Liberal gun bullshit

Here's a 'compromise' for ya... First we remove all the laws prohibiting involuntary commitment, so that whenever a person is mentally disturbed, their family can have them put in a mental hospital away from the public. THEN, if they opt to NOT do this, and instead choose to care for them in their homes, it can only be under the conditions no firearms are in the house. If the people make this decision and are willing to sacrifice their right to bear arms, that's up to them. See, I can be perfectly reasonable!

Joe's wife is having an affair, he finds out about it and breaks all the dishes in the china cabinet and turns over tables and chairs. His wife has him 'put in a mental hospital away from the public'

Isn't it AMAZING how 'individual liberty' is so easily discarded by these right wing turds?
Joe's wife is having an affair, he finds out about it and breaks all the dishes in the china cabinet and turns over tables and chairs. His wife has him 'put in a mental hospital away from the public'

Isn't it AMAZING how 'individual liberty' is so easily discarded by these right wing turds?

I'm sorry that we don't live in a perfect world. Guess old Joe should've taken an anger management course.
I'm sorry that we don't live in a perfect world. Guess old Joe should've taken an anger management course.

That's right, we don't live in a perfect world. That is why we have laws prohibiting involuntary commitment.

But God forbid we pass laws prohibiting criminals from purchasing firearms at a gun show in most states without a Brady criminal background check.
They're already in place. It's called insurance.

So having insurance means that:
It forbids a car to be in any area that a mentally ill person could access it, that there have been mental competancy checks for anyone who has a car, and people who have cars have signed an affidavit stating that they do not live with anyone who is mentally incapactated.
You know what you bunch of right wing gun licking pea brains, if I am a teacher, or the Slurpee kiosk kid at the mall, or the kid who pops popcorn at theaters, and you want me to be armed and protect all the citizenry that enters the facility I work at; I want to get PAID BIG BUCKS. I'm not going to put a target on my back for $40,000 per year, or minimum wage.

You right wing turds are MORONS.

Nice straw man argument, but FAIL.
Here's a 'compromise' for ya... First we remove all the laws prohibiting involuntary commitment, so that whenever a person is mentally disturbed, their family can have them put in a mental hospital away from the public. THEN, if they opt to NOT do this, and instead choose to care for them in their homes, it can only be under the conditions no firearms are in the house. If the people make this decision and are willing to sacrifice their right to bear arms, that's up to them. See, I can be perfectly reasonable!

We don't want to see you go, Dixie. :(
That's right, we don't live in a perfect world. That is why we have laws prohibiting involuntary commitment.

But God forbid we pass laws prohibiting criminals from purchasing firearms at a gun show in most states without a Brady criminal background check.

Most any gun show is bound by whatever background check laws are in the state, and the dealers can be put out of business if they don't comply. STILL.... Adam Lanza was not a legal gun owner who purchased a firearm at a gun show after a background check, so it wouldn't matter anyway.

We have laws prohibiting involuntary commitment because liberals thought it unfair to lock people away who they claimed were not a threat to society. But just like virtually EVERYTHING a pinhead liberal ever advocates, we see the consequences and results of your stupidity after it is too late. You now want to stand around with your hands in your pocket and say, "Well, we didn't know... but STILL, it's not faaaaair!"

It's not fair to punish law-abiding and legal gun owners for the actions of a crazy person! It's not fair to restrict my constitutional rights because of the irresponsibility of someone else!
Dont you think it would to know a little something about a topic before you discuss it or do you prefer ignorance?

Why is that?

You don't appear to know how to properly structure a sentence, yet here you are posting responses right and left that are, for the most part, incomprehensible.