Lies About CRT makes it worse

It is not propaganda to tell kids who we are where we came from. They can see how racist we are now. They might want to know where it came from. It has been a constant throughout American history. You cannot fix what you hide and lie about. BLM is trying to force us to see who we are. That is why they get so much hate.
Truth is not indoctrination. Hiding it is.

If there is no such thing as institutional racism, then that means people are BORN inherently racist.
I strongly advocate teaching History. Social Studies is ok too.

The only thing I need to understand is that it’s an tested theory [worse yet, it’s likely not even testable] so there’s no good reason to clutter young minds with it when they should be getting a basic fundamental education that would prepare them for college or to learn a trade.

Demonstrate where the theory has been tested and/or how it comports with the real world.

Please define "tested theory" in this case. What, specifically, are you asking to be tested? That bigotry from banks due to skin-tone versus actual credit value for over 100 years doesn't have lasting impact?

IIRC, the "Tulsa Race Riot" was the original public name for what happened in Tulsa 100 years ago this week. It was clearly a massacre which destroyed families and stole property from American citizens. Was any compensation given to the survivors of Ruby Ridge? Waco? I know millions were given to survivors of 9/11(overcompensated IMHO). Why not the nuclear families of those whose lives and livelihood were destroyed at Tulsa? <-LA Times. Maybe they're lying. LOL
Please define "tested theory" in this case. What, specifically, are you asking to be tested? That bigotry from banks due to skin-tone versus actual credit value for over 100 years doesn't have lasting impact?

IIRC, the "Tulsa Race Riot" was the original public name for what happened in Tulsa 100 years ago this week. It was clearly a massacre which destroyed families and stole property from American citizens. Was any compensation given to the survivors of Ruby Ridge? Waco? I know millions were given to survivors of 9/11(overcompensated IMHO). Why not the nuclear families of those whose lives and livelihood were destroyed at Tulsa? <-LA Times. Maybe they're lying. LOL

I’m not interested in discussing reparations for historical wrongs.

What manner of predictions does this theory make and how can they be tested? It’s not up to me to show you because I’m doubtful it’s actually a theory as a ‘theory’ is commonly understood.

That’s your job.
So don't teach kids about the Tulsa Massacre because...?

The history of violence in the United States should be taught along with all over history. I am 100% against banning any knowledge from taught since it is contrary to teaching critical thinking.

Restricting teachings to "age appropriate" as defined by local or state standards is fine with me. Banning is bullshit.
I’m not interested in discussing reparations for historical wrongs.

What manner of predictions does this theory make and how can they be tested? It’s not up to me to show you because I’m doubtful it’s actually a theory as a ‘theory’ is commonly understood.

That’s your job.
I have no idea nor do I care since my point is about authoritarian assholes limiting public knowledge.

You're on the side of the banners, dude. It's up to you to say why you support giving the Feds more power.
They aren't taught critical thinking. That's one of the bullshit lines from critical pedagogues. Students are taught to be Leftists, radicals, politically conscious to that part of the political spectrum, and be activists for Leftist ideas.
Teaching children to share isn't Marxist. Teaching children that if you are successful and productive you must give away what you've made and earned to others who are less productive. The key tenant of Marxism is that everyone has to be altruistic all of the time even if that has to be forced on society. Marxism won't work without that. It runs entirely counter to human nature.

In critical pedagogy the instructor would never teach Marxism warts and all. Instead, they'd teach how it works and why it's good. They'd further teach that other systems are inferior and to be shunned.
That's the core problem, they aren't taught critical thinking.

So what is the solution? Pol Pot shot all of Cambodia's teachers. Shouldn't the United States of America be smart enough to come up with a better solution?

Banning is wrong. Better to teach critical thinking....and if it was up to me, I'd require all voters to pass a citizenship test before being allowed to vote. ;)

You have been on my ignore list for close to 18 months now by my reckoning. In a nutshell, it’s because I find you silly, unimaginative and repetitive. When I see your contributions quoted by others, I see nothing that would change my mind. Just trying to save you some time.
I have no idea nor do I care since my point is about authoritarian assholes limiting public knowledge.

