Lies About CRT makes it worse

Agreed. Some individuals are assholes including being racists. Little can be done about that as long as they don't break the law. Social racism is a different matter. You are correct that racism is cultural. It's taught.

Segregation laws are an example of social racism. By trying to eliminate segregation, the Democrats also institutionalized racism; writing it into government culture of the USA. Even the Constitution has racism written into our laws with the 3/5s Compromise.

The problem is, that CRT wants to reinstitute segregation.
Thing is, you actually believe in Critical Race Theory yourself...when you say "you don't see color" what you're saying is that you don't believe race is a biological construct, but rather a social one...and that's precisely the major theme of Critical Race Theory.

this is an evidence-free wild accusation. you should apologize.
They're already getting CRT, and have for decades.

That's a lie. For one thing, bullshit like that entering schools and gov't agencies started with Obama, and that wasn't multiple decades ago, dumbass.

It probably really didn't start until after 2012.

There were more riots in Obama's 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined.

CRT was unheard of before Obama. Prove me wrong. :/

PS: He has zero Black American heritage. He probably hates American Blacks.
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Is that in the CRT manual or just some asshole in a tweed jacket saying it?

In 2019, the National Association of Scholars (NAS) published an investigation, “Separate but Equal, Again: Neo-Segregation in American Higher Education.” Out of the 173 public and private schools it surveyed, 43% had residential segregation, 46% had segregated orientation programs, and 72% had segregated graduation ceremonies.

At the federal Veterans Administration Puget Sound facility, the local leadership has launched a series of racially segregated “caucuses” for “individuals who identify as white” and those who identify as “African-American or black” or as “people of color.” According to whistleblower e-mails, the organizer, Dr. Jesse Markman, convened the racially segregated sessions, calling them “an environment for sharing and discussion, which is not afforded by mixed groups.” Dr. Markman referred me to the VA’s public-affairs office, which didn’t provide comment.

Affinity Groups: The Left’s New Term For Segregation

'Woke' Progressives Are Forcing Brown and Black Dudes Back Into Segregation For Wanting To Date White Women
That's a lie. For one thing, bullshit like that entering schools and gov't agencies started with Obama, and that wasn't multiple decades ago, dumbass.

It probably really didn't start until after 2012.

There were more riots in Obama's 2nd term than the previous 40 years combined.

CRT was unheard of before Obama. Prove me wrong. :/

PS: He has zero Black American heritage. He probably hates American Blacks.

obama is bougey.

bougey-- black american slang. adjective. -- of or pertaining to the bourgeoisie.
Critical Race Theory Is Going to Win
At this rate, it does not seem that the conservative movement is up to fighting the battle over Critical Race Theory (CRT) in a way that will produce results. Let’s face it. If the right continues using its current strategy, we are going to lose yet another cultural battle.

Yes, and unless the last of the Left Liberals such as me band together with the COnservatives and fight together we are all destined to live under the thumb of the WOKE TALIBAN.

Wake the fuck up people, it is much later than you think.

Do you back segregation? Yes or no? I think it's stupid, but I've seen the logic and studies applied to sexes that boys and girls do better in class when seperated. I can see how that might work with other subsets. OTOH, the point of America is assimilation, not segregation no matter how many racist assholes say "segregation today . . . segregation tomorrow . . . segregation forever".

FWIW, with the fucking Chinese, the fucking Russians, the fucking Iranians, the fucking Jihadists and other assorted assholes seeking to attack the US, I'm amazed the Republican Party has made CRT a top priority. It's certainly not to investigate the Insurrection and the shooting of Babbitt.
So, I went through the first 200+ posts and selected so quotes that I believe added to the discussion. I broke the into categories and gave my personal response/conclusions.

I learned a lot and appreciate the discussion.


If a baseline belief system allows the election of a Black man as president to prove racism does not exist then I got nothing.* Ignoring realities like birtherism, Charlottesville, the NY Post Cartoon (see image), and Jan 6 Confederate Flag representation is tragically ignorant.* Those events prove racism does still exist.* The election of a Black President doesn’t eliminate those events.

