Lies About CRT makes it worse

If you start with the premise that public educators are liberals looking to indoctrinate children then nothing can really be taught other than agreed upon fact.

I completely disagree with that premise, so yes, I believe critical thinking is the goal, not indoctrination.

My experience supports this despite the propaganda out there that provides limited examples of the opposite.

Good teachers will acknowledge it as theory. The few exceptions will not.

Good teachers will focus on fundamental education instead.

CRT is a *theory* and has no business being ‘taught’ in public schools. If they want to offer courses on it on college campuses that’s different—that’s where it belongs.
Thanks for the Sean Hannity/Tucker Carlson version.

Here is the actual version:
Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that racism is a social construct, and that it is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.

Well, ok lol.

How does this *theory* relate to the real world? Has it been tested empirically?
Like any sane person would care what PIMP writes following "the essence of X is...."

He's a doddering prejudiced grump. Someone push another spoonful of mush in his mouth and shut him up.
racism is embedded in lib'rul thought and politics.....everywhere else it is in decline.....

Agreed on embedding of racism in Democratic politics. They’ve institutionalized it.

OTOH, the Republicans have become a party of racist hatred focused upon Jews, African-Americans and Hispanics…..basically anyone who can’t pass the White Paper Test.

Despite all the faults of the Democrats, and there are many, disenfranchising American voters has to be one of the most unAmerican legislations coming from a political party.
Well, ok lol.

How does this *theory* relate to the real world? Has it been tested empirically?

It’s a model and, like all models, is an oversimplification of reality focusing upon a certain or small range of parameters.

If you read the article, it would answer most of your questions. IMO, CRT is mostly an attempt to identify the causal factors of racism in America. As all intelligent people know, one has to know there is a problem before solutions can be found.

CRT, as the link pointed out, discusses how past racist practices influence the present. As a student of history, I agree since all of our past influences the present. Understanding that point is good. Solutions are more difficult. One thing I’ll never agree with is “reparations”, at least not using tax payer dollars just to hand out checks.

As we’re seeing today, stimulus checks are having a negative effect (albeit the data remains to be fully analyzed) in minimum wage workers not returning to work just yet. Our nation saw a similar problem during the Great Recession when Obama extended unemployment benefits.

Better, IMO, is to fix the actual problems such as education. 92% of education is funded locally with only 8% Federal. Poor counties, it doesn’t matter if it’s an inner city or an Appalachian shithole, have poor schools. “Reparations” should be to communities, such as schools, not to individuals like checks or free college.

Since health and education are national security issues, it’s in our nation’s best interests to fix that up to a point. Efforts have been made, but all have flaws, mostly due to the toxic environment in Washington DC for the past 25 years.
It’s a model and, like all models, is an oversimplification of reality focusing upon a certain or small range of parameters.

If you read the article, it would answer most of your questions. IMO, CRT is mostly an attempt to identify the causal factors of racism in America. As all intelligent people know, one has to know there is a problem before solutions can be found.

CRT, as the link pointed out, discusses how past racist practices influence the present. As a student of history, I agree since all of our past influences the present. Understanding that point is good. Solutions are more difficult. One thing I’ll never agree with is “reparations”, at least not using tax payer dollars just to hand out checks.

As we’re seeing today, stimulus checks are having a negative effect (albeit the data remains to be fully analyzed) in minimum wage workers not returning to work just yet. Our nation saw a similar problem during the Great Recession when Obama extended unemployment benefits.

Better, IMO, is to fix the actual problems such as education. 92% of education is funded locally with only 8% Federal. Poor counties, it doesn’t matter if it’s an inner city or an Appalachian shithole, have poor schools. “Reparations” should be to communities, such as schools, not to individuals like checks or free college.

Since health and education are national security issues, it’s in our nation’s best interests to fix that up to a point. Efforts have been made, but all have flaws, mostly due to the toxic environment in Washington DC for the past 25 years.

Well again, why are we teaching school kids a theory that *attempts* to model society? The theory is untested and so it could easily be wrong. Marxism is a theory too. This should be left to higher education. Public school kids should be learning such basics as science, math, reading and etc.
Well again, why are we teaching school kids a theory that *attempts* to model society? The theory is untested and so it could easily be wrong. Marxism is a theory too. This should be left to higher education. Public school kids should be learning such basics as science, math, reading and etc.

So that they have a basic understanding of American History and Social Studies.

What part of the article do you disagree with? Quote please.
So that they have a basic understanding of American History and Social Studies.

What part of the article do you disagree with? Quote please.

I strongly advocate teaching History. Social Studies is ok too.

The only thing I need to understand is that it’s an tested theory [worse yet, it’s likely not even testable] so there’s no good reason to clutter young minds with it when they should be getting a basic fundamental education that would prepare them for college or to learn a trade.

Demonstrate where the theory has been tested and/or how it comports with the real world.
Maybe so, maybe not. Why do you think they would?

Do you think fact you can’t produce any evidence of your claims, and are obviously pulling it out of your ass, will help you or hurt you?

you have a record of lying for about 3 or 4 years straight now, including trying to intimidate others with impotent fbi threats.
I cannot even recall ever hearing the term Critical Race Theory until message board MAGA losers started complaining about it.
The oppression and exploitation of Palestinians- as Arabs- is a social construct, without a doubt.
Further, it's so deeply ingrained that it's likely that nobody here will want to move beyond the premise of CRT and accept it as fact.
I cannot even recall ever hearing the term Critical Race Theory until message board MAGA losers started complaining about it.

critical theory

the frankfurt school

rankfurt School - Wikipedia
Search domain en.wikipedia.org
The Frankfurt School (German: Frankfurter Schule) was a school of social theory and critical philosophy associated with the Institute for Social Research, at Goethe University Frankfurt.Founded in the Weimar Republic (1918-33), during the European interwar period (1918-39), the Frankfurt School comprised intellectuals, academics, and political dissidents dissatisfied with the contemporary ..

this is where culture marxism was perfected. it focuses on chaos, destruction, and intentional demoralization of populations.

divide and conqer.

these scholars were not smart. they were bad actors purveying evil.
Critical Race Theory derives from Critical Legal Theory that derives from Critical Pedagogy. Those are incontrovertible facts. Critical Pedagogy is Marxist in origin and is based solidly on the use of indoctrination and propaganda to radicalize those exposed to it. The purpose of Critical Race Theory is to create radical Leftists seeped in racism and hatred.

No, what CRT truly does is tell egomaniacs like you that "you didn't build that", which ruins the myth you've created around your fake exceptionalism.