Kyle Rittenhouse attempted to join the Marine Corps in January,

He enjoys killing people and parading around with a bang-bang. Maybe he can join one of those soldier of fortune outfits and go help the Ukrainians. The only problem there is the Russians are armed and shoot back. No skateboard attacks over there. lol
Kyle Rittenhouse was a middle school dropout with mental health issues, who the Republicans made their poster boy. They dressed him up, schooled him and created a false bio claiming he was applying for college and plan to do great things with his life. All lies, all manufactured. They really polished this ignorant turd. Now we find he made a 10 on his Marine entry exam, a 60 is required. He failed miserably!
According to what I've read, you can take the test more than once. If he had qualified at age 17 they might have signed him up with entrance into the service once he turned 18.
I believe your parents can sign a waiver, or that is how it once was.
have a lot less people serving period because of Joe... Another reason for him to go...

Fewer people joining because of Biden?
I don't know of anything that suggests that.
I suppose it could be true...I don't know.

There are plenty of valid reasons for Joe Biden to step down.
Donald Trump being the only alternative is an overriding reason for Biden to stay right where he is.

The fact that ANYBODY could tolerate another Trump Administration is absolutely incomprehensible to me.
Driving through nearby New Hampshire rural towns, I see tons of Trump signs.

Trump lost New Hampshire twice, but if you drove by those hick towns,
you'd think he was going to take New Hampshire unanimously.

I never deface the signs, but if I listened to my heart instead of my head,
I'd burn the houses down with the packy families inside of them.

The signs tend to truly dehumanize me and stir my rage.
That pigfucking orangutan was the one thing to come along which could trigger me.
Maybe Dubya could too, but less so because despicable politics aside, he seemed like an OK guy for a cracker. He went to Yale.

I simply do not understand any part of a mind that doesn't viscerally loathe Donald Trump.
Every normal person that I personally know in real life absolutely hates him.

The ones who don't hate him are seriously disturbing people.
They're nothing I'd consider "normal."

The internet is different. Nobody knows who's real and who isn't.
The internet is just playing.
Top never knows what she’s talking about

“Currently, the top two reasons cited by young people for not wanting to join the military are the possibility of physical harm or violent death, and the risk of PTSD, Rand said.Dec 18, 2023

d4Bk1oY TwFRANF7908ycBxZL9oblKjBZs3dUmcc mS32uBoWW1b6PAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › theaters

Americans less likely to urge young adults to enlist in military, study finds | Stars and Stripes

It has nothing to do with Biden.

The youths today have better paying jobs with far less risk than joining the military.
Top never knows what she’s doing calling about

[FONT="]“Currently, the top two reasons cited by young people for not wanting to join the military are [COLOR=#040C28]the possibility of physical harm or violent death, and the risk of PTSD[/COLOR], Rand said.[/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#5E5E5E][FONT="]Dec 18, 2023

d4Bk1oY TwFRANF7908ycBxZL9oblKjBZs3dUmcc mS32uBoWW1b6PAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › theaters

[h=3]Americans less likely to urge young adults to enlist in military, study finds | Stars and Stripes[/h]

It has nothing to do with Biden.

The youths today have better paying jobs with far less risk than joining the military.

Of course it has to do with Biden...
He enjoys killing people and parading around with a bang-bang. Maybe he can join one of those soldier of fortune outfits and go help the Ukrainians. The only problem there is the Russians are armed and shoot back. No skateboard attacks over there. lol

One of the main jobs of the Marines is defending diplomatic missions. That requires Marines to hold fire, because they are outnumbered literally a million to one. No one trusts Rittenhouse to follow orders and hold fire.

Rittenhouse dropped out of high school, because he was too dumb, too undisciplined, and too threatening to complete high school. They were lucky he did not shoot up the school. Throw in that he is a pudgy, physically lazy loser, and there is no way on earth he would get into the US Marines.
1. rittenhouse would be average for most american men and women today, in the weight category.

Rittenhouse is below average in every regard, in a world where the US Marines are rejecting the average. He was not getting into the US Marines.

2. a GED equivalency would still allow someone to enlist in the Corps

When I was a young man, they rejected GEDs. These days, they accept GEDs, but only from recruits in the upper 5%. Rittenhouse is closer to the bottom 5%.

3. if you're trying to say that it's not a qualification in the Corps to be able to shoot people, you just might be a moron.

The US Marines protect diplomatic missions. They are required to show restraint.
He was allegedly homeschooled by a mother with no education herself.

That is one of the curses of homeschooling. Even educated parents do not know all the disciplines, nor are they trained in teaching. But she can imprint her problems on the next generation.
Kyle Rittenhouse was a middle school dropout with mental health issues, who the Republicans made their poster boy. They dressed him up, schooled him and created a false bio claiming he was applying for college and plan to do great things with his life. All lies, all manufactured. They really polished this ignorant turd. Now we find he made a 10 on his Marine entry exam, a 60 is required. He failed miserably!

Allegedly his mother, also uneducated, "homeschooled" him. What a sad waste of life.

I just took a sample ASVAB test on their website. It's pretty simple even if you graduated h.s. 50+ years ago. No doubt most of the ppl who post here would find it easy. Even STY. :rofl2:
Top never knows what she’s talking about

“Currently, the top two reasons cited by young people for not wanting to join the military are the possibility of physical harm or violent death, and the risk of PTSD, Rand said.Dec 18, 2023

d4Bk1oY TwFRANF7908ycBxZL9oblKjBZs3dUmcc mS32uBoWW1b6PAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › theaters

Americans less likely to urge young adults to enlist in military, study finds | Stars and Stripes

It has nothing to do with Biden.