You're on the side of the banners, dude. It's up to you to say why you support giving the Feds more power.

So you have no idea whether it’s actually a theory or a load of bunk.
If we want to teach students critical thinking we should teach logic, math, or scientific method.

Subjects such as CRT are subjective with no universally accepted definitions and difficult to test hypotheses. It can lead to some stimulating discussions, but not critical thinking unless it leads to actual research which is beyond the scope of students.

In discussing the term "theory" people have been using the general use of the term which assumes theory and fact are different. In the scientific use of the term theories are facts. You test hypotheses and establish facts and combine those into a theory to attempt to explain some problem. If it is not a fact it is not included in the theory. The theory may not adequately explain the issue because it may be lacking some information or arranged incorrectly, but a theory uses facts.
If we want to teach students critical thinking we should teach logic, math, or scientific method.

Subjects such as CRT are subjective with no universally accepted definitions and difficult to test hypotheses. It can lead to some stimulating discussions, but not critical thinking unless it leads to actual research which is beyond the scope of students.

In discussing the term "theory" people have been using the general use of the term which assumes theory and fact are different. In the scientific use of the term theories are facts. You test hypotheses and establish facts and combine those into a theory to attempt to explain some problem. If it is not a fact it is not included in the theory. The theory may not adequately explain the issue because it may be lacking some information or arranged incorrectly, but a theory uses facts.

We each examine the existing definitions and utilize those that we agree with, based upon our own experiences. We might take extracts and combine them to form our own definition. This is the explanation that I can relate to;

Critical race theory

Critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.

That's just in the context of North America, of course.
Critical Race Theory derives from Critical Legal Theory that derives from Critical Pedagogy. Those are incontrovertible facts. Critical Pedagogy is Marxist in origin and is based solidly on the use of indoctrination and propaganda to radicalize those exposed to it. The purpose of Critical Race Theory is to create radical Leftists seeped in racism and hatred.

Critical Race Theory (CRT), the fraudulent spawn of another failed ideology – Marxism – is a mind-cancer invading American society. It has metastasized to the point it is now being taught in the nation’s military academies, effectively a “new gospel” of how the world should work. At base, however, it is simply the latest spin on an utterly-failed theory under which over 100 million people – as a conservative estimate – were slaughtered trying to make Marxism “work”. And that’s in the 20th century, alone. Our children don’t know this because our schools don’t teach this.

Lt Col Lohmeier demonstrates he, at least, is well aware of Marxism’s dangers, no matter how they are disguised and re-gift-wrapped. A clear scholar of Marxism’s history and failures, in his outstanding work Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier exposés this “new” ideology, CRT, a mind-virus of the type evolutionary psychologist Gad Saad refers to as “The Parasitic Mind”, in the psychologist’s book of the same title. Lohmeier recounts how Marxism has morphed from a class-warfare “struggle” – really, a man-made conflict set up to cause differing societal classes to wage war on one another – into the race-based “struggle”, CRT. This “new” ideology comes complete with its “intersectionalism” add-on, just to make sure everyone is covered by *some* “oppressed” “group” of one flavor or another. So the Boogey Man is everywhere. Racism is everywhere. Just because you can’t see it directly, you know it’s there: It’s “institutional racism”, after all.

Lt Col Lohmeier analyzes such false claims under the searing light of the truth, showing the actual damage caused to today’s military and the potential for far worse damages to both our military and our society, if this movement is not stopped dead in its tracks. And Lohmeier has the credibility and facts to back up his analysis: A highly-decorated, current-active-duty, “fast-burner” (early selection to ranks) squadron commander who commands a premier, frontline U.S. Space Force squadron, Lt Col Lohmeier provides a “boots-on-the-ground” look at what’s happening to the U.S. military as a result of CRT’s brainwashing agenda.

Lt Col Lohmeier has taken the extraordinary step of publishing the book while on active duty, fully aware of the risks such publication might raise. But the message is too critical to wait. Lohmeier “gets” that, knowing the stakes nonetheless.

