Koch study: medicare for all saves money

That's not what you were saying at all.

Yes that is what I was saying; we have MORE wealth, MORE opportunity and MORE diversity than most of the world.

Cry harder little chihuahua. :rofl2:

You said we have more than the social democracies. In fact, here's how the thread went:

That is an outright lie you moron. Buy a crowbar.

You're such a whiny little bitch, you can't just admit you've been speaking out of your ass this whole time.

Bark little Chihuahua BARK! :rofl2:

That is precisely what you did.

You made a broad statement, that social democracies have less wealth, then I posted data showing GDP-per-capita was higher in several social democracies, then you posted data showing wealth per adult (again, WTF measurement is that!?) was still lower than two social democracies.

So your initial broad statement about wealth was completely wrong.

And you didn't even address the other takedowns of that shitty post, like home ownership rate and productivity.

The Taliban protected the plotters of 9-11.


The 9/11 attackers were in the lawless part of Afghanistan, in Tora Bora, where the Taliban was fighting with other warlords for control of the areas where Al Qaeda was hiding. Then Osama bin Laden, the same month Bush gave defense aid to Pakistan, left Tora Bora and headed into Pakistan where he eventually settled in Abbottabad.
So we did invade these countries, then.

You said we started wars you pathological liar. Now you are changing it to invasion? STFU, seriously. Life is to short for lying dumbfucks on steroids.

What nationality do you hail from asshat? I am curious where all this anti-America vitriol is coming from.

The 9/11 attackers were in the lawless part of Afghanistan, in Tora Bora, where the Taliban was fighting with other warlords for control of the areas where Al Qaeda was hiding. Then Osama bin Laden, the same month Bush gave defense aid to Pakistan, left Tora Bora and headed into Pakistan where he eventually settled in Abbottabad.

UN action you whiny dullard; buy a crowbar. The rest of your bullshit translates like this:

Yes, that is basically what I was arguing.

No it wasn't.

I posted the thread, and it's clear you thought USA was #1.

What was hilarious was that you argued the USA has more wealth than social democracies, but then you posted a link showing that two social democracies are better in that metric you used.

Now you're just flaming out.
Currently, Afghanistan is a NATO operation.

I don't give a shit what it is now snowflake, you lied your ass off and then tried to change the argument like the pathological lying little mongrel we know you to be.

What country do you hail from shit-for-brains? I need to understand this irrational anti-America chip you carry on your shoulders.

No it wasn't.

I posted the thread, and it's clear you thought USA was #1.

What was hilarious was that you argued the USA has more wealth than social democracies, but then you posted a link showing that two social democracies are better in that metric you used.

Now you're just flaming out.

Bark little chihuahua BARK! :rofl2: Yep, America is much worse which is why the world is knocking down the EU's doors to get in. :rofl2:

Yes that is what I was saying

No it wasn't.

The thread speaks for itself. You said that social democracies have less wealth than the US. That is literally what you said. Then you stupidly went and posted a link that showed that wasn't true!

Since that time you've been trying to shift the goalposts to redefine what you meant, but your intention was belied by your own post.

This reminds me of that scene in Army of Darkness when they ask Ash if he said the right words with the Necronomicon:

Wiseman: When you removed the book from the cradle, did you speak the words?
Ash: Yeah, basically.
Wiseman: Did you speak the exact words?
Ash: Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah.

He did not say them.
I don't give a shit what it is now snowflak


You're the one who was crying and whining because you undermined your own shitty argument with your own stupid posts.

Afghanistan being a NATO operation is important because it's our war NATO is fighting. So you expect countries to pay more to fight our war?

Go fuck yourself.
No it wasn't.

The thread speaks for itself. You said that social democracies have less wealth than the US. That is literally what you said. Then you stupidly went and posted a link that showed that wasn't true!

Since that time you've been trying to shift the goalposts to redefine what you meant, but your intention was belied by your own post.

This reminds me of that scene in Army of Darkness when they ask Ash if he said the right words with the Necronomicon:

Wiseman: When you removed the book from the cradle, did you speak the words?
Ash: Yeah, basically.
Wiseman: Did you speak the exact words?
Ash: Look, maybe I didn't say every single little tiny syllable, no. But basically I said them, yeah.

He did not say them.

Bark little chihuahua BARK! :rofl2:
Memes and gifs, reduced to a quivering puddle again I see.

When he falls back on memes, that's a clear sign he knows his goose is cooked in the argument.

He's using memes to deliberately spike the debate that has revealed he was talking out of his ass and has since been trying to shift the goalposts on what he meant.

Like all Conservatives, he just refuses to admit he was wrong.
Memes and gifs, reduced to a quivering puddle again I see.

You can't even whine without looking pathetic and stupid can you snowflake?

Do you bitch when Bourbon posts all his cartoons and gifs? Do you cry when Cartoon Ken does it? STFU you buffoonish hypocrite.