Lauren Boebert just made the top line on CD4 Colorado Primary ballot

It is so much worse than that. I think she could have gotten away with all that, and even being an actual prostitute, if she was only quiet about her prostitution.

She is in a crowded theater, watching a play for children, and decides to give her "john" a handjob. She could have gotten away with that. But she also decides to vape and blow the vape into people's faces. That brought attention to her, but they still did not know who she was. When they ask her to stop vaping, she loudly tells them who she is. When she is finally kicked out of the theater, she could have stopped then, but she took to social media and press interviews to tell everyone she had been kicked out of the theater unfairly, and does not even know what vaping is. At that point the theater had to release the security video.

And that was the first time anyone realized she had been giving a handjob to her "male companion." Not only did she do off the charts bad behavior, but also making it public. At any point in the process, she could have just shut up and gotten away with it.

The response from the alt right, "who hasn't done cocaine off a prostitutes ass at a PTA meeting, then bit a police officer in the face?" The answer is me. I would never do such things. I guess I am just too conservative to do such a thing.

I love how you morally bankrupt assholes try and moralize with an incestuous pervert in the WH.
So Boebert is a prostitute who got giving a handjob to a john at a play for children, and because she has trump's endorsement, she might be elected again.

My take away: trump has no problem endorsing prostitutes, and trump voters have no problem voting for prostitutes.
Is a majority necessary to win the primary?

Usually a plurality is all you need to win a primary. So if you get 40% of the vote, and your two opponents get 30% each, you have just won the primary without a majority. The primary is only of the people who vote in the party, which is often just a small fraction of those that vote in the general election.

So Boebert's path to victory would be to get the most votes in the primary with low turnout, very motivated, far right voters, and many opponents. Then in the general election in an extremely Republican district where trump's words carry a lot of weight, Republicans are either willing to ignore her past, vote for a third party candidate, or not vote at all. Again, all she needs is more than the Democrat running against her.

It might not work, but that is her path to victory. Look to far right media making up bizarre/impossible/horrible stories about her Democratic opponent to keep right wing voters from voting for him.
Why do you keep bringing Russia up. Everything we heard about Russia was a lie.

Just to remind everyone how pro-Russian you are. It is the same reason I would bring up Hitler, if trump were running for President in 1936 as an American-Nazi.

it has been proven Obama and intelligence agencies made it all up.

With evidence that no one is allowed to see? More "fact witnesses"?
Just to remind everyone how pro-Russian you are. It is the same reason I would bring up Hitler, if trump were running for President in 1936 as an American-Nazi.

With evidence that no one is allowed to see? More "fact witnesses"?

Yes you can see it. Judicial Watch and the FOIA have supplied it.
Usually a plurality is all you need to win a primary. So if you get 40% of the vote, and your two opponents get 30% each, you have just won the primary without a majority. The primary is only of the people who vote in the party, which is often just a small fraction of those that vote in the general election.

So Boebert's path to victory would be to get the most votes in the primary with low turnout, very motivated, far right voters, and many opponents. Then in the general election in an extremely Republican district where trump's words carry a lot of weight, Republicans are either willing to ignore her past, vote for a third party candidate, or not vote at all. Again, all she needs is more than the Democrat running against her.

It might not work, but that is her path to victory. Look to far right media making up bizarre/impossible/horrible stories about her Democratic opponent to keep right wing voters from voting for him.

Thanks. I'm in the South where a majority is often required to win the primary. GA and LA require a majority for the general election, also.
Thanks. I'm in the South where a majority is often required to win the primary. GA and LA require a majority for the general election, also.

Yes, I knew that, but forgot it. Most of America, it is whoever gets the most votes, without caring if it is an actual majority.

In Arizona, no candidate for President has gotten the majority since Romney. There is absolutely no path for trump to a majority in Arizona. He still might win, but it is going to be a hard contest for both sides.