left tries to kill Trump......

Relax Jarod. You’re watching to much cable news and Democrats hand wringing which they always do because no one in the Democratic Party can make all its factions happy. Trump has split the GOP which has lost it unity, the demographics are not in Trumps favor and Trump is failing in all but two of the metrics that do have predictive value. The polls have demonstrated time and time again they have little to no predictive value and consistently have correlation coefficients below 0.3.

So stop the fretting. All Biden has to do to win is not die. If Biden were to step aside it would pretty much guarantee a Trump.
Actually, this thing just united all Republicans, Independents, and American Democrats against Democrats.
Trump supporters should be somewhat thrilled. Trump is a martyr, now. He's all but got the Presidency wrapped up, unless the next shooter is more accurate.
No one can be thrilled over an assassination attempt and three people possibly dead. What a moronic statement.
Sounds like your buddies at Reuters didn't do their research. The ActNow donation was made from Pittsburg, where the 69 year old Thomas Crooks lives. The shooter does not live in Pittsburg, and was too young to make a donation at the time
And even if it’s was him

It was right after J/6

At first all Republicans were ashamed

Then Fox and the Tepublican party poured lies over the facts for years

Now they call those cops killers hero’s