Lies About CRT makes it worse

It's a theory. How some people use it is a load of bunk. Happy now?
it;s a load of bunk masquerading as a theory.
I have a theory we never went to the moon - both of those theories are crackpot garbage.

Hopefully you dont have any school aged kids ( naw you're way too old).
Parents are fighting back on that brainwashing
Has anybody ever heard the expression ' the human races ' ? No. There's only one human race- and the differences between peoples are essentially the product of geographical location over time.

So ' racism ' IS a social construct. That's the first presumption of CRT nailed.
ROFL there are no races except whiteness holding the black man down
Lohmeier recounts how Marxism has morphed from a class-warfare “struggle” – really, a man-made conflict set up to cause differing societal classes to wage war on one another – into the race-based “struggle”, CRT.
This “new” ideology comes complete with its “intersectionalism” add-on, just to make sure everyone is covered by *some* “oppressed” “group” of one flavor or another. So the Boogey Man is everywhere. Racism is everywhere. Just because you can’t see it directly, you know it’s there: It’s “institutional racism”, after all.
fraudulent crap
We each examine the existing definitions and utilize those that we agree with, based upon our own experiences. We might take extracts and combine them to form our own definition.
so make up your own pile of lies until you are satiated. Be Woke is all that matters
There is no empirical truth at all then by this "definition"
Translation: I actually have no idea whether it’s a legitimate theory or not.

Disagreed. Please define the difference between a "legitimate theory and not". The fact you don't like it is irrelevant. Most everyone knows your scientific background is weak at best.

Consider the "Welfare State" theory.
  • The welfare state is a way of governing in which the state or an established group of social institutions provides basic economic security for its citizens.
  • By definition, in a welfare state, the government is responsible for the individual and social welfare of its citizens.
  • Most modern countries have programs that are reflective of a welfare state, such as unemployment insurance and welfare payments.
  • However, the term "welfare state" is a charged one, as critics of such a system say it involves too much government involvement in the lives and well-being of citizens.
Is it a legitimate theory? Yes.

Is it a preferable theory? I think not. It's one thing to help the sick and minors or those who need a helping hand. It's another thing to carry someone from cradle to grave.

People are not cattle or sheep and, IMO, they shouldn't be treated as such even if they want it. Better for them to be taught self-reliance and have the self-respect to know they are capable of taking care of themselves. How can a grown adult have self-respect if they are mooching off the work of others?

CRT is simply a theory that long-term social events and/or actions of the past can adversely impact the present and, if not altered, the future.

IMO, looking at some aspects of CRT would allow the US to eliminate the Welfare State by maximizing the potential of all American citizens. Isn't that a preferable goal over the status quo?
Disagreed. Please define the difference between a "legitimate theory and not". The fact you don't like it is irrelevant. Most everyone knows your scientific background is weak at best.

Consider the "Welfare State" theory.
  • The welfare state is a way of governing in which the state or an established group of social institutions provides basic economic security for its citizens.
  • By definition, in a welfare state, the government is responsible for the individual and social welfare of its citizens.
  • Most modern countries have programs that are reflective of a welfare state, such as unemployment insurance and welfare payments.
  • However, the term "welfare state" is a charged one, as critics of such a system say it involves too much government involvement in the lives and well-being of citizens.
Is it a legitimate theory? Yes.

Is it a preferable theory? I think not. It's one thing to help the sick and minors or those who need a helping hand. It's another thing to carry someone from cradle to grave.

People are not cattle or sheep and, IMO, they shouldn't be treated as such even if they want it. Better for them to be taught self-reliance and have the self-respect to know they are capable of taking care of themselves. How can a grown adult have self-respect if they are mooching off the work of others?

CRT is simply a theory that long-term social events and/or actions of the past can adversely impact the present and, if not altered, the future.

IMO, looking at some aspects of CRT would allow the US to eliminate the Welfare State by maximizing the potential of all American citizens. Isn't that a preferable goal over the status quo?

You eliminate the welfare state by providing jobs.

Do you agree that our laws and institutions are inherently racist? Isn’t that sort of radical? Also note that the theory is self-encroaching: if race is an artificial construct how is it possible derive a theory from it? It’s lunacy.

Critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.
pretty common everywhere and most people except you & Woke understand it's not fit for use as education

Coming from a fucking Russian who supported overthrowing the United States government, I'll be sure to give your ideas all the consideration they are due.
You eliminate the welfare state by providing jobs.

Do you agree that our laws and institutions are inherently racist? Isn’t that sort of radical? Also note that the theory is self-encroaching: if race is an artificial construct how is it possible derive a theory from it? It’s lunacy.

Critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.

Agreed. Do you think more service jobs like Mcdonalds or career jobs like computer programming is best for our nation? (by "our" I mean the United States)

I think there are aspects of American society which are inherently racist including Federal laws. Example, I consider Affirmative Action to be inherently racist. It divides Americans by skin-tone and there is no end game. AFAIK, Affirmative Action will run forever unless stopped or altered by law.

Race is social construct like politics and religion. Are you claiming all of those are lunacy? Or do you agree with me that how these constructs are used determines if they are lunacy or not?
it is.

it's true cultural marxist tactics to divide and conquer humanity along all possible vectors.

divide and conqer --> order out of chaos.
It was the failed Governor Scott Walker who was caught telling a supporter, "Divide and Conquer".

Walker = Marxist?

How about all the people who divide based on politics? I say over and over plenty of GOPers that are smarter than I and love this country. Many most critical of Marxism refuse to acknowledge the same of Democrats. All Marxist?
It was the failed Governor Scott Walker who was caught telling a supporter, "Divide and Conquer".

Walker = Marxist?

How about all the people who divide based on politics? I say over and over plenty of GOPers that are smarter than I and love this country. Many most critical of Marxism refuse to acknowledge the same of Democrats. All Marxist?

some are, especially the globalist neeocon banker cocksnacker ones.

many republicans don't realize the marxist origins of their infernal doctrines.

bankers and jesuits joined forces and created marxism.

jesuit adam weishaupt + the rothschilds = the illuminati.
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Agreed. Do you think more service jobs like Mcdonalds or career jobs like computer programming is best for our nation? (by "our" I mean the United States)

I think there are aspects of American society which are inherently racist including Federal laws. Example, I consider Affirmative Action to be inherently racist. It divides Americans by skin-tone and there is no end game. AFAIK, Affirmative Action will run forever unless stopped or altered by law.

Race is social construct like politics and religion. Are you claiming all of those are lunacy? Or do you agree with me that how these constructs are used determines if they are lunacy or not?

We’re going to end up with Affirmative Action on steroids if CRT finds it’s way into our institutions and laws. Also note that it is a subtle form of black supremacy: the proponents themselves claim CRT applies predominantly to blacks.

You can derive a ‘theory’ of religion or any other social construct but it’s lunacy to try and apply it to the real world. CRT needs to stay in the college faculty lounge and has no business being taught or applied in public schools.
It was the failed Governor Scott Walker who was caught telling a supporter, "Divide and Conquer".

Walker = Marxist?

How about all the people who divide based on politics? I say over and over plenty of GOPers that are smarter than I and love this country. Many most critical of Marxism refuse to acknowledge the same of Democrats. All Marxist?

Walker was anything but failed. He won election,.... the left went crazy and tried every dirty trick in the book,....then they ran a recall election against him. What happened with the recall? He won by an even BIGGER margin then he did this 1st time! :laugh:
We’re going to end up with Affirmative Action on steroids if CRT finds it’s way into our institutions and laws. Also note that it is a subtle form of black supremacy: the proponents themselves claim CRT applies predominantly to blacks.

You can derive a ‘theory’ of religion or any other social construct but it’s lunacy to try and apply it to the real world. CRT needs to stay in the college faculty lounge and has no business being taught or applied in public schools.

Disagreed. The US will go bankrupt first if our nation doesn't figure out a way to help maximize the potential of most, if not all, Americans.
Disagreed. The US will go bankrupt first if our nation doesn't figure out a way to help maximize the potential of most, if not all, Americans.

It happens last night I had a conversation with one of my black buddies I grew up with. He said his father told him to never take a hand out from anyone and he grew up doing fairly well in life and he did it without ‘help’ because he didn’t want any. It wasn’t the way he was raised.

We need more of that and less ‘victimization theory’.
It happens last night I had a conversation with one of my black buddies I grew up with. He said his father told him to never take a hand out from anyone and he grew up doing fairly well in life and he did it without ‘help’ because he didn’t want any. It wasn’t the way he was raised.

We need more of that and less ‘victimization theory’.

Agreed. Human beings deserve better. That said, while the sick, elderly and minors may need direct money handouts, able-bodied Americans in need should be given education and/or OJT opportunities.

About 10 years ago I began taking night classes at a community college to learn welding for my retirement "job". I was the oldest person in the class. A few of my fellow students were ex-cons. The State of Texas provided them the classes, a helmet and gloves to learn a trade.

IMO, that is the type of investment government should be doing instead of just throwing out money.