Let the hazing of Odonnel beginnings

One of my best friends had breast cancer twice, the relapse ended in a radical so I know a little about what you speak.
Give her a hug, it is a real life challenge, all the new normals and the nagging fact that you could lose your life to the damn stuff! She is my hero, twice, not fun!
Give her a hug, it is a real life challenge, all the new normals and the nagging fact that you could lose your life to the damn stuff! She is my hero, twice, not fun!
I only see her a couple times per year and I do. Her husband is a philanderer and a smuck, gave her little to no support during the whole ordeal and she needs to put him out on his ass. :mad:
I only see her a couple times per year and I do. Her husband is a philanderer and a smuck, gave her little to no support during the whole ordeal and she needs to put him out on his ass. :mad:
I hope her stress over him did not complicate her health! I hope she has a good outlet and I know you could be one, thanks! It really helps to have men friends who understand!
I hope her stress over him did not complicate her health! I hope she has a good outlet and I know you could be one, thanks! It really helps to have men friends who understand!
Lemme see, he's an alcoholic, got caught sneaking out with her best friend by her and my wife, has been sleeping in a different part of the house for ten years, quit his job and moved to Pennsylvania, then Cleveland for a while and expected her to sell the house in Atlanta and move with him and each move only lasted a year, and that's for the fourth or fifth move because he's a job-shopper with no interest other than money, certainly none in becoming part of the community as she has done, told her that no one's interested in having sex with a scared-up woman with no real belly button and one boob, got so drunk he forgot to wait up for their daughter the night she drove the golf cart home by herself and crashed it in the dark because the lights went out because he didn't fix the thing...

Nah, no stress there. I'm sure that didn't wear on her health at all.
Look after? This statement is at the very fabric of the debate when discussing the difference between a desire for a Paternal form of federal government or a Government with limited powers. A Government that controls people or a Government that is controlled of and by the people.

A government that helps an ill person is not controlling them. No one is obliged to submit to health care.

As for "limited powers" the only power the government is exercising is expecting people to chip in and help others in need. The government even offers to help those who can't afford to chip in by offering subsidies.

Why would anyone be against helping others if they can afford to help?

There used to be a public AD here (billboards, public transit, etc) showing a child with black eye and saying, "Violence begats violence". In other words, people subjected to violence tend to perpetuate it. The same thing applies to people who have had to face tough times without any help. They were never helped so why should they help others? It's a vicious cycle and needs to be broken.

It is not paternalism or 1940's European Socialism. It's helping people.

When people lived in small communities all their life there were people they could call on. Neighbors, the church, community groups, etc. Society is different today. Having a government one can call on in a time of need is no more Socialist or paternalistic than the neighbors or the church or community groups were years ago.
she was a self confessed slut in college and now wants to tell kids not to have sex.
She had her house foreclosed and wants to preach financial responsibility.

She makes David Vitter look like a boy scout.

(Excerpt) O'Donnell's finances, honesty, and stability have been called into question in light of her false and strange claims. The court complaint raises further questions on all fronts. O'Donnell, who made an annual salary of $65,000 at ISI as director of communications and public affairs, sought up to $6,952,477 million in damages, claiming, among other allegations, that ISI had defamed her and had violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. O'Donnell sought:..........

--Up to $500,000 "for emotional distress, humiliation, emotional pain, embarrassment, depression.".......

O'Donnell claimed that ISI had caused her to suffer "mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, mental and physical pain and anguish"--and that, according to an amended complaint, she had to "seek treatment for her distress."

For at least six months after being fired, Miss O’Donnell suffered enormous pain, cried frequently at the sense of personal loss and failure caused by ISI, and at the sense of injustice, and could not sleep at night, often wide-awake, replaying the whole scene in her mind, until 5:30 am, and has suffered from understandable and resulting depression. (End)

She suffered "mental and physical pain and anguish" due, in part, to "a sense of injustice" and she wants to work in Congress? :rofl:

Is that woman for real?
(Excerpt) O'Donnell's finances, honesty, and stability have been called into question in light of her false and strange claims. The court complaint raises further questions on all fronts. O'Donnell, who made an annual salary of $65,000 at ISI as director of communications and public affairs, sought up to $6,952,477 million in damages, claiming, among other allegations, that ISI had defamed her and had violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. O'Donnell sought:..........

--Up to $500,000 "for emotional distress, humiliation, emotional pain, embarrassment, depression.".......

O'Donnell claimed that ISI had caused her to suffer "mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, mental and physical pain and anguish"--and that, according to an amended complaint, she had to "seek treatment for her distress."

For at least six months after being fired, Miss O’Donnell suffered enormous pain, cried frequently at the sense of personal loss and failure caused by ISI, and at the sense of injustice, and could not sleep at night, often wide-awake, replaying the whole scene in her mind, until 5:30 am, and has suffered from understandable and resulting depression. (End)

She suffered "mental and physical pain and anguish" due, in part, to "a sense of injustice" and she wants to work in Congress? :rofl:

Is that woman for real?
She doesn't like to masturbate, but she is into S&M!
Every nation that has gov't health care is going under, cutting back on options, and their rich have been coming here for treatment.

As I've asked many times if one believes citizens in countries with universal health care are dissatisfied show me one politician, in any country that has a universal plan, who is campaigning on dismantling it. There are dozens of countries from which to choose and we all know there is no shortage of politicians ready to jump on any wagon to get elected so where are they?

People naturally bitch and complain but the fact is there is not one prominent politician who has or is campaigning on switching back to a "pay or suffer" system. What more needs to be said?
As I've asked many times if one believes citizens in countries with universal health care are dissatisfied show me one politician, in any country that has a universal plan, who is campaigning on dismantling it. There are dozens of countries from which to choose and we all know there is no shortage of politicians ready to jump on any wagon to get elected so where are they?

People naturally bitch and complain but the fact is there is not one prominent politician who has or is campaigning on switching back to a "pay or suffer" system. What more needs to be said?

People in Europe are rioting. I think the representatives there are inspired to do whatever the majority directs them to do. Even if it's a lie.

This isn't the case here in the USA. Yet.
People in Europe are rioting. I think the representatives there are inspired to do whatever the majority directs them to do. Even if it's a lie.

This isn't the case here in the USA. Yet.

Most people in Europe have managed to refrain from the old rioting bidness.

I'd personally love a good riot but we've not seen anything decent since Maggie Thatcher was in power.
Most people in Europe have managed to refrain from the old rioting bidness.

I'd personally love a good riot but we've not seen anything decent since Maggie Thatcher was in power.

We haven't had a good riot since the WTO shin dig in seattle. Those were good times.

I wonder what a Tea Bag party riot would look like? Old white people, breaking into drug stores to loot fiber supplements and Depends adult undergarments?
People in Europe are rioting. I think the representatives there are inspired to do whatever the majority directs them to do. Even if it's a lie.

This isn't the case here in the USA. Yet.

People may be rioting,but not because they are tired of their healthcare.
Most people in Europe have managed to refrain from the old rioting bidness.

I'd personally love a good riot but we've not seen anything decent since Maggie Thatcher was in power.

A good riot would be nice.:clink:

Just not on my street.