Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices

Post #75 shows you just how retarded leftits are and that they think everyone is retarded like them.

Divorced from reality.

Poor Marty, he never knew what hit him.

“Your knife missed me.”

“Shake your head, sucker.”

Some black humor.

They still don’t realize what the Supreme Court immunity ruling means.


They will learn on Jan. 20, 2025.

“Official duties” include prosecuting these sewer rats for their law-fare (election interference).

What goes around, comes around.
You and your friends are too ignorant to understand that this ruling will keep the tawdriness and discord around Trump front and center in the news all the way to Election Day. Perhaps you think that will help him.
True, gives the Democrats another issue to campaign on, certainly pulled the focus off of Biden’s bad showing in the debate, and now can be added on to abortion as an example of what MAGA brings
Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices

Leftists Falsely Suggest Biden Can Assassinate Trump, SCOTUS Justices


Leftists are incorrectly suggesting SCOTUS’s ruling permits any action by the president so long as the president calls it an official act.

Left-wing sycophants are suggesting President Joe Biden could try to assassinate former President Donald Trump or justices of the Supreme Court (or anyone!) after the high court threw a monkey wrench into their lawfare efforts to knock Trump out of the presidential race.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that presidential action falls into three categories. The first category includes acts that fall “within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority” and are therefore subject to “absolute immunity.” The second category encompasses those actions for which a president is entitled to “at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts.” Those actions are then to be litigated in court to determine whether they constitute an official or unofficial act before any prosecution can take place. The third category pertains to “unofficial acts” for which “there is no immunity.”

Left-wing sycophants are suggesting President Joe Biden could try to assassinate former President Donald Trump or justices of the Supreme Court (or anyone!) after the high court threw a monkey wrench into their lawfare efforts to knock Trump out of the presidential race.

The Supreme Court ruled Monday that presidential action falls into three categories. The first category includes acts that fall “within his conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority” and are therefore subject to “absolute immunity.” The second category encompasses those actions for which a president is entitled to “at least presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts.” Those actions are then to be litigated in court to determine whether they constitute an official or unofficial act before any prosecution can take place. The third category pertains to “unofficial acts” for which “there is no immunity.”

The ruling severely hampers Special Counsel Jack Smith’s efforts to prosecute Trump ahead of the election by remanding several key questions back to the lower courts while outright rejecting other claims made by the DOJ. To be clear, we only ended up in this precarious position because Democrats decided to use lawfare to target their political opponent, forcing the Supreme Court’s hand to answer such a question.

As expected, leftists on X (with the IQ of a rock) who don’t understand the ruling are suggesting the ruling permits any type of action by the president so long as the president calls it an official act.

Treason is a big part of being a Communist - a democrat.

Sotomayor promoted murdering the former President - she should be impeached.
Treason is a big part of being a Communist - a democrat.

Sotomayor promoted murdering the former President - she should be impeached.
Still hard not to laugh at all these MAGA cultist throwing around the term Communist, shows their age, wake up Boomer, this is the 21st Century, John Birch is dead, Ethel and Julius have been executed, McCarthyism only makes you look foolish
True, gives the Democrats another issue to campaign on, certainly pulled the focus off of Biden’s bad showing in the debate, and now can be added on to abortion as an example of what MAGA brings

Still hard not to laugh at all these MAGA cultist throwing around the term Communist, shows their age, wake up Boomer, this is the 21st Century, John Birch is dead, Ethel and Julius have been executed, McCarthyism only makes you look foolish
No less laughable than you leftists calling us Nazis.
Still hard not to laugh at all these MAGA cultist throwing around the term Communist, shows their age, wake up Boomer, this is the 21st Century, John Birch is dead, Ethel and Julius have been executed, McCarthyism only makes you look foolish
yet you're the red scare ukraine war mongers.

Domino Theory?

is that something about pizza?
Who rioted at the Capitol and tried to mount an insurrection after they lost the last election, you inbred hillbilly retard? 🖕🏼

Nobody moron.

The only Insurrection was CHAZ/CHOP - which you commie fucks fully supported.

It's amusing that you Stalinists try and paint a protest as the worst thing in the history of history - then try to gloss over the call for treason by a sitting SCOTUS justice, joined by two other justices. The call to murder a presidential candidate in order to thwart free and fair elections is outright treason.

Sotomayor must be impeached and removed from the bench.
Nobody moron.

The only Insurrection was CHAZ/CHOP - which you commie fucks fully supported.

It's amusing that you Stalinists try and paint a protest as the worst thing in the history of history - then try to gloss over the call for treason by a sitting SCOTUS justice, joined by two other justices. The call to murder a presidential candidate in order to thwart free and fair elections is outright treason.

Sotomayor must be impeached and removed from the bench.

They don't get much dumber than Somad. :laugh:
Trump's criminality creates fears for America's future and its impact on global politics.

And by "criminality" you mean, his opposition to absolute rule by the Communist (democrat) party.

Say, I notice that presiding Cunt Merchan has retreated and is delaying "sentencing" in the lynching. The banana republic looks like it got spooked by SCOTUS affirming the rule of law.
Nobody moron.

The only Insurrection was CHAZ/CHOP - which you commie fucks fully supported.

It's amusing that you Stalinists try and paint a protest as the worst thing in the history of history - then try to gloss over the call for treason by a sitting SCOTUS justice, joined by two other justices. The call to murder a presidential candidate in order to thwart free and fair elections is outright treason.

Sotomayor must be impeached and removed from the bench.
Nobody? :rofl2:
It was an attempted insurrection, dumbass.

That is a lie, and a stupid one.

I find it amusing that you traitors claim protesting is "insurrection" our of one side of your mouth - while claiming it would take "F-15's to oppose the government" out of the other.

Yeah I know, it's just demagoguery from you.

And many are in prison.

Not for long Comrade - your illegal lawfare against the people was struck down by the court.