Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices

Yes you are - and you have utterly no integrity.

Why was the Capitol Protest an "insurrection?"

Because there was some rioting and they protested against the democrat (communist) party.

Why was CHAZ an insurrection?

Because democrat Brown Shirts armed with so-called "assault rifles" invaded an American city, burned down the police station with the cops still inside - thankfully they escaped and fled. Then the Brown Shirts held the conquered territory for 10 weeks.

But don't worry - no one was prosecuted and Kamala Harris bailed out the few that were arrested - Uber Alles democrat.
The rioting was by Democrats. It was not done to protest the Democrat party. It was done to try to smear Trump supporters. It was planned for months in advance.
Gotta agree with you here, Earl.

The Democrats are pretty much committed to Joe Biden...a guy who is old and who has aged more than most people his age.

The Republicans, on the other hand, are committed to a twice impeached, 34 times convicted felon, who is one of the most repulsive individuals on the planet.

I certainly am going to vote for Joe Biden. Cannot help but wonder how any sane, intelligent person could vote the other way.
Choice between an old man too selfish to quit and a narcissist who lacks any sense of a moral compass

Country is f*cked either way, if Trump loses, his MAGA cult will make 1/6 look like a real tourist visit, and if he wins, there is no entity now that can check him from turning the nation into his very own banana republic
Choice between an old man too selfish to quit and a narcissist who lacks any sense of a moral compass

Country is f*cked either way, if Trump loses, his MAGA cult will make 1/6 look like a real tourist visit, and if he wins, there is no entity now that can check him from turning the nation into his very own banana republic
This did not happen over-night. This has happened because of the stewardship of the recent generations of Americans. If we lose our Republic...especially to the disgusting Trump and his equally disgusting supporters...WE DESERVE IT.
For speaking the truth, opps,

For advocating the violent overthrow of the United States and the murder of political opponents.

I forgot, for the cult “the truth ain’t the truth,” I forgot, the got “alternative facts,” my bad

I've already posted the actual decision that show you - and Sonja the Stupid are lying.

"Under our constitutional structure of separated powers, the nature of Presidential power entitles a former President to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority. And he is entitled to at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. There is no immunity for unofficial acts. This case is the first criminal prosecution in our Nation’s history of a former President for actions taken during his Presidency. Determining whether and under what circumstances such a prosecution may proceed requires careful assessment of the scope of Presidential power under the Constitution. The nature of that power requires that a former President have some immunity from criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office,"

You lying is expected - it's what you do. You advocating violence against enemies to your party is also expected, you're a Communist, violence is part of your evil creed.

But Sotomayor sits on the Supreme Court - for her to blatantly lie and to foment insurrection, as she has done - is treason. She should be impeached and removed.
Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices

Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices


Leftists are incorrectly suggesting SCOTUS’s ruling permits any action by the president so long as the president calls it an official act.

Left-wing sycophants are suggesting President Joe Biden could try to assassinate former President Donald Trump or justices of the Supreme Court (or anyone!) after the high court threw a monkey wrench into their lawfare efforts to knock Trump out of the presidential race.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that presidential action falls into three categories. The first category includes acts that fall “within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority” and are therefore subject to “absolute immunity.” The second category encompasses those actions for which a president is entitled to “at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts.” Those actions are then to be litigated in court to determine whether they constitute an official or unofficial act before any prosecution can take place. The third category pertains to “unofficial acts” for which “there is no immunity.”

Left-wing sycophants are suggesting President Joe Biden could try to assassinate former President Donald Trump or justices of the Supreme Court (or anyone!) after the high court threw a monkey wrench into their lawfare efforts to knock Trump out of the presidential race.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that presidential action falls into three categories. The first category includes acts that fall “within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority” and are therefore subject to “absolute immunity.” The second category encompasses those actions for which a president is entitled to “at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts.” Those actions are then to be litigated in court to determine whether they constitute an official or unofficial act before any prosecution can take place. The third category pertains to “unofficial acts” for which “there is no immunity.”

The ruling severely hampers Special Counsel Jack Smith’s efforts to prosecute Trump ahead of the election by remanding several key questions back to the lower courts while outright rejecting other claims made by the DOJ. To be clear, we only ended up in this precarious position because Democrats decided to use lawfare to target their political opponent, forcing the Supreme Court’s hand to answer such a question.

As expected, leftists on X (with the IQ of a rock) who don’t understand the ruling are suggesting the ruling permits any type of action by the president so long as the president calls it an official act.
Run Earl run!!!!

More red herring fallacy to avoid discussing facts.

Do you agree with the Banana Republic Times that the "First Amendment is Out of Control?" That people must be silenced to ensure government has enough (absolute) power?

Do you support "common sense speech control?" Should Americans be required to get a license from the federal government to post on social media? Should "wrong speech" be a criminal offense?
More red herring fallacy to avoid discussing facts.

Do you agree with the Banana Republic Times that the "First Amendment is Out of Control?" That people must be silenced to ensure government has enough (absolute) power?

Do you support "common sense speech control?" Should Americans be required to get a license from the federal government to post on social media? Should "wrong speech" be a criminal offense?
This horrible Supremes ruling will be meaningless if Biden wins. He would not use or need the immunity powers. It only matters if Trump wins. Then all hell will break loose. Historians have often said that the idea that a president would be a reasonable fairminded person with respect for the law is a weakness of the system. A person like Trump breaks it all.
The horrible Supremes ruling is not important if Biden wins He is not interested in doing unethical, immoral power grabs. Trump is. We are all permuting the various ways that Trump could abuse that power. Trump has quickly listed his totalitarian plans if he gets in power including tribunals to charge and punish Dems and insufficiently loyal Repubs.