Liberal TV Hosts are Terrified of Trump

"The real battle is between those who are lying to you on purpose and those who are trying to tell the truth"
Yes, a rich con man who gave tax breaks to the super-wealthy and corporations will save us from some regime. That is the regime. That is who runs the country. How far off can you be?
I am very resistant to the brainwashings.... I credit education, my strong aversion to being submissive, and my outrage of abuse and abusers.

If there are any Americans left that believe this is politics as usual, they would be woefully mistaken. The coup to seize America by a progressive marxist group of communist ideologues began on 5 JAN, 2017. Until we as Americans get to the bottom of this and corral all of the coup plotters, we cannot move forward with any surety that they wouldn’t try it again. Fool me once, shame of me, fool me twice, shame on you.
It’s Democrats fault Mexico didn’t deliver any checks
it's demmycrats fault that the wall didn't get built.......its demmycrats fault that "Remain in Mexico" got cancelled......its demmycrats fault that illegal aliens are raping and murdering American people are less than dog shit.......