Lefty synonyms for racism

Xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, ...

Please list lefty synonyms for racist. My list above was just a few.

There are some good NRA member, apparently? But there's no doubt that all the gungoons amongst them, which is probably about 75%, are crazies with a yearning to kill something. Their ultimate thrill would be to kill a black man.

Stick to pulling the wings off of houseflies. You won't get in trouble and your need to see suffering will be fulfilled.
There are some good NRA member, apparently? But there's no doubt that all the gungoons amongst them, which is probably about 75%, are crazies with a yearning to kill something. Their ultimate thrill would be to kill a black man.

Stick to pulling the wings off of houseflies. You won't get in trouble and your need to see suffering will be fulfilled.

I can't make out what you posted here, but just seeing your name reminded me of your claim that birtherism is racist. I will add birtherism to the list of lefty synonyms for racism
Clever, Islamophobe, troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, Trump supporter, any disagreement with liberal ideology, clever, Trumplestilskins, reds, Opie, Birther
I can't make out what you posted here, but just seeing your name reminded me of your claim that birtherism is racist. I will add birtherism to the list of lefty synonyms for racism

Birtherism can be racist, but more basically it based on absolute ignorance of US statutes, US Customs and Immigration and the US Passport Service.

You just have to be incredibly STUPID to be a birther.
Birtherism can be racist, but more basically it based on absolute ignorance of US statutes, US Customs and Immigration and the US Passport Service.

You just have to be incredibly STUPID to be a birther.

Your buddy montgomery insists that birtherism is racism.
I can't make out what you posted here, but just seeing your name reminded me of your claim that birtherism is racist. I will add birtherism to the list of lefty synonyms for racism

I wouldn't call it synonymous but it's definitely indicative of and directly related to racism.
My list of those could be:



Confederate flag

Southern US states

Pickup trucks (not to include non-US brands)




All extreme rightists

You have to understand that racism is fully descriptive of the affliction and stands alone. Maybe this is the reason why you haven't had any success with your project? Or it could be that you are just baiting people and you're trying to justify your own bad feelings about people of other races?

Are you now, or have you ever, belonged to the KKK? Please try to answer honestly, it's not something that 'you' sort of people need to be ashamed about.
I wouldn't call it synonymous but ...



Confederate flag

Southern US states

Pickup trucks (not to include non-US brands)



The thread is about synonyms, so I will add yours on.

Clever, Islamophobe, troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, Trump supporter, any disagreement with liberal ideology, clever, Trumplestilskins, reds, Opie, Birther, Neo Nazis, pickup trucks, guns, southern states, confederate flag, kkk
The thread is about synonyms, so I will add yours on.

Clever, Islamophobe, troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, Trump supporter, any disagreement with liberal ideology, clever, Trumplestilskins, reds, Opie, Birther, Neo Nazis, pickup trucks, guns, southern states, confederate flag, kkk

Whatever pleases you and your KKK friends also pleases me. My country isn't all that interested in your fukked up country's racist problems.
Lefties see all rightists as "extreme" rightests.

No, obviously not true, but a good topic for a conversation. All the rightists I've encountered on this forum so far have been extremists but I might not have encountered any of the moderates. I would be interested in having one or two pointed out.

But don't try to pass off a Trump supporter as a moderate, they're already disqualified because they're all racists, fascists, haters, bigots, and crazies like you. I'm patiently waiting!
It is pretty interesting to see how many synonyms lefties have for racism. There are victims of real racism out there who rely on the word "racism" to describe what it happening to them, but when the word is used in our current political climate, it could easily be confused with words such as Clever, Islamophobe, troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, Trump supporter, any disagreement with liberal ideology, clever, Trumplestilskins, reds, Opie, Birther, Neo Nazis, pickup trucks, guns, southern states, confederate flag, kkk.

Can you imagine trying to convey that you are a victim of actual racism, only to have people think that you simply had an argument with a righty, or that you talked to a Trump supporter? Worse yet, what if you were a victim of real racism, but people just thought you disagreed with a person who happens to be loyal to his country?

Come on lefties, keep those synonyms coming....
The thread is about synonyms, so I will add yours on.

Clever, Islamophobe, troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, Trump supporter, any disagreement with liberal ideology, clever, Trumplestilskins, reds, Opie, Birther, Neo Nazis, pickup trucks, guns, southern states, confederate flag, kkk

Mine are not synonyms but you could definitely say they are synonymous to racism in every instance. And from your list as an example, NRA member, which I will agree to have attached to my list. "NRA member" is obviously not a synonym for "Racist", but it's definitely closely related to racism in nearly all cases.

I think it can be truthfully said that anybody who either owns an AR type weapons, or yearns to won one, is likely also thinking of murdering a black person with it. This is the normal NRA member, not the hunter who just loves to kill animals for sport while pretending to need or want the meat. Or the NRA members who haven't graduated to larger animals and just stay with killing songbirds or small animals.

They are the evil people who are not yet fully mentally mature, and that's synonymous with RACISM. Are you one of them? Are you one of the gungoons with an AR who is on the thin edge of going off at an elementary school? Your behaviour suits the blueprint mr. racist. You sound much more dangerous than CFM as you stew in your own juices with rage against society.

I'm dead sure the police are keeping a close eye on what you say and how close you are getting to going over to the violence side. You better start thinking of reining it in!
Your buddy montgomery insists that birtherism is racism.

He is absolutely correct. The only president ever harrassed with birtherism was a black man, Obama. However, Romney and Mcclain could have been.But rightys competing for the nomination were silent about that. And Daffy was hammering Obama for years with that lying story. Can you figure it out? it is obvious to someone with firing neurons.
He is absolutely correct. The only president ever harrassed with birtherism was a black man, Obama. However, Romney and Mcclain could have been.But rightys competing for the nomination were silent about that. And Daffy was hammering Obama for years with that lying story. Can you figure it out? it is obvious to someone with firing neurons.

This was not meant for you. You are a garden variety commie lefty, so I already know all of your agenda.
Racism is what you cry when you lose the debate. So it can mean literally anything for the left.

Your buddy montgomery insists that birtherism is racism.

Birtherism probably is racist.. Racists also tend to be poorly educated and ignorant about the statutes as well as US Customs and Immigration.

Often the same idiots believe in Bigfoot and Chemtrails.
Your buddy montgomery insists that birtherism is racism.

Birtherism probably is racist.. Racists also tend to be poorly educated and ignorant about the statutes as well as US Customs and Immigration.

Often the same idiots believe in Bigfoot and Chemtrails.