Liberal TV Hosts are Terrified of Trump

Terrified my ass!

The MAINSTREAM Media is 10 steps out on front of DONALD TRUMP.

The Mainstream media is more than capable to immediately and effectively FACT CHECK his TOTAL BULLSHIT as the Moral Majority has come to expect and appreciate!


Lets see if “earl” can answer a simple question, which is also relevant to his thread

If Trump wins, who will stop him from doing anything he wants? Not the cult, the SCOTUS, the GOP, or the right wing media, who, who will oppose anything he wants to do?

What do you think he will do whiny little lying snowflake? Arrest his political opponents like Biden has?

You're such a simple-minded dunce.

These journalists are overreacting, intentionally, it sells, but they are not all wrong, Trump has already stated many of times the media has too much power and should not be able to say or print what they do. So if he carries out his threat, who would stop him?

What threat did he make whiny little lying snowflake?
All Trump is doing is lying on his back with his feet hopelessly kicking in the air- like a roach dying on the Kitchen Floor!


Who gives a shit?

Certainly not the party of "Law and Order". LOL.

I can't wait until you guys start drooling for the FELON to deport ILLEGALS for breaking the law. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Again who gives a shit? I dont like felons for president but I do prefer them to the lying, racist, child groping imbecile you idiots voted for. Do you understand the difference? I seriously doubt it.

You like felons for POTUS. Just accept what you are.
says the people protecting rapists and murderers in sanctuary cities.

Your guy also got nailed for sexual assault in a civil trial. So it seems your party might be doing the same. have no standing to even open your mouth in public places on this issue.......

LOL. My guy hasn't been convicted of 34 felonies. LOL. Your guy has.

And you'll still give him money. Which is HILARIOUS.
Your guy also got nailed for sexual assault in a civil trial. So it seems your party might be doing the same.

LOL. My guy hasn't been convicted of 34 felonies. LOL. Your guy has.

And you'll still give him money. Which is HILARIOUS.
how many rapes and murders has your guy been responsible for......that's not hilarious.....that's fucking worry about the words I use and support a fuckwit like're kind make me sick.......
If the House remains the same and the Senate flips and the presidency flips, how are the checks and balances voided?

The Democrats have controlled all three in the past and you weren’t screaming cult.

Poor Anchovies.
Didn’t answer the question “earl,” once again, who will stop him?
Crime is not being reported or prosecuted.

Inflation is 19.2% higher than when Biden took office. It is still increasing.

Trump negated Kim and embarrassed him by calling him “little rocket man.”:

Trump has never given Putin anything and the Russian collusion has been thoroughly debunked.

The Iranian nuke deal is now being ignored by the Iranians.
That is hysterical, “crime is not being reported,” in other words, while it was higher, it was reported, but now that it has gone down, “it is not being reported,” doesn’t be any funnier than that

“Embarrassed him.” He called Kim his lover, if anyone embarrassed anyone it was little rocket made a fool of Trump

“Debunked?” You going to tell us next that that meeting in Trump Tower was really over adoptions?

Of course it is being ignored, Trump ended it, duh

Say good night “earl,” you’re done
You mean like how the idiot leftists claim to care about democracy or that "no one is above the law" except democrats? STFU

You donuts have tried for 8 years to " get trump" and he's still in the hunt for the presidency. Hilarious
True, leftists care about democracy and no one is above the law

OOPS: The Powers That Be wanted to enslave humanity. Instead, they caused a Great Awakening.Neil Oliver says they have “fumbled the ball” because they pushed too hard and gave people NOTHING in return.Now, people are questioning:• CBDCs• 15-minute cities• Climate change narrative• Anti-meat messaging• Conventional medicine• ALL vaccines• The electoral process itself• Et cetera“I think that in the final moves towards this kind of neo-feudalism, they have exposed themselves. They’ve gone galloping towards the finishing line too early, in the wrong way, and too many people have seen it.”


The New Slavers are going for the Kill Shot.

I am not at all optimistic that the people will finally measure up and fight.
Oliver said well over a year ago that he does not think that the New Slavers have the stones to do what must be done next if their program is to continue, for instance declaring the Constitution over, large scale imprisonments.... eventually the building of massive piles of bodies....

I have never thought that his optimism is justified.