Lies About CRT makes it worse

“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
Nelson Mandela

Congratulations! You support Critical Race Theory.
“Our world is not divided by race, color, gender or religion. Our world is divided into wise people and fools. And fools divide themselves by race, color, gender, or religion.”
Nelson Mandela

Again, this is the central premise of CRT.
So, I went through the first 200+ posts and selected so quotes that I believe added to the discussion. I broke the into categories and gave my personal response/conclusions.

I learned a lot and appreciate the discussion.


If a baseline belief system allows the election of a Black man as president to prove racism does not exist then I got nothing.* Ignoring realities like birtherism, Charlottesville, the NY Post Cartoon (see image), and Jan 6 Confederate Flag representation is tragically ignorant.* Those events prove racism does still exist.* The election of a Black President doesn’t eliminate those events.

Agreed racism is an issue and it obviously still exists. One reason it still exists is because the Democrats famously institutionalized it beginning with the 1964 CRA.

God Bless America!

So, I went through the first 200+ posts and selected so quotes that I believe added to the discussion. I broke the into categories and gave my personal response/conclusions.

I learned a lot and appreciate the discussion.


I dont know if teaching US History more honestly is technically a part of CRT.* If it is, it may be the most valuable part.* It is important that students understand the “why” about current American culture.* That is impossible if the truth is being hidden or minimized.* Take this example: *

Native American “misfortune”.* If the murder of Native Americans, or theft of their land and culture is “misfortune” then we failed to honestly teach US History.* That type of minimizing of what was done to Native Americans will prevent students from understanding our current cultural realities.

How can they avoid it?

OTOH, some might want to focus only on certain parts in order to attack it such as JPP's Papist Haters. Sure, pedo priests is deplorable and the Catholic leadership is working on it. The main "vote" should be by the believers since they know a few criminals can't take down their faith.

CRT seems to base part of their ideology on faith since I haven't seen much science on it. Still, it seems clear that there is a major problem in the United States when all kids can't get a decent education through 12th grade. That's happening in almost every poor section of America. Others can argue why a higher proportion of them are of African-American descent, but that doesn't solve the fucking problem. We, the People need to raise the level of education in our nation if we expect to compete in the modern world.

Note the stats are "highest level of attainment" which explains why Asians are 19% HS.

Full report here: https://1xfsu31b52d33idlp13twtos-wp...content/uploads/2019/02/REHE-Chapter-1-SA.pdf
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CRT seems to base part of their ideology on faith since I haven't seen much science on it.


Have you looked at the plaintiffs' argument in the case of Gary B. v. Whitmer? And did you determine that it was incorrect by refuting their statistical evidence of inequitable outcomes in statistical detail?

Here's the brief:

Here's the opinion; Page 11 is where the statistical outcomes come into play:
No, it's not. Do you love everyone equally? Are you wise or foolish?Do you believe the world is divided?

What your quote described, that I responded to, is precisely what CRT is.

So you've been tricked and conned into thinking it's something else.

Tricked and conned by the same people who tricked and conned you about COVID, the election, and Trump.

It's what you already say you believe.
So, I went through the first 200+ posts and selected so quotes that I believe added to the discussion. I broke the into categories and gave my personal response/conclusions.

I learned a lot and appreciate the discussion.


QUOTE=PostmodernProphet;4458832]racism is embedded in lib'rul thought and politics.....everywhere else it is in decline.....

I share these for amusement.* How can anyone posting such dribble question others intelligence?* How can they claim to talk about truth?* It is sad.* They actually believe they are credible when they provide no substance to the discussion.* Anonymous courage is real and pathetic.[/QUOTE]

Your name fits. "Why" think. Apparently that escapes you.
What your quote described, that I responded to, is precisely what CRT is.

So you've been tricked and conned into thinking it's something else.

It's what you already say you believe.
No,'re confused...
But don't worry. Great teachers and parents care too much about their children and their futures....... It won't be a part of our schools...
and that won't effect you in the slightest, one way or another.
No,'re confused...
But don't worry. Great teachers and parents care too much about their children and their futures....... It won't be a part of our schools...
and that won't effect you in the slightest, one way or another.