This book is a wakeup call. Every American should read it – certainly every U.S. military servicemember, at the very least: Forewarned is forearmed. Get this book. Read it. And learn about the fight to come: the fight to save our nation from this Marxist cancer.
Critical Race Theory derives from Critical Legal Theory that derives from Critical Pedagogy. Those are incontrovertible facts. Critical Pedagogy is Marxist in origin and is based solidly on the use of indoctrination and propaganda to radicalize those exposed to it. The purpose of Critical Race Theory is to create radical Leftists seeped in racism and hatred.

Critical Race Theory (CRT), the fraudulent spawn of another failed ideology – Marxism – is a mind-cancer invading American society. It has metastasized to the point it is now being taught in the nation’s military academies, effectively a “new gospel” of how the world should work. At base, however, it is simply the latest spin on an utterly-failed theory under which over 100 million people – as a conservative estimate – were slaughtered trying to make Marxism “work”. And that’s in the 20th century, alone. Our children don’t know this because our schools don’t teach this.

Lt Col Lohmeier demonstrates he, at least, is well aware of Marxism’s dangers, no matter how they are disguised and re-gift-wrapped. A clear scholar of Marxism’s history and failures, in his outstanding work Lt Col Matthew Lohmeier exposés this “new” ideology, CRT, a mind-virus of the type evolutionary psychologist Gad Saad refers to as “The Parasitic Mind”, in the psychologist’s book of the same title. Lohmeier recounts how Marxism has morphed from a class-warfare “struggle” – really, a man-made conflict set up to cause differing societal classes to wage war on one another – into the race-based “struggle”, CRT. This “new” ideology comes complete with its “intersectionalism” add-on, just to make sure everyone is covered by *some* “oppressed” “group” of one flavor or another. So the Boogey Man is everywhere. Racism is everywhere. Just because you can’t see it directly, you know it’s there: It’s “institutional racism”, after all.

Lt Col Lohmeier analyzes such false claims under the searing light of the truth, showing the actual damage caused to today’s military and the potential for far worse damages to both our military and our society, if this movement is not stopped dead in its tracks. And Lohmeier has the credibility and facts to back up his analysis: A highly-decorated, current-active-duty, “fast-burner” (early selection to ranks) squadron commander who commands a premier, frontline U.S. Space Force squadron, Lt Col Lohmeier provides a “boots-on-the-ground” look at what’s happening to the U.S. military as a result of CRT’s brainwashing agenda.

Lt Col Lohmeier has taken the extraordinary step of publishing the book while on active duty, fully aware of the risks such publication might raise. But the message is too critical to wait. Lohmeier “gets” that, knowing the stakes nonetheless.

This book is a wakeup call. Every American should read it – certainly every U.S. military servicemember, at the very least: Forewarned is forearmed. Get this book. Read it. And learn about the fight to come: the fight to save our nation from this Marxist cancer.
maggot thinks that CRT is Marxist.

Haw, haw, haw, haw...............................haw, haw..........................haw. Haw.
maggot thinks that CRT is Marxist.

Haw, haw, haw, haw...............................haw, haw..........................haw. Haw.

it is.

it's true cultural marxist tactics to divide and conquer humanity along all possible vectors.

divide and conqer --> order out of chaos.
Karl Marx
Karl Heinrich Marx was a German philosopher, economist, historian, sociologist, political theorist, journalist and socialist revolutionary.



Haw, haw, haw, haw.................................haw.
Has anybody ever heard the expression ' the human races ' ? No. There's only one human race- and the differences between peoples are essentially the product of geographical location over time.

So ' racism ' IS a social construct. That's the first presumption of CRT nailed.
Has anybody ever heard the expression ' the human races ' ? No. There's only one human race- and the differences between peoples are essentially the product of geographical location over time.

So ' racism ' IS a social construct. That's the first presumption of CRT nailed.

but they really say all whites are incurably racist. so there's that.