LIBERAL Cheesecake Factory EMPLOYEES MOB & Attack young Black Man

She's an avowed racist. She once profiled a Black man as a "drug dealer" with no evidence and spit in his face.

From what I've seen, she's the typical lib, ... running her mouth, ... judging everyone according to the color of their skin. :palm:
I wore my Resist tshirt and caught a few shitty comments from people passing by. Meh...if all people want to do is say shit then let them. More than that then we have a problem.

If those employees truly did harass that man then they need to be dealt with according to the law and by their employer.
I wore my Resist tshirt and caught a few shitty comments from people passing by. Meh...if all people want to do is say shit then let them. More than that then we have a problem.

If those employees truly did harass that man then they need to be dealt with according to the law and by their employer.

So far, ... they have fired two of the racists.
I don't hate Trumpers. I feel sorry for them. They showed what horrible suckers they are and how little real homework they do. Anyone who doesn't think Trump will be a disaster, is not paying attention.

STFU, Klansman.
I wore my Resist tshirt and caught a few shitty comments from people passing by. Meh...if all people want to do is say shit then let them. More than that then we have a problem.

If those employees truly did harass that man then they need to be dealt with according to the law and by their employer.

What they should have done is laughed at your dumbass. I'm sure you would have understood why.
Oh how I wish someone would attack me when I wear my Trump hat, so far no luck

Prior to the 2016 election, my 16 year old daughter went into a local Starbucks. While waiting in line, a group of early 20 something snowflakes thought it would be funny to make comments to her about her Trump shirt. While I don't normally go into such a place, I thought I'd find out whether or not they'd do the same thing to me about mine. When I asked them if they had any comments about it, they abruptly left.
Damn, you're old enough to have a 18 year old kid?
Prior to the 2016 election, my 16 year old daughter went into a local Starbucks. While waiting in line, a group of early 20 something snowflakes thought it would be funny to make comments to her about her Trump shirt. While I don't normally go into such a place, I thought I'd find out whether or not they'd do the same thing to me about mine. When I asked them if they had any comments about it, they abruptly left.