Koch study: medicare for all saves money


You shitbrained Conservatives literally challenged the constitutionality of Obamacare back in 2011-12, and SCOTUS ruled the ACA was Constitutional.

So now you're just spitting because even the Supreme Court, run by Conservatives, says the ACA is legal.

They ruled taxes were legal. Obama himself said Obamacare wasn't a tax. Why didn't the boy and all his ass kissers like you say, "wait, it isn't a tax. If you're saying it's OK because you call it one, we don't accept it"? That's right. You n-lovers don't give a shit about the Constitution.
That's not the only consideration.

And what we had before worked fine. Get a job and you have healthcare insurance. The others could still get health treatment at an emergency room.

What? You think the healthcare system we had prior to the ACA "worked"?

Oh wait. You're talking about healthcare in Russia.
Healthcare has a cost NOW...who pays for it?

With so many getting it while the expense is being passed on to someone else, those that should be paying for their own aren't doing what they should be doing.

Why do those of you that support such programs oppose those getting the care from paying for it?
What? You think the healthcare system we had prior to the ACA "worked"?

Oh wait. You're talking about healthcare in Russia.

Worked for me and my family perfectly fine. Never had a problem with insurance paying or covering things. My premiums are paid by my employer as part of my compensation. Covering my children is very inexpensive. My wife covers her self through her employer.

Why should I be willing to pay more so someone wanting something cheaper can get it cheaper or for nothing? Do you have a logical justification for that?
Worked for me and my family perfectly fine. Never had a problem with insurance paying or covering things. My premiums are paid by my employer as part of my compensation. Covering my children is very inexpensive. My wife covers her self through her employer.

Why should I be willing to pay more so someone wanting something cheaper can get it cheaper or for nothing? Do you have a logical justification for that?

Ahhh I see.

You got yours...and fuck everyone else huh?

How exactly are you "paying more" since the ACA was begun?