Let's Talk about Physical Health


There Can be Only One!
Okay. I'm not a puritan. I'll eat fried foods once in a while. Last week I ate an entire quart of ice scream in one sitting - peanut butter and chocolate! It's a total "mouthgasm".

But I don't eat it every day or even every week.

The things that have "saved my life":


Cut out as many carbs as you can. I don't eat bread, as a rule, but again, if I'm at a restaurant, and the bread is there, and there remain some yummy morsels on my plate that need eatin' too small to grab with a fork - well - we need to make an exception there. Other things to eat sparingly: Pasta, rice, potatoes, pretty much everything that matters!


My downfall. Already talked about the ice cream, just eat it sparingly. Deserts, cake, etc. If you're out with folks and they're all eating it, it won't hurt once in a while. Just try not to keep a full cheesecake in your fridge!


Don't run away! You don't need to work out for hours a day. Start out with a 10 min walk a day (if you have a dog, you're already doing it). And just increase the distance as gradually as you'd like. 10 mins a day for a month, 15 the next, etc. It will become habit and you'll love yourself for it. I admit I was a gym rat before I moved, and it's been months. I just worked out at my new gym yesterday and am looking forward to going back tonight.

Good morning and good health, everyone!
Drink LOTS of water every day. 72 ounces. My wife and I walk a lot with the dogs. Nothing huge,....maybe a mile and a half a day or so. In the summer we swim in our lake all the time. Swimming is a fantastic workout. Big thing.........THINK young. You are only as old as you think you are. Dont give up doing things you love just because you are older. Just do them safer and in more moderation. Im somewhat happy for Owl believe it or not. She has a climate similar to mine in summer, a little colder and wetter but still VERY nice. The Geography of the U P is also outstanding. This summer I noticed her posting was way down. She was probably outside enjoying the nature and the nice U P summer season. If so....GOOD FOR HER!
Sugar is poison in that it can get someone in the vicious cycle of constant hunger from the blood sugar highs and lows.

I have been on the keto-wagon for some time. That coupled with intermittent fasting helps tremendously.
Drink LOTS of water every day. 72 ounces. My wife and I walk a lot with the dogs. Nothing huge,....maybe a mile and a half a day or so. In the summer we swim in our lake all the time. Swimming is a fantastic workout. Big thing.........THINK young. You are only as old as you think you are. Dont give up doing things you love just because you are older. Just do them safer and in more moderation. Im somewhat happy for Owl believe it or not. She has a climate similar to mine in summer, a little colder and wetter but still VERY nice. The Geography of the U P is also outstanding. This summer I noticed her posting was way down. She was probably outside enjoying the nature and the nice U P summer season. If so....GOOD FOR HER!

Yay, man. I drink lots of other stuff, but I do make sure I pound water all day. I'm addicted to these zero sugar energy drinks. I limit myself to 3 a day as long as I down them before 3pm, but I alternate with glasses of water in-between.

Good point! Hydrate, people - while we still have water! :)
Sugar is poison in that it can get someone in the vicious cycle of constant hunger from the blood sugar highs and lows.

I have been on the keto-wagon for some time. That coupled with intermittent fasting helps tremendously.

My brother tried to get me into that Keto stuff. It's just that at the same time I was doing my stuff and seeing results. And his "stuff" didn't and still doesn't work for him. My guess is, he's "cheating".
Almost everything we have been told by the so-called experts over the last 40 years has been wrong. Very often they straight up lied to us, they made claims that they never had evidence for.
Almost everything we have been told by the so-called experts over the last 40 years has been wrong. Very often they straight up lied to us, they made claims that they never had evidence for.

They discovered that Saliva causes throat cancer now- Yes, but only if swallowed in small dosages over a period of a lifetime! :laugh:
They discovered that Saliva causes throat cancer now- Yes, but only if swallowed in small dosages over a period of a lifetime! :laugh:

The pushing of carbs, and the demonizing of fat, starting in the 70's was the inverse of good advice. Even now reduced fat dairy is pushed even though the scientific evidence that this is a bad idea has been clear for 20 years.
Drink LOTS of water every day. 72 ounces. My wife and I walk a lot with the dogs. Nothing huge,....maybe a mile and a half a day or so. In the summer we swim in our lake all the time. Swimming is a fantastic workout. Big thing.........THINK young. You are only as old as you think you are. Dont give up doing things you love just because you are older. Just do them safer and in more moderation. Im somewhat happy for Owl believe it or not. She has a climate similar to mine in summer, a little colder and wetter but still VERY nice. The Geography of the U P is also outstanding. This summer I noticed her posting was way down. She was probably outside enjoying the nature and the nice U P summer season. If so....GOOD FOR HER!

