LIBERAL Cheesecake Factory EMPLOYEES MOB & Attack young Black Man

At least they work, which is more than one could say about all the red state rednecks sitting around on disability chewing on oxy like it is starburst candy.

Lol, you either have no idea what you're talking about, or, you are a liar. Probably a balance of the two.
Lol, you either have no idea what you're talking about, or, you are a liar. Probably a balance of the two.

Sure I don't:

"The analysis found disability beneficiary rates vary widely between regions of the country. Southern states tend to have a higher portion of residents collecting disability benefits. There are only four states in the country with 8 percent or more of 18-64 years olds receiving disability benefits and all of them are in the South."

Top Disability Rates by State:

West Virginia – 8.9 percent (Voted Trump)
Alabama – 8.5 percent (Voted Trump)
Arkansas – 8.4 percent (Voted Trump)
Kentucky – 8.2 percent (Voted Trump)
Mississippi – 7.9 percent (Voted Trump)
Maine – 7.7 percent (Split Electors)
Tennessee – 6.7 percent (Voted Trump)
Missouri – 6.4 percent (Voted Trump)
South Carolina – 6.4 percent (Voted Trump)
Michigan – 6.3 percent (Voted Trump)
Sure I don't:

"The analysis found disability beneficiary rates vary widely between regions of the country. Southern states tend to have a higher portion of residents collecting disability benefits. There are only four states in the country with 8 percent or more of 18-64 years olds receiving disability benefits and all of them are in the South."

Top Disability Rates by State:

West Virginia – 8.9 percent (Voted Trump)
Alabama – 8.5 percent (Voted Trump)
Arkansas – 8.4 percent (Voted Trump)
Kentucky – 8.2 percent (Voted Trump)
Mississippi – 7.9 percent (Voted Trump)
Maine – 7.7 percent (Split Electors)
Tennessee – 6.7 percent (Voted Trump)
Missouri – 6.4 percent (Voted Trump)
South Carolina – 6.4 percent (Voted Trump)
Michigan – 6.3 percent (Voted Trump)

There are several States in the South where greater than 20% of the residents in congressional districts receive food stamps. Most of those areas are blue when it comes to voting yet the State, as a whole, is considered red based how the "voted "Trump" factor you considered as the most important. In my State, we have 7 congressional districts. 6 are red and 1 in blue. The only blue one is also the ONLY one where that greater than 20% occurs. Not surprisingly, it's also the only one with a black majority.

By the way, in Maine, Hillary received 3 electoral votes and Trump 1 being that Hillary won the statewide vote total. Had Maine been a winner take all, Hillary would have received all 4.
Yep, resistance is futile. You will be assimilated. Conform or become the target of Socialist Bullying Liberals.

I really wish they'd try to bully ME. They'd get a real surprise. I've got three options. A walking stick that can bust concrete, not to mention liberal bones, a ten inch Bowie knife, or a .40 cal.
The stench left the room when this man confronted them. I imagine that's what you'd do if you actually had the guts to try and take what you say I shouldn't own.

Offer still stands, motherfucker, if YOU have the guts. I offered to come to Orlando and you still backed down. You simply don't have the guts to be anything but a worthless, n-loving coward.

You have yet to man up and prove you own what you claim to own. Personally, I don't believe you do.

As for your bald-faced lie about me supposedly backing down, I've told you time and again to come on down, but you're either too big of a pansy or you're too poor to afford the travel expenses, or (most likely) a combination of the two.

Either way, all you've ever done is run your fat, stinking, redneck peckerwood cesspool of a mouth.

And that's all you're ever going to do.
I really wish they'd try to bully ME. They'd get a real surprise. I've got three options. A walking stick that can bust concrete, not to mention liberal bones, a ten inch Bowie knife, or a .40 cal.

You forgot option number four, your most potent weapon of all... a big, fat mouth that blows hot, stinking, rancid, foul-smelling gas that's so bad, it will singe eyebrows and any other facial hair off, and make a person so violently ill, all they can do is double over and fall to the ground, hold their gut and lay there retching and puking.

Don't sell yourself short like that, tough guy.
You forgot option number four, your most potent weapon of all... a big, fat mouth that blows hot, stinking, rancid, foul-smelling gas that's so bad, it will singe eyebrows and any other facial hair off, and make a person so violently ill, all they can do is double over and fall to the ground, hold their gut and lay there retching and puking.

Don't sell yourself short like that, tough guy.

But it's much more fun busting skulls. Don't worry. I can't really hurt them by hitting them in the head. No brains.
On the bright side, doing that, you'll eventually end up in prison where you belong, amongst your own kind.

Ever here of self defense? If a mob of people came after me, armed or the narmed, deadly force is authorized. I could legally use any means at my disposal to stop them.
You have yet to man up and prove you own what you claim to own. Personally, I don't believe you do.

As for your bald-faced lie about me supposedly backing down, I've told you time and again to come on down, but you're either too big of a pansy or you're too poor to afford the travel expenses, or (most likely) a combination of the two.

Either way, all you've ever done is run your fat, stinking, redneck peckerwood cesspool of a mouth.

And that's all you're ever going to do.

While the date is yet to be determined, it’s a day closer than it was yesterday. All I need to know is where in Orlando. It is you that has failed in providing that. It’s because you’re a pussy.
While the date is yet to be determined, it’s a day closer than it was yesterday. All I need to know is where in Orlando. It is you that has failed in providing that. It’s because you’re a pussy.

I've already told you... once you get here, let me know where you are.

We can arrange the meeting place then.
The liberal (white rich privileged Democrat) slave owners and their toadies will not tolerate those who wander off the plantation. Blacks are required to support the 'democrats' or they are sent to the whipping block
Afraid to say where you are? Thought so. You’re looking for a way out, boy.

You think I'd give you my home address, peckerwood?

You're even more of a dumbass white trash hillbilly rube than people take you for.