Koch study: medicare for all saves money

I'm not. Racist white people are.

It's why the country is the way it is.

You're a race hustling moron. If you hate America so much, LEAVE! I will even help you pack and assist in paying for you to leave. I hear Zimbabwe is nice this time of year.
There is nothing world class about Government dependency unless you are a willful idiot.

So after posting nothing but lies, your response is to fall back on the same Conservative trope as usual.

The more you screech about government dependency, the more convinced I become that you're dependent on the government for everything.
Also wrong. You just say things because they sound good, not because they're true.

According to Trading Economics, we're not even in the top 30 for home ownership rates.

But plenty of European countries are.

Excellent take downs.

I guess this board would cease to exist if the Trumptards would actually look something up before typing it out, to ensure accuracy. A few do, but most just spout easily-disproved talking points or opinions-meant-to-be-taken-as-facts.
Nowhere in the delegated powers of Congress does it give Congress authority over healthcare coverage. The left wing claim of it falling under "general welfare" doesn't fly.

According to SCOTUS, it does.

So you're just regurgitating things you gleaned (and likely plagairized) off another poster.
Nowhere in the delegated powers of Congress does it give Congress authority over healthcare coverage. The left wing claim of it falling under "general welfare" doesn't fly. That's nothing more than those that want a big federal government twisting it to claim the Constitution saying something it does not say.

So you say it "doesn't fly" as part of "general welfare", but then you don't say why you think that. You just jump to the tenth amendment.
So you say. Can you prove it? I'll bet you love McCain now. He couldn't beat Obama so he decided to kiss his ass and push you back in line.

No, my hate for John McCain goes all the way back to the Iraq War. But I was willing to give him a second chance because so many of you were duped by Bush, and with the fear after 9/11, I think it's understandable that people would get panicky and want to go after the first brown person they saw. So I get why so many bought into the Iraq War lies, and I'm open and willing to forgive people for that.

But I cannot forgive Sarah Palin.

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"Wealth per adult"?


GDP per capita is how you measure wealth for individuals, shitstain.


Three Socialist Democracies rank above us in the link you provided!


What a fucking idiot.

Trying to prove the broken US system is better than European ones by posting a link that shows...three democratic socialist countries scoring higher than us.