Lies About CRT makes it worse


Verified User
First, I am not "all in" on CRT. However, like most theories, I am not all in. For me, that is why it is a theory. It is an idea, not proven, but sometimes worthy of discussion. In my experience, if CRT is presented that way, as an idea, not fact, it is a great tool to encourage critical thinking.

Unfortunately, when encouraging critical thinking, the context is important. Articles like this, are a disservice because of how misleading they are. Moreover, by misleading people, the real concerns that could actually improve teaching and learning, are overshadowed by misplaced anger.

""""I was also told that they refrain from using gendered terminology in general terms of anti-racism. I was told that kids in kindergarten are asked what could have been done differently at Thanksgiving, and this struck me as a way to shame children for their American heritage," Solas said."""

Ok, told they did something. Great, but in what context. What else was included in the lesson? If the only mention of Thanksgiving was this assignment then there is a problem. Personally, I doubt that. Asking that question, even of kindergarten students, is worthwhile. Just saying everyone got along, end of story is misleading and insults the truth.

"""Solas was advised by the school district to submit a public records request through the Access to Public Records Act. Upon receiving some information, Solas said she "did not see any evidence of gender theory or anti-racism" but knew that it was being taught to students."""

No evidence but she knew. Wow, that is just insane. She has no credibility on this but according to the article, "she knew". No wonder people are confusing a theory with propaganda and propaganda with fact.

"""CRT curriculum has sparked a national conversation about the role of race and racism in school districts across the country.*Often compared by critics to actual racism, CRT is a school of thought*that generally focuses on how power structures and institutions impact racial minorities."""

Nice that at the end of the article convincing people AGAIN of the horrors of CRT they present a factual summary of what CRT actually is. Unfortunately, if you read the comments you will quickly realize the propaganda worked. CRT is anti-American hate.

True garbage. Even for fox, this is disappointing.
Thanksgiving is used by psychology to explain the toxic family. Quite a few fights break out because of childhood trauma. There's only 1 or 2 family members left at the table once emotion is released. Kindergarten is a good place to start allowing kids to express their thoughts.

Theory requires consensus and becomes accepted with enough evidence. Institutional racism is a proven fact.
Critical Race Theory derives from Critical Legal Theory that derives from Critical Pedagogy. Those are incontrovertible facts. Critical Pedagogy is Marxist in origin and is based solidly on the use of indoctrination and propaganda to radicalize those exposed to it. The purpose of Critical Race Theory is to create radical Leftists seeped in racism and hatred.
Critical Race Theory derives from Critical Legal Theory that derives from Critical Pedagogy. Those are incontrovertible facts. Critical Pedagogy is Marxist in origin and is based solidly on the use of indoctrination and propaganda to radicalize those exposed to it. The purpose of Critical Race Theory is to create radical Leftists seeped in racism and hatred.
Critical Pedagogy is basically an attempt to teach critical thinking.
The operative word ... do you actually think it will be presented objectively and as a theory vice fact ???

If you start with the premise that public educators are liberals looking to indoctrinate children then nothing can really be taught other than agreed upon fact.

I completely disagree with that premise, so yes, I believe critical thinking is the goal, not indoctrination.

My experience supports this despite the propaganda out there that provides limited examples of the opposite.

Good teachers will acknowledge it as theory. The few exceptions will not.
First, I am not "all in" on CRT. However, like most theories, I am not all in. For me, that is why it is a theory. It is an idea, not proven, but sometimes worthy of discussion. In my experience, if CRT is presented that way, as an idea, not fact, it is a great tool to encourage critical thinking.
Dude, “theory” is in it’s name: Critical Race Theory. You wrote an entire paragraph stating you think a theory is a theory.

FWIW, while I disagree with this theory for multiple reasons, I’m against banning discussion in schools.
If you start with the premise that public educators are liberals looking to indoctrinate children then nothing can really be taught other than agreed upon fact.

I completely disagree with that premise, so yes, I believe critical thinking is the goal, not indoctrination.

My experience supports this despite the propaganda out there that provides limited examples of the opposite.

Good teachers will acknowledge it as theory. The few exceptions will not.
Agreed teaching critical thinking is the goal.

