Koch study: medicare for all saves money

I will ask you only once to prove I have said or implied that. If you are going to talk bullshit, at least have something to back it up.

Its pretty common knowledge you racist right wingerS are against government pension plans.

You can try to twist out of it all you want, but I don't buy it.

You might want to look at wealth per adult dumbfuck. Have you ever been outside of your moms basement?


Holy cow!

What a fucking idiot you are.

We rank #4 on your link, behind three democratic socialist countries.

So you try to prove the US is better than European and democratic socialist countries in wealth-per-adult (?) and even doing that, we're still outranked by those democratic socialists.

You might want to visit GDP-per-capita before making such a stupidly incorrect statement.

According to the IMF, we rank #7 in GDP-per-capita. Guess who's ahead of us? Most all democratic socialist countries:

1. Luxembourg
2. Switzerland
3. Macau
4. Ireland
5. Iceland
6. Qatar
7. United States

OECD? :rofl2: STFU, seriously. We are ranked #3. Again, most Euro Socialist countries have lower productivity. Lower per capita wealth and lower home ownership rates.

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per hour worked
You might want to look at wealth per adult dumbfuck. Have you ever been outside of your moms basement?

This post of yours is so perfect because it completely illustrates everything that is wrong with you.

First, you use a weirdo metric that no one else uses to determine wealth per capita. Instead of using simply GDP-per-capita, you choose "wealth per adult". Well, even doing that we aren't #1. We are #4 behind three democratic socialist countries.

So you gaslit your own argument.

What a fucking idiot.
OECD? :rofl2: STFU, seriously. We are ranked #3. Again, most Euro Socialist countries have lower productivity.

The IMF. Try to follow the thread, asshole.

And that's not what you said before. Before you were arguing the USA was better than all of them.

So now you're moving the goalposts.

How typical.
This post of yours is so perfect because it completely illustrates everything that is wrong with you.

First, you use a weirdo metric that no one else uses to determine wealth per capita. Instead of using simply GDP-per-capita, you choose "wealth per adult". Well, even doing that we aren't #1. We are #4 behind three democratic socialist countries.

So you gaslit your own argument.

What a fucking idiot.

The IMF. Try to follow the thread, asshole.

And that's not what you said before. Before you were arguing the USA was better than all of them.

So now you're moving the goalposts.

How typical.

How many countries are in the world dumbass? USA ranks #3 or #5 and you think you have a fucking argument. You need to get a crowbar to remove your head from your anti-America asshole.
And the two countries ahead of us are...


Both democratic socialist countries.

So thanks again for proving my point for me.

WOW! And that makes my argument about wealth moot? TWO countries out of the entire world.

What do you think the opportunities for wealth are in those TWO countries compared to ours? Where do you live asshat?
How many countries are in the world dumbass? USA ranks #3 or #5 and you think you have a fucking argument. You need to get a crowbar to remove your head from your anti-America asshole.


You are arguing that we were the best.

Then you moved the goalposts on what metric is used to define "the best"

Then you couldn't even prove we were "the best" in that metric.

So you gaslit yourself.

What a fucking clod.
WOW! And that makes my argument about wealth moot? TWO countries out of the entire world.

Your argument was that the US was better because we're not democratic socialists. But then you go and use a metric showing democratic socialists doing better than us.

So you gaslit your own stupid argument, douchebag.

You are arguing that we were the best.

Once again you are a lying dumbfuck; but attempting to argue we are the worst, now that takes a LOT of moron. And you are quite full of that. :rofl2:

Then you moved the goalposts on what metric is used to define "the best"

There you go making up bullshit to fit your anti-America lunacy.

Then you couldn't even prove we were "the best" in that metric.

So you gaslit yourself.

What a fucking clod.

You can't even whine without looking pathetic dumbass.
Once again you are a lying dumbfuck; but attempting to argue we are the worst, now that takes a LOT of moron. And you are quite full of that.

Your argument was that America was better than social democracies, then you used a metric that proved we weren't.
Your argument was that the US was better because we're not democratic socialists. But then you go and use a metric showing democratic socialists doing better than us.

You might want to go back to my argument because your tiny brain cannot seem to comprehend it. Moron.

So you gaslit your own stupid argument, douchebag.

There you go making up bullshit to fit your anti-America lunacy.

You're a fraud.

You started out broadly saying the US was better for wealth than European social democracies right here:

They also have less wealth

Then I posted that GDP-per-capita shows we aren't better than European countries right here:

You might want to visit GDP-per-capita before making such a stupidly incorrect statement.

According to the IMF, we rank #7 in GDP-per-capita. Guess who's ahead of us? Most all democratic socialist countries:

1. Luxembourg
2. Switzerland
3. Macau
4. Ireland
5. Iceland
6. Qatar
7. United States

Then you posted this link here that shows, in fact, two of them have higher wealth than us:

So you first said something very broad, then shifted the goalpost to a different metric to measure that, then the metric you shifted to ended up proving your initial statement wrong.

Delete your account; kill yourself.