This sounds like another fad that sounds good, but is not. I need to see some studies lasting something like a decade showing that those who drink a lot of water have better health outcomes, but I have never seen one.
Corn syrup....mid to late 70's. Thats when this health mess all started. Everyone got fatter and fatter after they started using that poison. Sugar is quite bad for you...corn syrup is atrocious.
Okay. I'm not a puritan. I'll eat fried foods once in a while. Last week I ate an entire quart of ice scream in one sitting - peanut butter and chocolate! It's a total "mouthgasm".

No alcohol.
Very little bread, potatoes, or pasta.
Lots of fish and vegetables.
Kasha, rice, or cous cous for carbs.
Limited processed sugars.
No soda.
Limited dairy
No fried food
Lots of walking and hiking.
Some strength training.
Sometimes when I want a drink to really quench my thirst on a hot day......Just some super cold water over tons of ice with a little lime juice mixed in. REALLY hits the spot and much better for you.
Corn syrup....mid to late 70's. Thats when this health mess all started. Everyone got fatter and fatter after they started using that poison. Sugar is quite bad for you...corn syrup is atrocious.

The evidence that it is worse than reg sugar is thin. The big problem is that our diets are too heavy in carbs, because people have listened to the so-called experts.
No alcohol.

Well,.....Im out of THAT one! :laugh: When I do drink it is mostly a good quality Gin mixed with club soda and a spritz of lime. Seems to me it is one of the healthier versions if booze of one even exists.
The pushing of carbs, and the demonizing of fat, starting in the 70's was the inverse of good advice. Even now reduced fat dairy is pushed even though the scientific evidence that this is a bad idea has been clear for 20 years.

I'm lactose intolerant to a degree. If I consume any kind of dairy, I take one of those lactaid tablets first. Works great!

They always talk about the Bad fats and not the good ones. Lots of fat in Salmon and avocados- and I eat a lot of that stuff.

When Dr. Oz first appeared on the Oprah show, he talked about a lot of great home remedies, but after he left that show, he has gone nuts and played a huge role in recommending unproven and dangerous remedies and medicines for the Covid virus.
Fat regulates sugar spikes, the pushing of eating a lot of carbs with as little fat as possible was always insane advice. The food pyramid that most of us have lived under for most/all of our lives has likely been instrumental in creating weight gain and diabetes.
Okay. I'm not a puritan. I'll eat fried foods once in a while. Last week I ate an entire quart of ice scream in one sitting - peanut butter and chocolate! It's a total "mouthgasm".

But I don't eat it every day or even every week.

The things that have "saved my life":


Cut out as many carbs as you can. I don't eat bread, as a rule, but again, if I'm at a restaurant, and the bread is there, and there remain some yummy morsels on my plate that need eatin' too small to grab with a fork - well - we need to make an exception there. Other things to eat sparingly: Pasta, rice, potatoes, pretty much everything that matters!


My downfall. Already talked about the ice cream, just eat it sparingly. Deserts, cake, etc. If you're out with folks and they're all eating it, it won't hurt once in a while. Just try not to keep a full cheesecake in your fridge!


Don't run away! You don't need to work out for hours a day. Start out with a 10 min walk a day (if you have a dog, you're already doing it). And just increase the distance as gradually as you'd like. 10 mins a day for a month, 15 the next, etc. It will become habit and you'll love yourself for it. I admit I was a gym rat before I moved, and it's been months. I just worked out at my new gym yesterday and am looking forward to going back tonight.

Good morning and good health, everyone!

Good advice. With respect to carbs, however, if you're doing cardio, carbs are a must. Sugar is poison. I can't give it up completely, but I've cut way down. I'm not a heavy lifter, but I do strength enough to need a lot of protein.

The lesson I learned early on was 'don't try to make too many changes at once'. If you do, you'll end up getting discouraged. Have a goal, and work towards the goal. I had a thyroid imbalance most of my life, eventually I got Graves and they had to radiate the thyroid. All the crap I used to be able to eat and burn just went right to the gut. I was about 40. After that, I focused on diet and exercise. Keep it simple, don't beat yourself up, focus on your progress towards a goal.

Thanks for a nice diversion!
CABBAGE! I think cabbage is very healthy. I make a fantastic cabbage vegetable soup with no meat once a week if I can. REALLY helps clean you out IMO. And its good. And filling too.