Koch study: medicare for all saves money

Hello Trump Diva,

And their heads of state come here when they need cutting edge medicine.

Single payer is shithole care, death care is a more appropriate descriptor.

You're talking about nations the size of some of our States, CITIES, even. It is only logical that more services and more specialties are available in a vastly larger nation. That has nothing to do with our exclusive system that shuts out the poor, or their inclusive systems which provide for everyone. They laugh at us and shake their heads.

And the fact that some heads of state may travel here for medical travel indicates that only the rich can afford our care. That's why insurance costs so much. And it exemplifies why our model cannot be used for universal health care. But then you don't care about that, right? You've got yours. The HECK with everybody else. Let them get their own. And if they are poor, let them die. Am I right? Is that your position? Do you want ER's to turn away people if they can't verify ability to pay? Do you find it bothersome that cost is built into what you pay?

That's the classic conservative position, right? Medical care should be a for-profit business, and medical providers should not have to provide care for those who cannot pay, right? That would cause their stock value to drop. We wouldn't want that. That would not be good for the rich. It all comes down to that, right? Government needs to help the rich get richer, not promote the general welfare.
Hello Trump Diva,

You're talking about nations the size of some of our States, CITIES, even. It is only logical that more services and more specialties are available in a vastly larger nation. That has nothing to do with our exclusive system that shuts out the poor, or their inclusive systems which provide for everyone. They laugh at us and shake their heads.

And the fact that some heads of state may travel here for medical travel indicates that only the rich can afford our care. That's why insurance costs so much. And it exemplifies why our model cannot be used for universal health care. But then you don't care about that, right? You've got yours. The HECK with everybody else. Let them get their own. And if they are poor, let them die. Am I right? Is that your position? Do you want ER's to turn away people if they can't verify ability to pay? Do you find it bothersome that cost is built into what you pay?

That's the classic conservative position, right? Medical care should be a for-profit business, and medical providers should not have to provide care for those who cannot pay, right? That would cause their stock value to drop. We wouldn't want that. That would not be good for the rich. It all comes down to that, right? Government needs to help the rich get richer, not promote the general welfare.
Diva will not be using Medicare? Somehow, I doubt that.
Say ignorant racist shit like that anywhere but on the internet and you get stomped in to a bloody puddle.

Fucking racist coward

Says the one hiding behind his computer while on the internet. Should I be scared of what you claim will happen while you're on the internet, tough guy? You're not the only one that make such a claim. The funny part is, despite people being told how to get where I am from where they are haven't shown. What's funnier is that more than one making that claim have posted a picture claiming it was me and where live. None of them have shown to carry out what they claim would happen.
Actually, it's the far left loons who hate Jews, not conservatives.

Jews destroy the left's good ole victim mantra by their very existence and success.

The Nazis are on the left, along with those lovely little terrorist Muzzies they so adore.

We Jew laugh at you pork gobbling subhuman rightwing goyim
1. You're the ones who stapled teabags to your faces 9 years ago and screamed about debt, and now you support the deficit-exploding Russia Tax Cut.
2. That $33T health care system cost is over ten years, and merely shifts the cost to the budget, which is funded by payroll taxes and taxes on business income.

Some simpe math to show how this saves you money:

The median HH income in the US is about $59,000
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average person spends about $3,500 on premiums a year (doesn't include deductibles, co-pays or other OOPE) if they purchase insurance through the exchanges.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average person spends about $5,000 on premiums a year (doesn't include deductibles, co-pays or other OOPE) if they get insurance through their employer.
According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, the average employer spends about $14,000 per employee to provide them with insurance.

So...Bernie's plan, evaluated by the Kochs as net savings on total health care spending, raises the Medicare tax from 1.45% to 2.9% for individuals, raises it from 1.45% to 2.9% for employers, and puts in place a 6.2% tax on business profit. This ends up saving everyone money and here's how:

Currently, someone in the individual insurance market spends at least $3,500 a year on premiums (not counting other OOPE)
If the worker makes the median HH income, and pays the 2.9% Medicare tax, they would spend a grand total of $1,711 on their health care per year.
Is $1,711 > or < $3,500?

