Lies About CRT makes it worse

ROFL there are no races except whiteness holding the black man down

so make up your own pile of lies until you are satiated. Be Woke is all that matters
There is no empirical truth at all then by this "definition"

The dumbest among us decide that there's nothing to define.

Haw, haw...................................haw.
Disagreed. Please define the difference between a "legitimate theory and not". The fact you don't like it is irrelevant. Most everyone knows your scientific background is weak at best.

Consider the "Welfare State" theory.
  • The welfare state is a way of governing in which the state or an established group of social institutions provides basic economic security for its citizens.
  • By definition, in a welfare state, the government is responsible for the individual and social welfare of its citizens.
  • Most modern countries have programs that are reflective of a welfare state, such as unemployment insurance and welfare payments.
  • However, the term "welfare state" is a charged one, as critics of such a system say it involves too much government involvement in the lives and well-being of citizens.
Is it a legitimate theory? Yes.

Is it a preferable theory? I think not. It's one thing to help the sick and minors or those who need a helping hand. It's another thing to carry someone from cradle to grave.

People are not cattle or sheep and, IMO, they shouldn't be treated as such even if they want it. Better for them to be taught self-reliance and have the self-respect to know they are capable of taking care of themselves. How can a grown adult have self-respect if they are mooching off the work of others?

CRT is simply a theory that long-term social events and/or actions of the past can adversely impact the present and, if not altered, the future.

IMO, looking at some aspects of CRT would allow the US to eliminate the Welfare State by maximizing the potential of all American citizens. Isn't that a preferable goal over the status quo?

so many leaps here, dumb frog.

how does insisting all whites are racist increase anyone's self reliance?
Agreed. Human beings deserve better. That said, while the sick, elderly and minors may need direct money handouts, able-bodied Americans in need should be given education and/or OJT opportunities.

About 10 years ago I began taking night classes at a community college to learn welding for my retirement "job". I was the oldest person in the class. A few of my fellow students were ex-cons. The State of Texas provided them the classes, a helmet and gloves to learn a trade.

IMO, that is the type of investment government should be doing instead of just throwing out money.

Definitely need more emphasis on learning trade skills but it needs coupled with policy that would keep those kinds of jobs here.

And absolutely on a safety net for the disabled and etc. That’s a totally different thing.
The history of violence in the United States should be taught along with all over history. I am 100% against banning any knowledge from taught since it is contrary to teaching critical thinking.

Restricting teachings to "age appropriate" as defined by local or state standards is fine with me. Banning is bullshit.

That's fair.
I’m not interested in discussing reparations for historical wrongs.

Ah, so is that why you didn't go to DC on 1/6, despite claiming the election was stolen for two months prior?

What manner of predictions does this theory make and how can they be tested? It’s not up to me to show you because I’m doubtful it’s actually a theory as a ‘theory’ is commonly understood.

Commonly understood...BY YOU? You gotta be fucking shitting me. The closest you've ever come to the scientific theory is testing whether or not you should drink bleach to prevent COVID.
Definitely need more emphasis on learning trade skills but it needs coupled with policy that would keep those kinds of jobs here.

And absolutely on a safety net for the disabled and etc. That’s a totally different thing.

Agreed on an emphasis on skills versus a handing out tax dollars.

Protectionism is bad, IMO. A better path is incentives, not bans.

Consider the Christian Baker controversy. Banning was the big hammer used: A hammer was applied to the bakers for refusing to bake a Gay Wedding cake. A better path is restrict business tax deductions and small business loans to businesses that followed recommended guidelines. Those that didn't are free to do so, but they are on their own.

Likewise, stop giving corporations tax breaks for business offshore, but giving incentives to those who provide career jobs inside the US.
Ah, so is that why you didn't go to DC on 1/6, despite claiming the election was stolen for two months prior?

Commonly understood...BY YOU? You gotta be fucking shitting me. The closest you've ever come to the scientific theory is testing whether or not you should drink bleach to prevent COVID.

Ah, the bleach hoax lol.

When will you rise up from behind your keyboard and go after the white supremacists who you’ve been led to believe [because you are a mindless Lemming] are threatening our democracy?
When will you rise up from behind your keyboard and go after the white supremacists who you’ve been led to believe [because you are a mindless Lemming] are threatening our democracy?

I rose up and voted them out last year.

What have you done?
What about it is a hoax?

Is it the same kind of hoax as COVID?

Was COVID actually a hoax?

The begging for money hoax. Or the Hoax you said that Biden and the Democrats pulled off when he told people they would get an ADDITIONAL 2000.00. Remember? When you were in here on your hands and knees begging for the handout? That hoax. ;)
The begging for money hoax.

What hoax is that? I'm losing track of all the different hoaxes you say there are.

Or the Hoax you said that Biden and the Democrats pulled off when he told people they would get an ADDITIONAL 2000.00.

$600 + $1,400= $2,000

Remember? When you were in here on your hands and knees begging for the handout? That hoax. ;)

I remember Republicans wanted to give $0, and that's part of the reason they lost in GA in January.
C,mon LV.......LIE some more about the 2000.00. Doesnt matter if you deleted your old posts either,....EVERYONE saw what you posted back then. Everyone. So.....feel free to lie some more. I LOVE it when people tell on themselves. ;)
LV was in here when it happened crying about how the people need the additional 2000,00 and how she was going to lose credibility because she told everyone in her activism that if they just hung in there and believed in the cause they would all get an ADDITIONAL 2000.00. C,mon bitch....LIE. It comes so naturally to lowlives like you. BTW.....I piss on your measely 2 grand. Ive already spent more than that on a good weekend drunk. :laugh:
The 600+1400=2000 thing sure wasnt what you were saying in here when it happened LIAR. Do you not remember or are you THAT dishonest?

Sure it was...Biden was saying $2K checks before Trump passed the $600 checks in December.

So his message is consistent.

Republicans wanted to give $0, and that's precisely why they lost both those GA Senate seats.
C,mon LV.......LIE some more about the 2000.00. Doesnt matter if you deleted your old posts either,....EVERYONE saw what you posted back then. Everyone. So.....feel free to lie some more. I LOVE it when people tell on themselves. ;)

I'm not lying about anything.

Biden said $2K checks before the $600 ones were passed in Congress in December.

I can't help it that your short term memory was destroyed by your alcoholism.
LV was in here when it happened crying about how the people need the additional 2000,00 and how she was going to lose credibility because she told everyone in her activism that if they just hung in there and believed in the cause they would all get an ADDITIONAL 2000.00. C,mon bitch....LIE. It comes so naturally to lowlives like you. BTW.....I piss on your measely 2 grand. Ive already spent more than that on a good weekend drunk. :laugh:

Your problem is that you have no short-term memory thanks to your various drug and alcohol addictions.

Also, all this you wrote is just don't believe a single word of it because you're a phony.
maggot thinks that CRT is Marxist.

Haw, haw, haw, haw...............................haw, haw..........................haw. Haw.

That's it's origins, and you can't change that. CRT comes from Critical Legal Theory, which in turn comes from Critical Pedagogy. Critical Pedagogy was invented by the radical, revolutionary Marxist Paulo Freire in Brazil. Maybe you should read the history of CRT's lineage sometime.

Critical race theory (CRT) was officially organized in 1989, at the first annual Workshop on Critical Race Theory, though its intellectual origins go back much farther, to the 1960s and ’70s. Its immediate precursor was the critical legal studies (CLS) movement, which dedicated itself to examining how the law and legal institutions serve the interests of the wealthy and powerful at the expense of the poor and marginalized. (CLS, an offshoot of Marxist-oriented critical theory...
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