Liberal gun bullshit

Not since Dixie have so many words been typed that completely avoid a statement. Did American civilians get killed purposefully as a result of American military intervention, yes or no?

Absolutely NOT. Kent State was a tragedy, but the students were not purposely killed by the government. The National Guardsmen who opened fire were kids themselves. They felt threatened and panicked.
Reloading takes 1 second, 3 at best/worst. That's insignificant.

Sure at a firing range under no pressure, but when a persons adrenalin is flowing, the magazine isn't lying right next them on a table, there is chaos, etc, well, I have heard numerous testimonies that overcoming the shooter while they reload has saved lives.
Sure at a firing range under no pressure, but when a persons adrenalin is flowing, the magazine isn't lying right next them on a table, there is chaos, etc, well, I have heard numerous testimonies that overcoming the shooter while they reload has saved lives.

Well, those are drills for one, so they're being shown in a deliberate nature to illustrate how to perform the drills. Secondly, and in this instance I'm guessing as I don't know what goes through the minds of spree killers, but there is a much calmer effect for the shooter who is not faced with similarly armed opposition (Someone shooting back at him/her). That said, tactical reloads are simple and the couple of seconds they take are of little consequence.
SWAT teams take days to plan and prepare


I swear to God...Between you and Dixie there's enough bullshit disinformation on this forum to cover the State of Texas.

Just where do you get this shit?

First you thought King George III was responsible for the War of 1812 and now this???

SWAT teams are trained to act quickly. Sheesh....
Anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of human behavior knows the answer to my question. I assure you that I do.

These psychos are cowards; that's why they go after the most innocent among us. They are also anti-establishment and seek to openly defy rules, regulations and laws. They are therefore much more likely to attack "gun free zones".

This is a fact, and the history of mass murderer proves it.

So...all we have to do is arm teachers, the Slurpee kiosk kid at the mall, and the kid who pops popcorn at theaters.
Absolutely NOT. Kent State was a tragedy, but the students were not purposely killed by the government. The National Guardsmen who opened fire were kids themselves. They felt threatened and panicked.

so they didn't shoot on purpose? what a load crock.
In order to stop this crap teachers need to be armed. We have Air Marshals in planes and this is a similar situation.

To drive a bus you need a CDL license. To drive a school bus you also need to be trained to handle kids in an emergency situation.

Teachers should be able to volunteer to carry. If they do, they should obtain the carry license as well as pass a special course dealing with associated school emergency issues. The weapons should always be concealed on their person during school hours.

Nobody's answered my question on this. Maybe you will.

The airline pilots are furnished the gun and a week's training at FLETC in New Mexico.

Who is going to foot the bill for this for our 6.6 million teachers?
I want a law that would make it illegal for the man who killed those kids from having the type of weapon he had. I want a law against having such a weapon in any area that a mentally ill person could access it.

I want laws that would make it illegal for children to have access to that type of weapon. I want a law that would prohibit children from having access to any gun without direct parental supervision. I want criminal charged for parents who allow kids to gain access to such weapons.

I want mental competancy checks for anyone to have a gun. I want training classes for anyone to have a gun. I want adults who are buying a gun to sign an affidavit stating that they do not live with anyone who is mentally incapactated.

Do you propose the same conditions for those who have cars?
No, because it makes sense to understand the topic being discussed. Continuing to throw out catch phrases or talking points without knowing what they mean just demonstrates how foolish the left is. It is pathetic.

I want "tings" banned.
I've never had one, I've never seen one, and I'm not sure what they are; but they have to have something to do with sex, because I'm always hearing people talking about sexTING.
Absolutely NOT. Kent State was a tragedy, but the students were not purposely killed by the government. The National Guardsmen who opened fire were kids themselves. They felt threatened and panicked.
you're kidding, right?? they felt threatened and panicked? kids themselves??? then what the hell were THEY doing with guns? why do you anti gun idiots hold such a double standard every single time???
Sure at a firing range under no pressure, but when a persons adrenalin is flowing, the magazine isn't lying right next them on a table, there is chaos, etc, well, I have heard numerous testimonies that overcoming the shooter while they reload has saved lives.
so now, with little firearms experience, you think you can accurately predict human nature under 'pressure'???

I swear to God...Between you and Dixie there's enough bullshit disinformation on this forum to cover the State of Texas.

Just where do you get this shit?

First you thought King George III was responsible for the War of 1812 and now this???

SWAT teams are trained to act quickly. Sheesh....
what universe do you live in? because you havent' been right about anything the last few days.