Lefty synonyms for racism

You certainly are a racist.. Are you confused?

I never would have guessed that lefties would assert racism for calling somebody clever. I will add it to the list for you though.

Clever, Islamophobe, troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, Trump supporter, any disagreement with liberal ideology, ...
You're being an idiot, especially with that nra, and white part. Most liberals here are white from what I've gathered, and the NRA has nothing to do with racism. They have to do with enabling, and driving the insanity in this country.

oh the NRA is racist dude
I never would have guessed that lefties would assert racism for calling somebody clever. I will add it to the list for you though.

Clever, Islamophobe, troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, Trump supporter, any disagreement with liberal ideology, ...

if you support the republican party you are a racist
The word "racism" has been overused to the point where it is losing the political charge that it once had. Lefties have hijacked the word to use as a political weapon, so now the victims of real racism no longer have a word to accurately describe what they are experiencing.
You lost me when you drew a line through the NFL!

Inattention, or trouble focusing, is one symptom of ADHD. A doctor may diagnose somebody as inattentive if he is:

is easily distracted
is forgetful, even in daily activities
is unable to give close attention to details in school work or other activities and makes careless mistakes
has trouble keeping attention on tasks or activities
ignores a speaker, even when spoken to directly
doesn’t follow instructions
fails to finish schoolwork or chores
loses focus or is easily side-tracked
has trouble with organization
dislikes and avoids tasks that require long periods of mental effort, such as homework
loses vital things needed for tasks and activities

Thanks, I will add troll to the list:

Troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, ..

Anybody else have some lefty synonyms for racist?

What a dumb, pathetic thread.
Inattention, or trouble focusing, is one symptom of ADHD. A doctor may diagnose somebody as inattentive if he is:

is easily distracted
is forgetful, even in daily activities
is unable to give close attention to details in school work or other activities and makes careless mistakes
has trouble keeping attention on tasks or activities
ignores a speaker, even when spoken to directly
doesn’t follow instructions
fails to finish schoolwork or chores
loses focus or is easily side-tracked
has trouble with organization
dislikes and avoids tasks that require long periods of mental effort, such as homework
loses vital things needed for tasks and activities


What are you saying here?

You just perfectly described Donald Trump.