You said that you believe racism is not genetic, that it's taught, and that parents are the ones doing that teaching.

That's CRT.
It was a two-way street asshole. Isolation from those who hate them gives protection.

No it doesn't.

Isolating from those who hate them makes it easy for those who hate them to round them all up or drive them out.

The Holocaust wasn't the first time Europeans ethnically cleansed Jews.

It wasn't even the first time they were ethnically cleansed that century.

My ancestors escaped the pogroms of Eastern Europe at the turn of the 20th century, as did millions of other Jews who came to America in the late 1800's/early 1900's.
What your quote described, that I responded to, is precisely what CRT is.

So you've been tricked and conned into thinking it's something else.

Tricked and conned by the same people who tricked and conned you about COVID, the election, and Trump.

It's what you already say you believe.
That is the real issue. What is CRT and how will it be implemented into professional training and education?

My experience has been CRT is meant to increase awareness. Awareness of current realities awareness of our history.

I have seen examples from others that makes me angry. If true, the training and/or education is being used as propaganda or age appropriate doesn't matter.

Of course, this is the issue with social studies. The subject is so broad it is likely to include bias. Take any one year and try to teach the 20 important events. People are likely to disagree and make it political. Now multiple that by 400 years.

I think ultimately local school boards, principals, and educators are going to need to carefully navigate CRT.

What is frustrating is the extreme examples being used as propaganda to shutdown what could be real worthwhile conversations. My experiences include some of the best discussions being what we disagree with not just blindly accepting. However, those disagreements do not lead to dismissing the entire content of CRT.
I share these for amusement.* How can anyone posting such dribble question others intelligence?* How can they claim to talk about truth?* It is sad.* They actually believe they are credible when they provide no substance to the discussion.* Anonymous courage is real and pathetic.

Your name fits. "Why" think. Apparently that escapes you.[/QUOTE]Funny...

I responded to multiple perspectives shared over 200+ posts. You focus on my criticism of immature and pathetic name-calling. True, the response that requires minimum thought.

Perhaps you might challenge yourself and "think" about the responses about the actual topic.

WhyThink is a perfect name. Especially on these discussion boards. You can quickly identify those who think and those who lazily call names. The name-calling is "why" people need to "think".
That is the real issue. What is CRT and how will it be implemented into professional training and education?

My experience has been CRT is meant to increase awareness. Awareness of current realities awareness of our history.

I have seen examples from others that makes me angry. If true, the training and/or education is being used as propaganda or age appropriate doesn't matter.

Of course, this is the issue with social studies. The subject is so broad it is likely to include bias. Take any one year and try to teach the 20 important events. People are likely to disagree and make it political. Now multiple that by 400 years.

I think ultimately local school boards, principals, and educators are going to need to carefully navigate CRT.

What is frustrating is the extreme examples being used as propaganda to shutdown what could be real worthwhile conversations. My experiences include some of the best discussions being what we disagree with not just blindly accepting. However, those disagreements do not lead to dismissing the entire content of CRT.

I think the reason why most of these people oppose CRT is because CRT destroys the myth of American exceptionalism, and that the achievements of certain folks mean much less if placed within the context of an institutional system that was designed for them to succeed.

So if someone, let's say Yakuda, says they achieved their relative level of mediocrity because they "worked hard", suddenly that mediocrity looks a lot less impressive if they acknowledge that they had help to get there that others didn't have.

It's like when Obama said "you didn't build that"; I believe he was speaking to my exact point when he said that...that the "hard work" you think you did was actually augmented by institutions that were designed and crafted for you to succeed. So you didn't achieve that/you didn't build that without help.

Acknowledging what that help was is really what CRT is all about, on a personal level.
Your name fits. "Why" think. Apparently that escapes you.

I responded to multiple perspectives shared over 200+ posts. You focus on my criticism of immature and pathetic name-calling. True, the response that requires minimum thought.

Perhaps you might challenge yourself and "think" about the responses about the actual topic.

WhyThink is a perfect name. Especially on these discussion boards. You can quickly identify those who think and those who lazily call names. The name-calling is "why" people need to "think".[/QUOTE]

And you rush in to prove my point. Keep our fake intellect where people will fall for it. You know, other dumb fuck democrats.