Lies About CRT makes it worse

this is an evidence-free wild accusation. you should apologize.

So you do see color, then?

What is the accusation that you think I'm making? Here's the quote. Show your work.

Thing is, you actually believe in Critical Race Theory yourself...when you say "you don't see color" what you're saying is that you don't believe race is a biological construct, but rather a social one...and that's precisely the major theme of Critical Race Theory.
That's a lie. For one thing, bullshit like that entering schools and gov't agencies started with Obama, and that wasn't multiple decades ago, dumbass.

It probably really didn't start until after 2012.

There were more riots in Obama's 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined.

CRT was unheard of before Obama. Prove me wrong. :/

PS: He has zero Black American heritage. He probably hates American Blacks.

CRT has been around for over 40 years.
Racism isn't biological. We aren't born racist.

Right, which means racism is taught, and if it's taught, that means it's institutionalized.

But it also doesn't have to be a societal basis that creates racism.

A societal basis is the ONLY means by which racism is "created" and proliferated.

Individuals can be racist too regardless of society.

How do they become racist, then, since you say racism isn't genetic or biological?

Anyone is taught to be racist, so who does that teaching and from where did those teachers learn to be racist?

Fine, you never claimed that but CRT does claim that because that's how CRT works.

You're right, CRT is not taught by parents...CRT is the antidote to parental racism.

The individual doesn't matter because if racism was on an individual basis, CRT's central tenant of being the equivalent of the classic Marxist class struggle collapses and CRT becomes nothing but the unworkable quack theory by radical Leftists it actually is.

You JUST SAID that people learn to be racist.

So from whom are they learning to be racist, and how did those people learn how to be racist if not for the institutionalized racism their parents indoctrinated them into?
Right, which means racism is taught, and if it's taught, that means it's institutionalized.

A societal basis is the ONLY means by which racism is "created" and proliferated.

How do they become racist, then, since you say racism isn't genetic or biological?

Anyone is taught to be racist, so who does that teaching and from where did those teachers learn to be racist?

You're right, CRT is not taught by parents...CRT is the antidote to parental racism.

You JUST SAID that people learn to be racist.

So from whom are they learning to be racist, and how did those people learn how to be racist if not for the institutionalized racism their parents indoctrinated them into?

crt perpetuates racism.
Right, which means racism is taught, and if it's taught, that means it's institutionalized.

A societal basis is the ONLY means by which racism is "created" and proliferated.

How do they become racist, then, since you say racism isn't genetic or biological?

Anyone is taught to be racist, so who does that teaching and from where did those teachers learn to be racist?

You're right, CRT is not taught by parents...CRT is the antidote to parental racism.

You JUST SAID that people learn to be racist.

So from whom are they learning to be racist, and how did those people learn how to be racist if not for the institutionalized racism their parents indoctrinated them into?

your leaps of logic prove your idiocy.

you're an idiot.