Currently, someone in the employer-provided insurance market spends at least $5,000 a year on premiums (not counting other OOPE)
If the worker makes the median HH income, and pays the 2.9% Medicare tax, they would spend a grand total of $1,711 on their health care per year.
Is $1,711 > or < $5,000?

Currently, an employer that has 51 employees that nets about $100,000 in small business income (the average small business income according to marketwatch) spends $714,000 to provide insurance to their 51 employees ($14,000 per employee x 51 employees).
If the employer instead paid 2.9% Medicare tax on the wages of its 51 workers, it would spend $75,429 (2.9% x $59,000 x 51 employees) PLUS the 6.2% tax on its $100,000 profit = $6,200.
So a small business of 51 employees with a median HH income of $59,000 would spend a total of $81,629
Is $81,629 > or < $714,000?

So that's a net savings of about $630,000 to that small business, and a net savings of at least $1,700 for individuals.

No matter how you shake it, single payer is a good deal.
The only thing I would challenge, is that the 'Medicare' tax would have to go up quite a bit from the current 2.9%, but your figures show that there's plenty of savings to be had even if the tax were tripled.

Self employed people would get bitten harder, as they have to pay both contributions, but we're already paying the highest rates in in the market.
Says the one hiding behind his computer while on the internet. Should I be scared of what you claim will happen while you're on the internet, tough guy? You're not the only one that make such a claim. The funny part is, despite people being told how to get where I am from where they are haven't shown. What's funnier is that more than one making that claim have posted a picture claiming it was me and where live. None of them have shown to carry out what they claim would happen.

So your moronic claim is that offline you walk around spouting the N word and no one notices?

I wasn't threatening you. I was commenting on your online racism...which I trust you hide in the real world
You have no clue what a delegated power is do you? If, as you claim, the SCOTUS says it's in the Constitution, show me the Article, Section, and Clause where they say it's written.


You shitbrained Conservatives literally challenged the constitutionality of Obamacare back in 2011-12, and SCOTUS ruled the ACA was Constitutional.

So now you're just spitting because even the Supreme Court, run by Conservatives, says the ACA is legal.
I didn't think you'd understand. That's why you'll never be anything more than a fucking stupid inferior nigger boy.

No, you just didn't have an explanation. You jumped from saying health care wasn't part of "general welfare" immediately to the tenth, but you never explained why you think health care isn't "general welfare".
Hello Althea,

The only thing I would challenge, is that the 'Medicare' tax would have to go up quite a bit from the current 2.9%, but your figures show that there's plenty of savings to be had even if the tax were tripled.

Self employed people would get bitten harder, as they have to pay both contributions, but we're already paying the highest rates in in the market.

Healthcare is how the rich and powerful discourage entrepreneurship in America. Those big powerful corporations they are so heavily invested in don't want any more competition no how no way. They like being on top and they want to stay that way. So they use the Republican party to spread propaganda that what is good for big business is good for America. That's how they get people to vote against their own better interest.
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Hello Althea,

Healthcare is how the rich and powerful discourage entrepreneurship in America. Those big powerful corporations they are so heavily invested in don't want any more competition no how no way. They like being on top and they want to stay that way. So they use the Republican party to spread propaganda that what is good for big business is good for America. That's how they get people to vote against their own better interest.
Historically, that has been true. Now, they don't even care if anyone believes their trickle down nonsense. They just rammed it through, and cashed in via 'retiring' from the public sector.

They left a steaming turd, and in a couple of years, the fabric of society will crumble under the weight of debt.
So your moronic claim is that offline you walk around spouting the N word and no one notices?

I wasn't threatening you. I was commenting on your online racism...which I trust you hide in the real world

That's your moronic mindset, boy.

It's interesting that those who say I hide yet have posted similar things as you are the same ones that have posted pictures claiming it was me, where I lived, and what they'd do if I used a particular word in front of them. NONE have shown.