Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices

Deep in denial, comrade.

Yes you are - and you have utterly no integrity.

Why was the Capitol Protest an "insurrection?"

Because there was some rioting and they protested against the democrat (communist) party.

Why was CHAZ an insurrection?

Because democrat Brown Shirts armed with so-called "assault rifles" invaded an American city, burned down the police station with the cops still inside - thankfully they escaped and fled. Then the Brown Shirts held the conquered territory for 10 weeks.

But don't worry - no one was prosecuted and Kamala Harris bailed out the few that were arrested - Uber Alles democrat.
I think it was the debate. I said long ago that Merchan was afraid he would face prosecution. He can no longer deny that Trump will be president come January - he is in full panic that a legitimate DOJ will treat him like a crooked judge in Alabama in the 1950's.
Indeed…this is worse than the crooked Alabama judge.

All of the illegal law-fare by these sewer rats will be revisited. Election interference will be on the table and justice…payback… will be visited.

Mess with the bull and you get the horns.
Ok Stalin.

Not effective, comrade.

I don't advocate anything that Stalin promoted - YOU do, but I don't - so you just sound childish.

Your use of demagoguery to slander your political enemies is closely associated with Himmler - so the label fits.

Do you understand how that works?
Im still amazed at how leftists are in shock about why they might be the targets of revenge. Its almost as if they think they should be able to say and do whatever the fuck they please and that no should ever have anything to say about it or want revenge. Fascinating

Stupid people amaze easily. If it will ease your amazement Leftists aren't "shocked" or even much surprised Trump would target some of them
for what he describes as revenge. There's no basis for revenge, only for hitting at those who did their jobs in defending the country and its institutions. Trump may find an atty general to do his dirty work but once his "revenge" gets to court he'll experience the same level of
non-success he found in those 63 failed cases that tried to attack the election.
Democratic Rep Doggett Calls on Biden to Withdraw.

Democrats Admit Biden Bombed at Debate.

The walls are crumbling for the Biden crime family.

There was real election interference by the Democrats when they decided to use law-fare to prosecute Trump.
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Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices

Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices


Leftists are incorrectly suggesting SCOTUS’s ruling permits any action by the president so long as the president calls it an official act.

Left-wing sycophants are suggesting President Joe Biden could try to assassinate former President Donald Trump or justices of the Supreme Court (or anyone!) after the high court threw a monkey wrench into their lawfare efforts to knock Trump out of the presidential race.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that presidential action falls into three categories. The first category includes acts that fall “within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority” and are therefore subject to “absolute immunity.” The second category encompasses those actions for which a president is entitled to “at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts.” Those actions are then to be litigated in court to determine whether they constitute an official or unofficial act before any prosecution can take place. The third category pertains to “unofficial acts” for which “there is no immunity.”

Left-wing sycophants are suggesting President Joe Biden could try to assassinate former President Donald Trump or justices of the Supreme Court (or anyone!) after the high court threw a monkey wrench into their lawfare efforts to knock Trump out of the presidential race.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that presidential action falls into three categories. The first category includes acts that fall “within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority” and are therefore subject to “absolute immunity.” The second category encompasses those actions for which a president is entitled to “at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts.” Those actions are then to be litigated in court to determine whether they constitute an official or unofficial act before any prosecution can take place. The third category pertains to “unofficial acts” for which “there is no immunity.”

The ruling severely hampers Special Counsel Jack Smith’s efforts to prosecute Trump ahead of the election by remanding several key questions back to the lower courts while outright rejecting other claims made by the DOJ. To be clear, we only ended up in this precarious position because Democrats decided to use lawfare to target their political opponent, forcing the Supreme Court’s hand to answer such a question.

As expected, leftists on X (with the IQ of a rock) who don’t understand the ruling are suggesting the ruling permits any type of action by the president so long as the president calls it an official act.
Earl, you are dealing with morons who are scared shitless.
At Biden’s “press conference “ where he answered no questions from the press, an aid had to direct him back on the stage.

He appeared to be completely lost.
Democrats Have a Better Chance of Winning With…



June 28-30

Note the date.
This is b r u t a l.
Not effective, comrade.

I don't advocate anything that Stalin promoted - YOU do, but I don't - so you just sound childish.

Your use of demagoguery to slander your political enemies is closely associated with Himmler - so the label fits.

Do you understand how that works?
Do you understand irony?
Stupid people amaze easily. If it will ease your amazement Leftists aren't "shocked" or even much surprised Trump would target some of them
for what he describes as revenge. There's no basis for revenge, only for hitting at those who did their jobs in defending the country and its institutions. Trump may find an atty general to do his dirty work but once his "revenge" gets to court he'll experience the same level of
non-success he found in those 63 failed cases that tried to attack the election.
Marty, the question is, did lefties target Trump? Did the FBI and DOJ target conservatives?
Be afraid, be very afraid.
It appears so.

I just saw this:

NYT: US Image Post-Debate “Unhinged & Doddering.”

The empire is crumbling.

Gotta agree with you here, Earl.

The Democrats are pretty much committed to Joe Biden...a guy who is old and who has aged more than most people his age.

The Republicans, on the other hand, are committed to a twice impeached, 34 times convicted felon, who is one of the most repulsive individuals on the planet.

I certainly am going to vote for Joe Biden. Cannot help but wonder how any sane, intelligent person could vote the other way.
Even MSNBC is reporting that the D/A Bragg has agreed to delay the sentencing and may now drop the charges.

Thanks, Supreme Court.
Delaying not dropping, Trump’s army of attorneys are not filing all kinds of appeals saying the Trump’s Court ruling means some of the evidence was inadmissible, it’s bogus, but that is what Trump does, plays the system to the max, you should know, he’s been playing you for years