Koch study: medicare for all saves money

Social mobility is a moron statistic. But then, when it comes to moron, you are an expert. Buy a crowbar.

You're the one who said this:

What do you think the opportunities for wealth are in those TWO countries compared to ours?

Which is what economic and/or social mobility is, douchebag.

Opportunities for wealth literally means economic mobility.

It's so hilarious how you keep undermining your own shitty argument.
You're a fraud.

You started out broadly saying the US was better for wealth than European social democracies right here:

Then I posted that GDP-per-capita shows we aren't better than European countries right here:

Then you posted this link here that shows, in fact, two of them have higher wealth than us:

So you first said something very broad, then shifted the goalpost to a different metric to measure that, then the metric you shifted to ended up proving your initial statement wrong.

Delete your account; kill yourself.

How many countries are there in Europe you incoherent dumbass?

I get it, you're a hate filled mongrel with a chop on your shoulder that hates America. Go cry to your fucking momma asshat.
You're the one who doesn't do the work. You don't research anything you say, and when you do it ends up undermining your argument.

Sorry asshat, you couldn't assemble a coherent thought if your life depended on it. But you've got crying, bloviating and hating America down pat.

Run along, you're like a barking chihuahua with issues.
You're the one who said this:

Which is what economic and/or social mobility is, douchebag.

Opportunities for wealth literally means economic mobility.

It's so hilarious how you keep undermining your own shitty argument.

Get out of your mom's basement once in while chihuahua.

How many countries are there in Europe you incoherent dumbass?


You weren't arguing that the US is better than some of Europe, becuase that would mean you'd concede that social democracies do, in fact, create wealth...moreso than in the US depending on which metric you look at, but still universal across all of them.

You were arguing the US is better than all of it.

That's what you said, and now you're trying to walk it all back by shifting the goalposts.
Yes, we did.

We sent troops over there. We flew sorties. We dropped bombs. We invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and dragged most of NATO along with us.

Dear moron; we didn't start the wars over there. We didn't drag our allies into them. But I get it; you're a hate filled mongrel chihuahua with Anti-America issues.

STFU, seriously.
Sorry asshat, you couldn't assemble a coherent thought if your life depended on it. But you've got crying, bloviating and hating America down pat.

You tried to say that social democracies have less wealth per individual (whatever weird statistic that is), and in doing so you ended up showing that two social democracies rank better than us.

You didn't even read the link you posted, did you?

What a sloppy idiot.
Dear moron; we didn't start the wars over there

Yes, we did. Otherwise, we wouldn't even be in those countries today.

We didn't drag our allies into them

Yes, we did. Specifically NATO in Afghanistan, and then some of our traditional allies in Iraq like Britain.

But I get it; you're a hate filled mongrel chihuahua with Anti-America issues.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about, and you undermine your own arguments even as you shift the goalposts.

Yes, that is basically what I was arguing. We have MORE wealth, MORE opportunity and MORE diversity than most of the world. That is pretty obvious except to a bloviating America hating mongrel like you.

You weren't arguing that the US is better than some of Europe, becuase that would mean you'd concede that social democracies do, in fact, create wealth...moreso than in the US depending on which metric you look at, but still universal across all of them.

Stop putting words in my statements you whiny mongrel.

You were arguing the US is better than all of it.

You've moved to straight out lying now. Not a shocker you barking mongrel.

That's what you said, and now you're trying to walk it all back by shifting the goalposts.

No it isn't; but I get it. You're nothing more than a deranged America hating chihuahua with issues. I get it.
Yes, we did. Otherwise, we wouldn't even be in those countries today.

No one can be this stupid. They brought on the wars themselves. The Taliban protected the plotters of 9-11. They could have easily avoided war by complying with International requests. It was a UN action you ignorant mongrel moron.

Iraq was brought on by Saddam when he invaded a member state of the UN and was forced out. He then spent the next decade defying the agreements HE agreed to.

STFU, seriously.

Yes, we did. Specifically NATO in Afghanistan, and then some of our traditional allies in Iraq like Britain.

Wrong and stupid. You're quite good at both.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about, and you undermine your own arguments even as you shift the goalposts.

Thar she bloviates again!


Try to be honest asshat. For once in your miserable pathetic mongrel existence.

Yes, that is basically what I was arguing. We have MORE wealth, MORE opportunity and MORE diversity than most of the world. That is pretty obvious except to a bloviating America hating mongrel like you.
We have MORE wealth, MORE opportunity and MORE diversity than most of the world

That's not what you were saying at all.

You said we have more than the social democracies. In fact, here's how the thread went:

OMG! Social Democracies pay more in taxes!
Yeah, they also get world-class education systems, world-class health care, and world-class infrastructure.
I love how Conservatives discover taxation.

Then you said:

They also have less wealth, lower productivity rates, lower home ownership rates and rely on the USA for their defense spending.
There is nothing world class about Government dependency unless you are a willful idiot.

So that was in response to the social democracies, not just generally the world.

So you shifted the goalposts, and you're trying to shift them again because you didn't do the work necessary to know what you're saying.

You're such a whiny little bitch, you can't just admit you've been speaking out of your ass this whole time.
Stop putting words in my statements you whiny mongrel.

You're the one shifting the goalposts here.

First you said that social democracies have less wealth. When I proved that wasn't true using GDP-per-Capita, you shifted your argument that some social democracies have more wealth by accident when you posted your link showing the US trailing two social democracies

It's all there in the thread, dude.

You gaslit your own argument.

What a douchebag.
No it isn't; but I get it. You're nothing more than a deranged America hating chihuahua with issues. I get it.

That is precisely what you did.

You made a broad statement, that social democracies have less wealth, then I posted data showing GDP-per-capita was higher in several social democracies, then you posted data showing wealth per adult (again, WTF measurement is that!?) was still lower than two social democracies.

So your initial broad statement about wealth was completely wrong.

And you didn't even address the other takedowns of that shitty post, like home ownership rate and productivity.