Lies About CRT makes it worse

do you think insisting all whites are racist is a demoralization attempt?

CRT doesn't say all whites are racist.

It doesn't say that at all.

It doesn't say any race is racist.

What it says is that institutions were created and crafted to benefit certain races over others, and I think there's no argument that the people who created those systems were racist.

If you think taking advantage of those racist institutions makes you racist, then that's not CRT...that's your conscience.
Do you agree that schools should teach history as it happened, or should they whitewash the history that makes some people uncomfortable?

slavery has always been taught in schools. so has native american misfortune.

so has jim crow, reconstruction, and the civil rights movement.
slavery has always been taught in schools. so has native american misfortune.

so has jim crow, reconstruction, and the civil rights movement.
The difference now is the school to prison pipeline. Youth need to know the system is designed to make money by putting them in cages instead of providing them with opportunities for social mobility.
The difference now is the school to prison pipeline. Youth need to know the system is designed to make money by putting them in cages instead of providing them with opportunities for social mobility.

I think there is a place to teach about the prison industrial complex.

but there are also legitimate and valid incarcerations.

and, I know people happy in prison.

where does teaching that all whites are racist fit into your enlightenment model?
Critical Pedagogy is basically an attempt to teach critical thinking.

Wrong. Critical pedagogy is about indoctrination and propagandization of education. The central defining tenant of it is All education is political indoctrination. That is what it's creator, Paulo Freire stated. It is supposed to do this through making the student critically conscious. From that beginning it has been adopted by Marxists--the hardcore sort--internationally as a means to radicalize and mobilize students into radical Leftist thinking and action.

In the US, the primary early adopters and the ones who spread it through universities are "academics" like Peter McLaren (UCLA), Bell Hooks (USC and others), Antonia Darder (Loyola and Univ of Chicago), Henry Giroux (Boston College, Univ of Penn). They, and other adherents are all dedicated Marxists. They all teach in colleges of education at their respective universities or related fields.

Critical pedagogy has nothing to do with teaching actual critical thinking skills and everything to do with radicalizing the student into being a good Leftist and Marxist.
Have you considered giving them some of yours so they don’t have to reinvent the wheel? :D

If kids learn critical thinking, then it won’t matter what they are taught. Consider that if Marxism is banned in schools, then it becomes a forbidden subject that attracts kids like old Playboys and smoking.

Better, and more American, IMO, to teach critical thinking and stop this banning bullshit.

An example is to teach the history of Marxism, warts and all, then query the students about its pros and cons. Most mothers teach their kids to share. Isn’t that Marxism? How about the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one? Ban Star Trek too?

They aren't taught critical thinking. That's one of the bullshit lines from critical pedagogues. Students are taught to be Leftists, radicals, politically conscious to that part of the political spectrum, and be activists for Leftist ideas.
Teaching children to share isn't Marxist. Teaching children that if you are successful and productive you must give away what you've made and earned to others who are less productive. The key tenant of Marxism is that everyone has to be altruistic all of the time even if that has to be forced on society. Marxism won't work without that. It runs entirely counter to human nature.

In critical pedagogy the instructor would never teach Marxism warts and all. Instead, they'd teach how it works and why it's good. They'd further teach that other systems are inferior and to be shunned.
Thanksgiving is used by psychology to explain the toxic family. Quite a few fights break out because of childhood trauma. There's only 1 or 2 family members left at the table once emotion is released. Kindergarten is a good place to start allowing kids to express their thoughts.

Theory requires consensus and becomes accepted with enough evidence. Institutional racism is a proven fact.


This is a comment that I didn't expet from you ... it is classic obastard think ... "THEY CLING TO THEIR GUNS AND BIBLES"

???.....which do you need proved to you......that racism is less than it was in the 50s or the 80s?.........or that racism exists more strongly in the imagination of lib'ruls......
First, I am not "all in" on CRT. However, like most theories, I am not all in. For me, that is why it is a theory. It is an idea, not proven, but sometimes worthy of discussion. In my experience, if CRT is presented that way, as an idea, not fact, it is a great tool to encourage critical thinking.

Unfortunately, when encouraging critical thinking, the context is important. Articles like this, are a disservice because of how misleading they are. Moreover, by misleading people, the real concerns that could actually improve teaching and learning, are overshadowed by misplaced anger.

""""I was also told that they refrain from using gendered terminology in general terms of anti-racism. I was told that kids in kindergarten are asked what could have been done differently at Thanksgiving, and this struck me as a way to shame children for their American heritage," Solas said."""

Ok, told they did something. Great, but in what context. What else was included in the lesson? If the only mention of Thanksgiving was this assignment then there is a problem. Personally, I doubt that. Asking that question, even of kindergarten students, is worthwhile. Just saying everyone got along, end of story is misleading and insults the truth.

"""Solas was advised by the school district to submit a public records request through the Access to Public Records Act. Upon receiving some information, Solas said she "did not see any evidence of gender theory or anti-racism" but knew that it was being taught to students."""

No evidence but she knew. Wow, that is just insane. She has no credibility on this but according to the article, "she knew". No wonder people are confusing a theory with propaganda and propaganda with fact.

"""CRT curriculum has sparked a national conversation about the role of race and racism in school districts across the country.*Often compared by critics to actual racism, CRT is a school of thought*that generally focuses on how power structures and institutions impact racial minorities."""

Nice that at the end of the article convincing people AGAIN of the horrors of CRT they present a factual summary of what CRT actually is. Unfortunately, if you read the comments you will quickly realize the propaganda worked. CRT is anti-American hate.

True garbage. Even for fox, this is disappointing.
