Koch study: medicare for all saves money

Then there was Marcos, imbecile.


You're really too stupid to live. Kill yourself and let someone else have the oxygen you waste by breathing.

Seems like you've been spending too much time with IHA. He's always been the king of the death wish but you've become a close runner-up.

Legislation, regulation and taxation. I'm using this definition of free:

Free health care: Free health care is a publicly funded health care system that provides primary services free of charge or a nominal fee to all its citizens, with no exclusions based on income or wealth.[SUP][2][/SUP]
Universal health care: Universal health care is a health care system that provides healthcare and financial protection to more than 90% of the citizens of a particular country.[SUP][3][/SUP]
Any form of government run healthcare kills research, development and new innovations.

Seems so.

Johan Norberg implores the U.S. not to go to single payer because all of the single payer countries are “leeching” off the United States, using their innovation and technology because in a single payer system there is none of that. There’s no money. In fact, there’s massive rationing of healthcare.

something i always want to bring up in these topics but very few people acknowledge is when you discuss "streamlining administrative costs" you are discussing firing a whole industry worth of people.

Sanders is lying when he says these people can find new jobs giving healthcare as they mostly have admin skills.
According to SCOTUS, it does.

So you're just regurgitating things you gleaned (and likely plagairized) off another poster.

You have no clue what a delegated power is do you? If, as you claim, the SCOTUS says it's in the Constitution, show me the Article, Section, and Clause where they say it's written.
So you say it "doesn't fly" as part of "general welfare", but then you don't say why you think that. You just jump to the tenth amendment.

I didn't think you'd understand. That's why you'll never be anything more than a fucking stupid inferior nigger boy.
No, my hate for John McCain goes all the way back to the Iraq War. But I was willing to give him a second chance because so many of you were duped by Bush, and with the fear after 9/11, I think it's understandable that people would get panicky and want to go after the first brown person they saw. So I get why so many bought into the Iraq War lies, and I'm open and willing to forgive people for that.

But I cannot forgive Sarah Palin.


Yet you still voted Obama bases solely on his color.
something i always want to bring up in these topics but very few people acknowledge is when you discuss "streamlining administrative costs" you are discussing firing a whole industry worth of people.

Sanders is lying when he says these people can find new jobs giving healthcare as they mostly have admin skills.

So you want to subsidize the health insurance industry? How about the buggy whip industry as well?
I didn't think you'd understand. That's why you'll never be anything more than a fucking stupid inferior nigger boy.

Say ignorant racist shit like that anywhere but on the internet and you get stomped in to a bloody puddle.

Fucking racist coward