left tries to kill Trump......

This is the Democrat party's fault. When you vilify someone as Hitler the crazies will hear your call.
Democrats and Biden and his wife said far worse. When you declare someone is an existential threat, it is putting a target on their backs.

I've stated many times how dangerous this level of lunatic rhetoric is, and now, we see what it has born.
Relax Jarod. You’re watching to much cable news and Democrats hand wringing which they always do because no one in the Democratic Party can make all its factions happy. Trump has split the GOP which has lost it unity, the demographics are not in Trumps favor and Trump is failing in all but two of the metrics that do have predictive value. The polls have demonstrated time and time again they have little to no predictive value and consistently have correlation coefficients below 0.3.

So stop the fretting. All Biden has to do to win is not die. If Biden were to step aside it would pretty much guarantee a Trump.
Making shit up isn't going to work, Hoopie.
Democrats and Biden and his wife said far worse. When you declare someone is an existential threat, it is putting a target on their backs.

I've stated many times how dangerous this level of lunatic rhetoric is, and now, we see what it has born.

Transparent fucking lies
Cars don’t die
Property is not human life you ghoul
Violence is violence. You claimed the Left isn't violent. The Left is extremely violent. The deaths of people are not the only thing violence is carried out against, and that other violence is important too.

When a violent, Leftist, mob rioting burns down your business and you are left with no livelihood, that's significant too.


When the Left burns down a city center, takes over and destroys police stations and government buildings, it's significant. People matter, but so does society as a whole.