Sure, kids need a background of knowledge to build upon, but the goal should be to teach them how to think, not “what” to think.
Critical Race Theory derives from Critical Legal Theory that derives from Critical Pedagogy. Those are incontrovertible facts. Critical Pedagogy is Marxist in origin and is based solidly on the use of indoctrination and propaganda to radicalize those exposed to it. The purpose of Critical Race Theory is to create radical Leftists seeped in racism and hatred.
Have you considered giving them some of yours so they don’t have to reinvent the wheel? :D

If kids learn critical thinking, then it won’t matter what they are taught. Consider that if Marxism is banned in schools, then it becomes a forbidden subject that attracts kids like old Playboys and smoking.

Better, and more American, IMO, to teach critical thinking and stop this banning bullshit.

An example is to teach the history of Marxism, warts and all, then query the students about its pros and cons. Most mothers teach their kids to share. Isn’t that Marxism? How about the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one? Ban Star Trek too?
First, I am not "all in" on CRT. However, like most theories, I am not all in. For me, that is why it is a theory. It is an idea, not proven, but sometimes worthy of discussion. In my experience, if CRT is presented that way, as an idea, not fact, it is a great tool to encourage critical thinking.

Unfortunately, when encouraging critical thinking, the context is important. Articles like this, are a disservice because of how misleading they are. Moreover, by misleading people, the real concerns that could actually improve teaching and learning, are overshadowed by misplaced anger.

""""I was also told that they refrain from using gendered terminology in general terms of anti-racism. I was told that kids in kindergarten are asked what could have been done differently at Thanksgiving, and this struck me as a way to shame children for their American heritage," Solas said."""

Ok, told they did something. Great, but in what context. What else was included in the lesson? If the only mention of Thanksgiving was this assignment then there is a problem. Personally, I doubt that. Asking that question, even of kindergarten students, is worthwhile. Just saying everyone got along, end of story is misleading and insults the truth.

"""Solas was advised by the school district to submit a public records request through the Access to Public Records Act. Upon receiving some information, Solas said she "did not see any evidence of gender theory or anti-racism" but knew that it was being taught to students."""

No evidence but she knew. Wow, that is just insane. She has no credibility on this but according to the article, "she knew". No wonder people are confusing a theory with propaganda and propaganda with fact.

"""CRT curriculum has sparked a national conversation about the role of race and racism in school districts across the country.*Often compared by critics to actual racism, CRT is a school of thought*that generally focuses on how power structures and institutions impact racial minorities."""

Nice that at the end of the article convincing people AGAIN of the horrors of CRT they present a factual summary of what CRT actually is. Unfortunately, if you read the comments you will quickly realize the propaganda worked. CRT is anti-American hate.

True garbage. Even for fox, this is disappointing.

it's made into policy, dipshit.

its a threat to all non racists. it is racism and divisiveness.

it's divide and conquer.
Have you considered giving them some of yours so they don’t have to reinvent the wheel? :D

If kids learn critical thinking, then it won’t matter what they are taught. Consider that if Marxism is banned in schools, then it becomes a forbidden subject that attracts kids like old Playboys and smoking.

Better, and more American, IMO, to teach critical thinking and stop this banning bullshit.

An example is to teach the history of Marxism, warts and all, then query the students about its pros and cons. Most mothers teach their kids to share. Isn’t that Marxism? How about the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one? Ban Star Trek too?


and this from you after months of trying to silence others.

you're an idiotic fraud.

and this from you after months of trying to silence others.

you're an idiotic fraud.

If that were true, then it should be easy for you to post three examples. If you can’t, then everyone will see who is really the “idiotic fraud”.
The ox the lady is goring seems to be policy regarding sexuality, not race, and her frustration at not getting a personal exposition
in transcript form of every word some teacher spoke in a lesson. So the procedure was some state FOIA type request in their strange little state,
and the local school board's debate on how to oppose that level of intrusion by parents that if unchecked could undermine the mission
of teaching due to spending all their time responding to angry bird MAGA moms.

If she was to be sued, it would only be a titular status. No substantive relief would be requested aside for some general declaration that
"we gave you all the answers to which you are entltled so please fuck off and let us do our jobs"

Absurd to not let teachers say "boys and girls", anyway... but that can certainly be done without drawing attn to the rule.
Just say youse guys, or chirren or y'all.. :)

Fox. :palm:
the essence of the theory is to throw out all facts and start from the assumptions of the party doing the teaching.......what could possibly go wrong........

Thanks for the Sean Hannity/Tucker Carlson version.

Here is the actual version:
Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that racism is a social construct, and that it is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.
Thanks for the Sean Hannity/Tucker Carlson version.

Here is the actual version:
Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that racism is a social construct, and that it is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.

racism is embedded in lib'rul thought and politics.....everywhere else it is in decline.....