Lefty synonyms for racism

Birtherism probably is racist.. Racists also tend to be poorly educated and ignorant about the statutes as well as US Customs and Immigration.

Often the same idiots believe in Bigfoot and Chemtrails.

Birtherism has already been added as a synonym for racism, but I will go ahead and add Bigfoot and Chem trails

Clever, Islamophobe, troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, Trump supporter, any disagreement with liberal ideology, clever, Trumplestilskins, reds, Opie, Birther, Neo Nazis, pickup trucks, guns, southern states, confederate flag, kkk, Bigfoot believers, Chem trail types,
Did I firget to add in one of the most popular synonyms, "white"?

White, clever, Islamophobe, troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, Trump supporter, any disagreement with liberal ideology, clever, Trumplestilskins, reds, Opie, Birther, Neo Nazis, pickup trucks, guns, southern states, confederate flag, kkk
I love my guns..but the nra in the last 15 years+or- has been collecting
MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of $$$ and having a great time..far greater
than anyone knew....and La Pierre has done some great things for himself...
You're being an idiot, especially with that nra, and white part. Most liberals here are white from what I've gathered, and the NRA has nothing to do with racism. They have to do with enabling, and driving the insanity in this country.
Most blacks who are murdered are killed with guns so its Trump and the NRA's fault.
You should just follow the big tech lead and call all righty speak "hate speech." That's how lefties roll.

Big Tech doesn't do that. What happens is that Fascists get banned for breaking the TOS, then they whine about some imaginary bias against Conservatives.
Big Tech doesn't do that. What happens is that Fascists get banned for breaking the TOS, then they whine about some imaginary bias against Conservatives.

Oh, so that's how big tech does it. They don't call righty speak "hate speech," they just call them fascists and then ban them. Sometimes they just call righty speak "disinformation" right?
Thanks, I will add troll to the list:

Troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, ..

Anybody else have some lefty synonyms for racist?

American, patriot (oops!) White boy. WASP, White male, Provider, working man, Father, Dad, republican. Bah! Well a few different ones.
Oh, so that's how big tech does it. They don't call righty speak "hate speech," they just call them fascists and then ban them. Sometimes they just call righty speak "disinformation" right?

Are you trolling or did you not understand what I said?
Fascists, like you, break the TOS on websites. That's why you get banned. You don't get banned simply for being a Fascist, you get banned for attacking people based on race/gender/orientation. Then you cry about how these sites only allow liberal opinions.
American, patriot (oops!) White boy. WASP, White male, Provider, working man, Father, Dad, republican. Bah! Well a few different ones.


American, patriot, White boy. WASP, White male, Provider, working man, Father, Dad, republican, clever, Islamophobe, troll, xenophobe, bigot, conservative, misogynist, righty, white, republican, patriot, nationalist, NRA member, Trump supporter, any disagreement with liberal ideology, clever, Trumplestilskins, reds, Opie, Birther, Neo Nazis, pickup trucks, guns, southern states, confederate flag, kkk