Letitia James Issues 10-Day Ultimatum to Company That Guaranteed Trump’s $175M Bond

He lost the case asshole
Blatant lie. The case is still in progress.
This is about him wanting to appeal that conviction
Which means the case is still in progress.
The judge lowered the bar for him already shit bag
Blatant lie.
He is getting prime treatment in the sysytem
Blatant lie. A kangaroo court is not 'prime treatment'. You cannot defend a kangaroo court, Sock.
Stupidest attempt at a false comparison I've ever seen.
Buying a car is not posting bond in a criminal court case.
Insurance is not buying a car, Sock.
An insurance company often has to post a surety bond, not much different from a bail bond.
You fuckers will literally say anything in your feeble attempts to shill for your commie bastard.
Obviously, you have no idea what a shill is (a legitimate job, BTW!).
Trump is not a commie. He is not a socialist like you.

You cannot project YOUR problems on Trump nor anybody else, Sock.
How the fuck would every court be aware of every single Pawn Broker or PayDay loan or other type Bond Provider when they show up and post a Bond for a loser in a case?

Of course the Court accepts the Bond and the required paper work, when it is submitted, but then humans in the Court house administrative staff, then have to pick up the file, and review it to ensure they checked all the necessary boxes and provided all the necessary documents.

If they did not, the Court staff notify the Bond supplier what the cure is to fix the missing data.

How the fuck else could it work? A court cannot not just trust.

A court cannot select the bonding company.
but if the insurance Company you use is completely unknown and ends up being fraudulent you can and will get charged with a crime.
What crime?
let me try to dumb this down enough for you with bullet points:

- Person A wins a lawsuit, but Person B (the one he beat) gets to keep the money in his bank account for years as the Appeal plays out, because they got a Bond posted by a 3rd Party company
- Person B (the one who lost) then ends up going bankrupt during the years wait for the Appeal to go to court and has lost all the money Person A won in Court
- Person A (the winner) is still safe, as the Bond Company must pay them
So? Trump has never filed for personal bankruptcy.
If you allow the Bond Company to not be verified with PROOF OF FUNDS, then a poorly run Bond Company could also go bankrupt and thus not be able to pay the Bond they guaranteed.
The Bond company has already verified it has the funds, Sock.
Yes it was posted. It was not verified. A posted piece of paper that says 'i guarantee' is not worth shit unless it is verified the company posting it actually has the funds.
The Bonding company has already verified this, Sock.
it was the Court staff, who rejected it demanding it be cured as the article says you dense POS.
The court has no authority to select the bonding company, Sock.
Letisha James is actiing upon that and demanding the company verify by a date certain or she will take action.
She has no legal action she can take. bark! bark! bark! bark! bark!
What that half wit you replied to does not understand is that the COurt has EVERY RIGHT to demand any Bond company, who submits a bond, provide proof of Funds.
No, they cannot. No court has the authority to select the bond company.
Also there is precedent for each and every crime Trump committed
What crime?
and got charged with and has been found liable for.
Trump has not been found liable for any crime, Sock.
Quote Originally Posted by NiftyNiblick View Post
That Shvartza broad James impresses the hell out of me.

Way to go, Baby Girl.
Let's put this pigfucking orangutan DOWN!!!

gosh, isn't it racist to call Leticia an orangutan?......
lol....its NY's reputation that's on the line, cupcake.....so far they look like a banana republic......

The world is desperately trying to get its money to New York. Anyone with money in China is trying to figure out a way to get that money to New York. Heck, anyone with money and a brain in Texas is moving that money to New York.