Obama himself was racist.
I can't see why folks don't realize the fundamentals of CRT. Racism exists- but race doesn't.

Maybe the life-long conditioning can't be broken. The enlightened ones are on the outside, looking in at you.
I can't see why folks don't realize the fundamentals of CRT. Racism exists- but race doesn't.

Maybe the life-long conditioning can't be broken. The enlightened ones are on the outside, looking in at you.

This is how to deal with these fuckers hit them where it really hurts!

Black Columbia professor calls for 'truly antiracist parents' to pull their kids out of $52k New Jersey school after teacher quit over critical race theory lessons and says only this will stop the 'misguided quest'

  • John McWhorter, an associate professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University, tweeted his support for Dana Stangel-Plowe
  • Stangel-Plowe, who taught at the Dwight-Englewood School in Bergen County, accused the school of creating a 'hostile culture of conformity and fear'
  • Her resignation letter was published by the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism
  • The organization said she is an 'award-winning teacher' and a graduate of Cornell University, as well as a published poet, in highlighting her credentials
  • Stangel-Plowe said Head of School Rodney De Jarnett told the entire faculty that he would fire everyone if he could to replace them with people of color

A black professor at Columbia University has called for parents to pull their kids out of a $52,000-a-year private school in Englewood, New Jersey after a teacher quit over critical race theory lessons. John McWhorter, an associate professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University, tweeted his support for Dana Stangel-Plowe - who resigned from the Dwight-Englewood School on Tuesday.

'All hail Dana Stangel-Plowe, who has resigned from the Dwight-Englewood School, which teaches students "antiracism" that sees life as nothing but abuse of power, and teaches that cringing, hostile group identity against oppression is the essence of a self,' McWhorter tweeted. The academic is also a distinguished journalist, who serves as a contributing editor at The Atlantic magazine.

'Truly antiracist parents, in the name of love of their kids, should pull them from the Dwight-Englewood school as of next fall. Only this will arrest these misguided Elect parishioners from their quest to forge a new reality for us all,' he added.

Stangel-Plowe herself retweeted McWhorter's praise. She did so a day after accused the school of creating a 'hostile culture of conformity and fear' in her resignation letter on Tuesday.

She said Head of School Rodney De Jarnett told the entire faculty that he would fire everyone if he could to replace them with people of color. She also accused the school of segregating teachers by their skin color - and said students were also made to segregate themselves 'within the oppressor or oppressed group.'
Her resignation letter was published by the Foundation Against Intolerance & Racism, (FAIR) an organization created to combat critical race theory teachings in school.

'I'm not doing any interviews,' Stangel-Plowe said when reached by over the phone on Wednesday evening.
Do you really think I give a single fuck about your opinion? Now somebody eminent like John McWhorter is worth listening but yours is totally worthless.

You can't even see the irony in quoting somebody primarily because of their skin-color, can you, maggot. You're a moral derelict.

Haw, haw...............................haw.
You can't even see the irony in quoting somebody primarily because of their skin-color, can you, maggot. You're a moral derelict.

Haw, haw...............................haw.

I can see a pompous prickette spouting effluent as per usual. John McWhorter is a great man I doubt you've even heard of him, I'll take his advice over a useless charlatan like you any day.
I can see a pompous prickette spouting effluent as per usual. John McWhorter is a great man I doubt you've even heard of him, I'll take his advice over a useless charlatan like you any day.

You'll take anything at all which is cut-and-pasteable and vaguely echoes your own deluded self-construct, maggot.

Haw, haw......................................haw.
You'll take anything at all which is cut-and-pasteable and vaguely echoes your own deluded self-construct, maggot.

Haw, haw......................................haw.

The arrogant fuck thinks that his opinion is worth anything compared to black intellectuals like Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele or John McWhorter.