Let's Talk about Physical Health

Corn syrup....mid to late 70's. Thats when this health mess all started. Everyone got fatter and fatter after they started using that poison. Sugar is quite bad for you...corn syrup is atrocious.

And it is added to all processed foods and only a few companies control the food market and they all own the corn syrup companies

Only 10 companies control almost every large food and beverage brand in the world.

These companies — Nestlé, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Danone, General Mills, Kellogg's, Mars, Associated British Foods, and Mondelez — each employ thousands and make billions of dollars in revenue every year.

Good advice. With respect to carbs, however, if you're doing cardio, carbs are a must. Sugar is poison. I can't give it up completely, but I've cut way down. I'm not a heavy lifter, but I do strength enough to need a lot of protein.

The lesson I learned early on was 'don't try to make too many changes at once'. If you do, you'll end up getting discouraged. Have a goal, and work towards the goal. I had a thyroid imbalance most of my life, eventually I got Graves and they had to radiate the thyroid. All the crap I used to be able to eat and burn just went right to the gut. I was about 40. After that, I focused on diet and exercise. Keep it simple, don't beat yourself up, focus on your progress towards a goal.

Thanks for a nice diversion!

Good advice.
And it is added to all processed foods and only a few companies control the food market and they all own the corn syrup companies

Only 10 companies control almost every large food and beverage brand in the world.

These companies — Nestlé, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, Unilever, Danone, General Mills, Kellogg's, Mars, Associated British Foods, and Mondelez — each employ thousands and make billions of dollars in revenue every year.


My wife used to work for Mondelez back in the day in marketing. They own nabisco btw . Boy lemme tell ya........if people only knew.
I am on the fence about the advice to eat a lot of fruit. Fruit is natures candy, it delivers mostly sugar, adding to our carb heavy diet.
CABBAGE! I think cabbage is very healthy. I make a fantastic cabbage vegetable soup with no meat once a week if I can. REALLY helps clean you out IMO. And its good. And filling too.

I dont think anyone can argue with that...though I suspect cooked is better than raw.
Eat the foods your ancestors ate, in the combination they ate (for instance not a lot of sugar) is what Bret and Heather say is our best bet.
The argument that processed food is bad for us because the best parts are removed is very iffy. The problem with processed foods is likely what is added, for instance machine lubricants.
Re the processed food angle I once read someone who claimed to have done an extensive investigation on what food was doing the most damage to our bodies....their answer was frozen pizza crust.
Politics is so damned destructive. I wish every thread could be this way. Hey Lurch,.....I remember you commenting on this song,.... been there myself a time or two,... just for you starting this thread,....heres one for you. Shhhhhhhh,....dont tell anyone,....I wouldnt wanna lose my rep as a hard core asshole! :)

I wont thread derail anymore after this. Promise. :cool: Another of my old favs, c'mon! Who doesnt love this song! Died wayyyyyyyyyyyy too young!

Have a nice night everyone....

Politics is so damned destructive. I wish every thread could be this way. Hey Lurch,.....I remember you commenting on this song,.... been there myself a time or two,... just for you starting this thread,....heres one for you. Shhhhhhhh,....dont tell anyone,....I wouldnt wanna lose my rep as a hard core asshole! :)

The decision to infect every area of our life with political intolerance was conscious.

I wont thread derail anymore after this. Promise. :cool: Another of my old favs, c'mon! Who doesnt love this song! Died wayyyyyyyyyyyy too young!

Have a nice night everyone....


Bullshit, Fatboy. First, your word is worthless since you have no honor. This is why you aren't trusted even by your own family much less your "friends". Who can trust a chronic bullshitter?

Second, derailing threads is all you know how to do. You're not educated. You're not very smart. The only thing you have is access to daddy's checkbook...which I'm certain he watches very closely. LOL
Bullshit, Fatboy. First, your word is worthless since you have no honor. This is why you aren't trusted even by your own family much less your "friends". Who can trust a chronic bullshitter?

Second, derailing threads is all you know how to do. You're not educated. You're not very smart. The only thing you have is access to daddy's checkbook...which I'm certain he watches very closely. LOL

This is a great place for me to say again that Dutch does not wish us well, and should be treated as such.
This is a great place for me to say again that Dutch does not wish us well, and should be treated as such.

You mean like Pedo Don wished Ghislaine well as she was hauled off to Pedo Prison?

I mean whoever runs this avatar sucks as a person.

You don't know who runs your avatar? Have you considered drinking less? Maybe joining AA?

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