higher rates) BEFORE the ACA.

So far all you have said was that you had healthcare before the ACA. Tens of millions of your neighbors did not.

And your response to that is

Fuck em.

How very "conservative" of you
I asked how you are paying more for your healthcare. You couldn't answer...because you simply aren't. Healthcare costs were rising every year (at higher rates) BEFORE the ACA.

So far all you have said was that you had healthcare before the ACA. Tens of millions of your neighbors did not.

And your response to that is

Fuck em.

How very "conservative" of you

Not my fault you don't know what higher and increased mean, retard.

My out of pocket max and premiums for dependents hasn't changed in 10 years but did when CoonCare when into place.

My response to anyone thinking someone else should provide them with something they're unwilling to provide themselves is "fuck you".

How Liberal of you to think the government should take any action to do for people what they aren't willing to do but should be doing. It's not the government's place to feed, house, and/or clothe you. It's also not the government's place to provide you with healthcare coverage.
Hello hvilleherb,

That's not the only consideration.

And what we had before worked fine. Get a job and you have healthcare insurance. The others could still get health treatment at an emergency room.

It did not work fine. Costs were spiraling out of control. It was becoming unaffordable. Jobs that once provided healthcare began charging workers for part or all of it. Take home pay was dropping. Lifetime caps were imposed. Preexisting conditions were not covered. Medical bankruptcies were on the rise. People were dying for lack of healthcare. Some of those people had insurance, had a job when they became ill, lost their job because they were ill, and were dropped from coverage because they lost their job. Then, even if they wanted to pay after their COBRA ran out, they could not get coverage because their illness then became a 'preexisting condition.' That was a trap set by the insurance industry which made so much money that insurance was a hit investment on Wall Street for the super-rich.

Bankrupt the sick, fire them, extract all their wealth, let them die penniless. Great industry. Real fine upstanding business model, there.

In medical terms it is known as a 'wealthectomy.'
Do this.

It is time to save money.

It is stupid that we are making the insurance industry and it's investors wealthy by fleecing America.

Big Pharma too.

The USA needs to tell these bloated bureaucratic corporations to take a hike.

In only we had a good deal maker of a president to negotiate this for us.

We need a president to look out for we the people, not they the corporations, and not they the rich.
Hello hvilleherb,

It did not work fine. Costs were spiraling out of control. It was becoming unaffordable. Jobs that once provided healthcare began charging workers for part or all of it. Take home pay was dropping. Lifetime caps were imposed. Preexisting conditions were not covered. Medical bankruptcies were on the rise. People were dying for lack of healthcare. Some of those people had insurance, had a job when they became ill, lost their job because they were ill, and were dropped from coverage because they lost their job. Then, even if they wanted to pay after their COBRA ran out, they could not get coverage because their illness then became a 'preexisting condition.' That was a trap set by the insurance industry which made so much money that insurance was a hit investment on Wall Street for the super-rich.

Bankrupt the sick, fire them, extract all their wealth, let them die penniless. Great industry. Real fine upstanding business model, there.

In medical terms it is known as a 'wealthectomy.'

It was working for those of us who were working.
Not my fault you don't know what higher and increased mean, retard.

My out of pocket max and premiums for dependents hasn't changed in 10 years but did when CoonCare when into place.

My response to anyone thinking someone else should provide them with something they're unwilling to provide themselves is "fuck you".

How Liberal of you to think the government should take any action to do for people what they aren't willing to do but should be doing. It's not the government's place to feed, house, and/or clothe you. It's also not the government's place to provide you with healthcare coverage.

You had healthcare insurance that didn't go up for ten years?

Bull fucking shit. Not only are you a racist...you're a liar as well

Fuck off
You had healthcare insurance that didn't go up for ten years?

Bull fucking shit. Not only are you a racist...you're a liar as well

Fuck off

So you know more about my situation that I do?

How many of those you claimed to care for that didn't have coverage did you personally pay the premiums so they could get it?
Actually no. A lot of working people were priced out of healthcare.

But what would you know?

You get free healthcare in Russia

How many of them did you personally provide with coverage since you claim to care so much about them having it?
Hello hvilleherb,

It was working for those of us who were working.

The cost was increasing faster than wages were increasing. That's not working. Nobody was happy with that except the billionaires getting super-rich off the for-profit health care industry.

Even if you thought that was working for you, and you were working; before the PPACA you had no guarantee that you would not be fired for becoming to ill to work.

And after your job is gone then there goes your insurance, too. Where was the guarantee that you would not be fired and lose insurance just because you became too ill to work (something which could happen to anybody?) And that did happen to many people. People lost everything they ever worked for, all of it taken away by the very rich. Just like a crook would say: 'Your money or you life.'

Nobody who had that happen would say it was working for them.

If that happened, and you lost your insurance, and you were still suffering from a prolonged condition, then the insurance companies would refuse to cover your 'preexisting condition.'

I'm glad if that never happened to you.

But it could have.

That's why the for-profit health care industry was never a workable idea.

That's why a socialist model has distinct advantages and guarantees over the capitalist model for health care.

Obamacare fixed that.

Maybe it wasn't ideal, but at least it fixed that.

Now we can do better.

We have learned that we can do better.

They do better in other countries, and we can see that it is working for them.

We need to make it work for us too.
So you know more about my situation that I do?

How many of those you claimed to care for that didn't have coverage did you personally pay the premiums so they could get it?

I know that insurance premiums have always gone up and that your claims of NOT having increases for ten years are lies
I know that insurance premiums have always gone up and that your claims of NOT having increases for ten years are lies

I pay the same for my premiums for my coverage as I did ten years ago. NOTHING.

What you're saying you know would involve knowing more about me than you can possibly know. Just more grandstanding from a worthless left winger that support people that do nothing nor providing anything to society getting what I earn.

I notice you refused to answer the second question. That mean I now know that you, while claiming to care for people, don't give any more of a shit about them than you accuse me of giving.
I pay the same for my premiums for my coverage as I did ten years ago. NOTHING.

What you're saying you know would involve knowing more about me than you can possibly know. Just more grandstanding from a worthless left winger that support people that do nothing nor providing anything to society getting what I earn.

I notice you refused to answer the second question. That mean I now know that you, while claiming to care for people, don't give any more of a shit about them than you accuse me of giving.

So you get "free" healthcare?

How does that work asshole?
Medicare for all in various forms...is supported by 65% of the population...

In other words, the freeloaders that won't do for themselves demand others be forced to do it for them?

I have an idea. Find all those for which you claim to care that don't have coverage and personally fund it for them. If you won't do that, let them go without until you do.
In other words, the freeloaders that won't do for themselves demand others be forced to do it for them?

I have an idea. Find all those for which you claim to care that don't have coverage and personally fund it for them. If you won't do that, let them go without until you do.

threads like this require an education which you don't have. You should probably stop now and quit embarrassing yourself