LIBERAL Cheesecake Factory EMPLOYEES MOB & Attack young Black Man

You think I'd give you my home address, peckerwood?

You're even more of a dumbass white trash hillbilly rube than people take you for.

You expected me to give you mine. Typical leftwing, N-loving coward expecting of others what he admits he's too scared to do himself. Like I said, you're looking for a way out. It's OK. You don't have to. It really doesn't matter where as you're not capable of doing what you said you could do whether it's where you live or anywhere else.
You expected me to give you mine. Typical leftwing, N-loving coward expecting of others what he admits he's too scared to do himself. Like I said, you're looking for a way out. It's OK. You don't have to. It really doesn't matter where as you're not capable of doing what you said you could do whether it's where you live or anywhere else.

It's obvious who's looking for the way out and it's not me.

You just keep trying to change the subject to irrelevant crap like who said what first, blah blah blah.

If you really wanted to come down here, all you have to do is do it.

But you won't because you're a fucking pansy with a big mouth that's only good for spouting right-wing peckerwood garbage and sucking black guys' dicks in jail.
It's obvious who's looking for the way out and it's not me.

You just keep trying to change the subject to irrelevant crap like who said what first, blah blah blah.

If you really wanted to come down here, all you have to do is do it.

But you won't because you're a fucking pansy with a big mouth that's only good for spouting right-wing peckerwood garbage and sucking black guys' dicks in jail.

It's OK, boy. I know Father's Day was a rough day for you since you don't know who the nigger is since your mother fucked so many of them.
It's OK, sir. You know Father's Day was a rough day for me since I don't know who the nigger is since my mother fucked so many of them.

Sounds to me like you're still just making a bunch of lame excuses for be a dick sucking candy ass.
You forgot option number four, my most potent weapon of all... a big, fat mouth that blows hot, stinking, rancid, foul-smelling gas that's so bad, it will singe eyebrows and any other facial hair off, and make a person so violently ill, all they can do is double over and fall to the ground, hold their gut and lay there retching and puking.

How long have you had this super power??
The liberal (white rich privileged Democrat) slave owners and their toadies will not tolerate those who wander off the plantation. Blacks are required to support the 'democrats' or they are sent to the whipping block

Your racists are more racist than my racists, so there.