Liberal Take on American Independence

I've been waiting years for the left to just admit their true feelings and say "fuck the American Revolution."
You'll be waiting a long time you god damned Tory. ;)

The American Revolution was a product of the American left. Tell me the last time any conservative started a revolution?
You'll be waiting a long time you god damned Tory. ;)

The American Revolution was a product of the American left. Tell me the last time any conservative started a revolution?

1994 was the last time in America. In Britain it was June 23rd. If the American Revolution was a leftist cause, why does the left today consider it an abomination?
FYI....slavery existed in this free republic because the majority of society wanted it to exist. A representative republic works by reflecting the morality of the majority of its citizenship. Maryland was one of the largest slave holders and did not stop promoting slavery until well into the civil war. was not once but TWICE that the United States pulled England's tits from the fascist wringer. Liberals and their life within their mind, a place where they all live....between their ears....alway promoting propaganda through made up hypothetical accusations.

The Constitution and the US rule of law works. All men are created equal was a basis for the founding of their nation. Did that truth evolve? Of course not truth never evolves or it was never truth to begin. Who evolved? Society! When society was willing to ask forgiveness for its mistake of slavery. The living breathing document called the United States constitution allowed that By a super majority state ratification process called an amendment.

There are none of the now existing CIVIL or HUMAN right laws that exist....void of a majority ratification in this FREE REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC. No women voters, no black voters, no black nor female property equal education...etc., could exist if the majority of society had not evolved their moral focus. Its the only way history could have played out in a truly free republic...if any of these social issues had not been addressed by THE PEOPLE and came about by GOVERNMENT MANDATE would no longer be living in a free and open would be living in a fascist state much like Nazi Germany or Communist China or Russia.

How many revolutions have the majority of the states in Europe faced over the past 240 years (the same length of time as our own Constitution has served as the US rule of law)? 6....count'em, Europe and its nation states have averaged 6 major revolutions over the same time period that our simple 8 page rule of law has served WE THE PEOPLE very proficiently. Why would anyone want to SUCK IT like Europe's BIG GOVERNMENT lunacy?
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You obviously haven't studied Frontier history of North America. That's simply not true. The French had a remarkable and peaceful relationship with the Natives and they often integrated with them and the French post colonial record in North America indicates strongly that they would not have dispossessed or militarily conquered Native Americans.

The article the OP links to is a joke meant to twist American nativist panties in a wad written by a conservative Tory apologist.

All three points made are wrong. In fact rediculously so. The Brits were as responsible for the genocide of Native Americans as the Americans are. The authors reference to Joseph Brant is particularly laughable. The Brits unethical, immoral, cowardly and disgusting betrayal of the Iroquois played a direct role in their Genocide.

In addition there is no evidence that the Brits would have ended slavery in the American south as the certainly did nothing to end it in the Haj or in their Middle Eastern or African colonies. The Brits would permitted its continued use as long as it allowed the production of cotton for British textile industry and the South would have remained an undeveloped, one product, colonial backwater.

His third argument is the most laughable. To think that the Brits weak proportional government could effectively run a Nation as large as the US is just fucking silly and the notion that a British style Constitutional Monarchy including the rigid and non..
Originally Posted by anatta View Post
natives were doomed if not by Americans then the French or the Brits. The western white man did it.
1994 was the last time in America. In Britain it was June 23rd. If the American Revolution was a leftist cause, why does the left today consider it an abomination?
In it's time and place it was a radically leftist cause. Hell it was revolutionary...which is why it was called "The American Revolution" and show me any American who isn't a bona fide crank far outside the mainstream, except maybe in your imagination, who considers it an abomination.

This is just more...I'm going to say something silly and see if it sticks. It's not sticking dude.
In it's time and place it was a radically leftist cause. Hell it was revolutionary...which is why it was called "The American Revolution" and show me any American who isn't a bona fide crank far outside the mainstream, except maybe in your imagination, who considers it an abomination.

This is just more...I'm going to say something silly and see if it sticks. It's not sticking dude.

The right wing conservatives were King George loyalists.
They were liberals who would go on to become Jeffersonians politically. Conservative New England is where the Revolution began.

The Loyalists were conservatives who rejected the radicalism of the new nation; those who went to Canada resisted democracy there and became famous for their loyalty to the British crown, their admiration of royalty and aristocracy, and their anti-Americanism. The great majority of Loyalists remained in the United States, but their political beliefs had very little or no impact on the anti-aristocratic republicanism that became central to American values.
The world would be much better off with the elimination of leftists and muslimes from our great country. Let them all move to the EU
Anyway, Mott can't spin away from an article by a mainstream leftist denouncing the American Revolution.
It's amazing how one of your own conservatives writes something you don't like and you think calling them a liberal will stick.

Please explain to everyone here how a Tory advocating a return to Constitutional Monarchy is in any way liberal?
It's amazing how one of your own conservatives writes something you don't like and you think calling them a liberal will stick.

Please explain to everyone here how a Tory advocating a return to Constitutional Monarchy is in any way liberal?

Its the "commonality of FASCISM" that serves both that is confusing to both conservatives and liberals, neither want to admit culpability for their historical fascist acts. That's much like comparing Hitler and Stalin and claiming that Stalin is superior because Stalin was a social communist...when in reality social communism has killed far more innocent people than Hitler ever did. Two wrongs does not make anything right...nor left. What do you call it when the left championed Obama act that makes every citizen purchase something they may not want nor need by threat fine and or imprisonment? FASCISM

Its not like requiring AUTO INSURANCE because one's actions of being a careless driver might place another US TAX PAYER in harms way by doing physical property damage...when THE PEOPLE own the public infrastructures called highways and maintain them by TAXES...when one freely decides they want to use that system....owned by the public...then public rules and laws must be established. Getting sick is a personal harms no one but SELF. The only reason for the act of fascist purchase mandate was INCOME or WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION. Clearly its UNCONSTITUTIONAL AS HELL. The system would not nor could not work on a volunteer basis because BIG BROTHER needed to redistribute the money of young healthy people as well as the sickly old. So they stole it from the people by fascist mandate. Common sense would inform any honest logical person that SICKNESS is not a TAXABLE resource....its not an income tax...its not a personal property tax...its a TAX for being ALIVE....and that my friend is a PROTECTION RACKET just like our flat nosed friends engage upon the weak.

Is this post a TANGENT? Hardly....FASCISM is the common denominator for the extreme left or the extreme right. One's professed politics does in no way preclude he or she from promoting fascism...if it personally suits their needs, desires or wants.
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