Koch study: medicare for all saves money

I have yet to hear a uninsured or underinsured American happy with healthcare not available to them.There are millions of them.
We have mental midgets here bring up a few filthy rich who can afford to come here as an example why our fucked up delivery system is working.
I have yet to hear a uninsured or underinsured American happy with healthcare not available to them.There are millions of them. We have mental midgets here bring up a few filthy rich who can afford to come here as an example why our fucked up delivery system is working.

You're a liar, Sybil.
That could be because you're an imbecile, or it could be because she just made it up. You didn't fact-check her, did you?

Actually, they operate on cojoined twins from all over the world.. Its in the news quite frequently over the past 20 years.
Poor Legion can't get the mental healthcare he desperately needs.

Ignore him.. You're right.. Too many Americans don't have access to healthcare.. and it is so much less expensive to catch a problem and treat it early rather than wait til its catastrophic.
Sure, you did. Was there a cherry tree nearby?

He was very gracious. He said, "we owe thanks your parents for having a vision and coming to Arabia when life was not so easy here."

I teared up.

You are pretty much a shitty nothing, Legion.