Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices

That is a lie, and a stupid one.

I find it amusing that you traitors claim protesting is "insurrection" our of one side of your mouth - while claiming it would take "F-15's to oppose the government" out of the other.

Yeah I know, it's just demagoguery from you.

Not for long Comrade - your illegal lawfare against the people was struck down by the court.
What happened on 1/6 wasn't peaceful. You're just in hard denial.
It wasn’t peaceful for Ashli Babbitt.

She was unarmed and murdered and the coward who murdered her is walking free.
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Yes, no shit. So why do you moronically claim is was an insurrection? Because you are mentally unstable and uneducated?

Because she is programmed to bleat that mantra - like a good drone.

What Sotomayor did is 10 billion times more serious than the J6 Reichstag Fire, and Republicans need to pound it home.

A Supreme Court Justice advocated the sitting president murder his political rival.

That is treason - no if's and's or but's.
Still hard not to laugh at all these MAGA cultist throwing around the term Communist, shows their age, wake up Boomer, this is the 21st Century, John Birch is dead, Ethel and Julius have been executed, McCarthyism only makes you look foolish

Still hard not to laugh at the Communists still denying what they promote. Shows the complete lack of integrity in them.

McCarthy was proven correct - moron.
Aproudlefty doesn't think. ;)

None of the drones "think." They are programmed by the party with certain talking points, and are reprogrammed with contradictory talking points regularly - which in no way disturbs them - because only the party is "truth" to them. The party can never be wrong.
None of the drones "think." They are programmed by the party with certain talking points, and are reprogrammed with contradictory talking points regularly - which in no way disturbs them - because only the party is "truth" to them. The party can never be wrong.

Yeah - the claim of "insurrection" is callous disregard for reality by a sleazy Communist party.

You seek to demonize your enemies using outrageous demagoguery - believing the shock factor of your obscene lies will cause some to believe you. At this point - no one does, not even you. You continue with the big lie because you have no integrity - but no one in America thinks that the Reichstag Fire was an "insurrection."
Yeah - the claim of "insurrection" is callous disregard for reality by a sleazy Communist party.

You seek to demonize your enemies using outrageous demagoguery - believing the shock factor of your obscene lies will cause some to believe you. At this point - no one does, not even you. You continue with the big lie because you have no integrity - but no one in America thinks that the Reichstag Fire was an "insurrection."
Deep in denial, comrade.
Even MSNBC is reporting that the D/A Bragg has agreed to delay the sentencing and may now drop the charges.

Thanks, Supreme Court.

I think it was the debate. I said long ago that Merchan was afraid he would face prosecution. He can no longer deny that Trump will be president come January - he is in full panic that a legitimate DOJ will treat him like a crooked judge in Alabama in the 1950's.
True, gives the Democrats another issue to campaign on, certainly pulled the focus off of Biden’s bad showing in the debate, and now can be added on to abortion as an example of what MAGA brings
I think the main thing may be people getting sick and tired of him.