Lara Trump Claims Jurors Are in Danger Because of Biden

Stupid response. The Dems are not like the Trumpys. They would be in absolutely no danger.

Really? When Schumer threatened the Supreme Court, mobs were picketing and threatening justices in their homes. One was caught with an assassination attempt. Yet you Biden voters appeared to be okay with it. Why? Be specific.
They won't even try to answer that question. ;)
At least not honestly.


Weeks of non-stop, often violent, protesting at the homes of Supreme court justices after the abortion ruling...

What it means

Whataboutism refers to the practice of deflecting criticism by pointing to the misdeeds of others. Oxford Dictionaries defines it as “the technique or practice of responding to an accusation or difficult question by making a counter-accusation or raising a different issue.”
Essentially, it’s an appeal to hypocrisy ― a logical fallacy also known as “tu quoque.” Instead of proving that your opponent’s claim is wrong on its face, whataboutism argues that it’s hypocritical of the opponent to make that claim at all. (Oh, you think I shouldn’t cheat on a test? What about that time you took a crib sheet into your calculus exam last year?!)

It was the first time I even typed that here so I don't know how you claim it's my response to everything.

So, you're an expert because that is apparently what you do on every thread.
Is that what you believe? Your right-wing Trumpian slant has made you dumber and more dishonest. The Dems are not queueing up to back a criminal. Trump was found to be a felon by a jury of peers. It was an easy case because Trump had no defense. He was blatantly and obviously guilty.
That was very Trumpian of you. The low level hyperbole of "anywhere on the planet in history" shows how poorly you think. You should be ashamed to have typed that. You aren't.

You seem very triggered and uneducated. Off your meds?
Do you reply believe that? Joe has been in politics for 50 years. He was always one of the poorest senators and was seen as an honest man who would work across the aisles. Is that what people thought of Trump? Hell no. He was always a dishonest grifter who had no conscience. Honest people avoided him.
The Repugs have been investigating Biden since he got into office. They have found nothing. What the hell do you read and listen to that makes you so wrong and misinformed?
Are you retelling Alex Jones crap here?

Is he still poor? I am pretty sure he's a millionaire now. How did he do that? Perhaps it was exposing classified information to his ghost writer in an $8 million dollar book deal.

I wonder if that publisher has recovered that waste of money. I doubt many bought that book.
That is simply incorrect. Please educate yourself and look up the history of prosecution in the united states. People no matter the race, sex, or politics will get convicted if found guilty of a crime. That is how it works here. Don't like it? Leave

Trump wasn't convicted of any crime. The theory used wasn't based on law. Why are you pretending that any of these cases being brought by Democrats and the Biden White House are serious?

Why is it okay for Biden to steal classified documents, yet Trump gets indicted?
The DOJ said Hillary and Joe Biden both committed crimes but neither was even incited.
Whose DOJ?

Are you talking about a Trump bullshit asskisser DOJ or a legitimate DOJ?

I guarantee you if any Trump DOJ believed he could get an indictment he'd have broken his own neck scrambling to do so.