The youths today have better paying jobs with far less risk than joining the military.
President Cheney taught the nation that nobody is safe in the military.

Rumsfeld's war 'with the army you have, instead of the army you want' dragged women who had young babies at home back into the military after they served and moved on with their lives.
Allegedly his mother, also uneducated, "homeschooled" him. What a sad waste of life.

I just took a sample ASVAB test on their website. It's pretty simple even if you graduated h.s. 50+ years ago. No doubt most of the ppl who post here would find it easy. Even STY. :rofl2:
I checked earlier. It resembles an IQ test. I believe you only have to answer half of them correctly.

I happened to know the workings of a generator, but I don't expect everyone who takes the test to know that answer.

General knowledge questions aimed at seeing how the applicant can negate wrong answers even if they aren't sure which one is correct.
Top never knows what she’s talking about
She knows what she's talking about. However politely, she spews nonsense and moves on. She does know that it's nonsense, though. In essence, she knows that she's talking about nonsense.

Nobody could possibly be that stupid.

I probably should have used the term 'nonsense' a few more times.
Top never knows what she’s talking about

[FONT=&]“Currently, the top two reasons cited by young people for not wanting to join the military are the possibility of physical harm or violent death, and the risk of PTSD, Rand said.[FONT=&]Dec 18, 2023[/FONT]

d4Bk1oY TwFRANF7908ycBxZL9oblKjBZs3dUmcc mS32uBoWW1b6PAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== › theaters

Americans less likely to urge young adults to enlist in military, study finds | Stars and Stripes

It has nothing to do with Biden.

The youths today have better paying jobs with far less risk than joining the military.

If there's some way to make a nasty slur about Biden, true or not, Toxic's on it like Trump on a cheeseburger.

We can blame Biden for this great economy where even marginally-skilled or very young workers can easily get jobs. Even fast food gets you decent pay and little risk of the things you mentioned. Plus thanks to Biden, we are at peace. We need fewer warm bodies to serve.

Some ppl just blurt out stupidity without stopping to even think.
She knows what she's talking about. However politely, she spews nonsense and moves on. She does know that it's nonsense, though. In essence, she knows that she's talking about nonsense.

Nobody could possibly be that stupid.

I probably should have used the term 'nonsense' a few more times.

What a polite way of saying she's a liar. :laugh:

I've noticed that Earl and Toxic TOP both do this: 1. Make a false, inflammatory statement. 2. Ignore when statement is revealed as a lie. 3. Repeat the statement several more times.

I guess because they are not very bright, they think that repetition works on everyone else like it has on them.
Allegedly his mother, also uneducated, "homeschooled" him. What a sad waste of life.

I just took a sample ASVAB test on their website. It's pretty simple even if you graduated h.s. 50+ years ago. No doubt most of the ppl who post here would find it easy. Even STY. :rofl2:

Is it really something to laugh about, though?
We've got more than 74,000,000 people like that contaminating our population.

Hitler and Stalin combined didn't purge nearly that many of their citizens.
In order to cleanse this nation, we'd have to pull off the most Draconian purge in the history of humanity.

I don't see many people on the American left with the stomach to do that.
There might only be a handful, and most of them are in my family.

We may be down for the count already,
just because we can't put aside our "right and wrong" mentality long enough to effect an "us and them" solution.

When I was but a child, the great baseball manager Leo Durocher said that nice guys finish last.
Durocher was a pretty smart guy.
He was allegedly homeschooled by a mother with no education herself.

He could not function in high school. Got "homeschooled", which in his case means he got no education. Tried to go to community college, but yet again ran into other people living their lives without him, which angers him. Tried to go online, but lacked focus.

The Marines rejected him even before he went on a shooting spree. I think we all know the many, many reasons why. No one has given a single reason that the US Marines should have accepted him. Is there any requirement of the US Marines that he met?
I didn't know the Marines took 17 year olds?

They do and they don't. You can enlist at age 17, but you take the oath when you are 18. Rittenhouse was basically trying to get pre-approved to be in the US Marines when he turned 18.

I would think that anyone can retest for the military unless they flunk a psych exam?

He can always retry to get into the Marines, but I cannot imagine anything that he would not fail. I mean he fails psychologically, physically, educationally, in intelligence...

But, yes, he can reapply as many times as he would like. Even when he becomes too old, he can apply and get turned down immediately.
Is it really something to laugh about, though?
We've got more than 74,000,000 people like that contaminating our population.

Hitler and Stalin combined didn't purge nearly that many of their citizens.
In order to cleanse this nation, we'd have to pull off the most Draconian purge in the history of humanity.

I don't see many people on the American left with the stomach to do that.
There might only be a handful, and most of them are in my family.

We may be down for the count already,
just because we can't put aside our "right and wrong" mentality long enough to effect an "us and them" solution.

When I was but a child, the great baseball manager Leo Durocher said that nice guys finish last.
Durocher was a pretty smart guy.

Well, I see this like those dystopian novels and movies about The End Of The World (method doesn't matter). Everyone who reads/watches those books/movies thinks "I'll be one of the survivors!" No one ever thinks "Shit, I'll be one of the first killed." In other words, a purge gives no guarantee that you'll get rid of all the shitheads and keep the good eggs.

Why don't we just send all the Reichwingers and crackpots to Africa? They're always going on about what hard workers they are, how they got where they are because of their own gumption and no one helped them, compared to us lazy LW slackers. Africa needs hard workers. China has been grooming Africans for economic purposes. Now's the "patriots'" big chance to show how they can do some nation-building. They can take all their fucking guns with them, too.

Sound like a plan? lol