Lies About CRT makes it worse

Right, and your post was not clear and was in response to my post about the anti-trans bathroom bill.

You decided unilaterally to steer the debate to a non-sequitur, post-hoc.
Which is a clue that if you don't understand something, you should ask instead of leaping off a fucking cliff like a looney lemming.

Hey, dumbass; you're the one whining about fucking bathrooms and transgender on a CRT thread. Try honesty some time. Maybe you'll earn the respect of your peers.
Which is a clue that if you don't understand something, you should ask instead of leaping off a fucking cliff like a looney lemming.

So I have to not only do my work on my posts, but I now have to do your work on your posts too?

So do you want me to post for you, then?

After all, if I now have to do all the work to make your posts coherent and articulate, I expect to be compensated for that effort.
Right, so then that proves that racism is so institutionalized in this country, that parents teach it to their kids.

So you support CRT, then, because CRT combats the racism parents teach their kids, who you said are taught to be racist by their parents.
I think parenting classes would be the better approach..I do not support CRT in the schools....I mentioned that before..Why do you support it?
Are you a parent or teacher?
Hey, dumbass; you're the one whining about fucking bathrooms and transgender on a CRT thread. Try honesty some time. Maybe you'll earn the respect of your peers.

The reason I brought up the anti-trans bathroom bill is because you made an argument (unwittingly) on behalf of federalism that you didn't realize you made.
I think parenting classes would be the better approach

Ah, so what would those parenting classes teach, then?

..I do not support CRT in the schools....I mentioned that before..Why do you support it?

But you do support it in the schools because how else are you going to combat the racism you also say parents teach their kids?

I support CRT because it's reality; "you didn't build that".

The achievements you may have aren't owed to a sparkling work ethic or rugged individualism (clearly, since you're incredibly lazy), but rather a system that was set up for you to succeed; your accomplishments mean much less if you had systemic help to achieve them.

CRT destroys the myth of exceptionalism, which is why I find it valuable.
You keep avoiding the issue of racism being so systemic and institutionalized that parents teach it to their kids.

After all, you said that racism is taught by parents.

Ah, so what would those parenting classes teach, then?

But you do support it in the schools because how else are you going to combat the racism you also say parents teach their kids?

I support CRT because it's reality; "you didn't build that".

The achievements you may have aren't owed to a sparkling work ethic or rugged individualism (clearly, since you're incredibly lazy), but rather a system that was set up for you to succeed; your accomplishments mean much less if you had systemic help to achieve them.

CRT destroys the myth of exceptionalism, which is why I find it valuable.


He was elected IN SPITE of it, because it didn't go away after he was inaugurated:


Ah, so what would those parenting classes teach, then?

But you do support it in the schools because how else are you going to combat the racism you also say parents teach their kids?

I support CRT because it's reality; "you didn't build that".

The achievements you may have aren't owed to a sparkling work ethic or rugged individualism (clearly, since you're incredibly lazy), but rather a system that was set up for you to succeed; your accomplishments mean much less if you had systemic help to achieve them.

CRT destroys the myth of exceptionalism, which is why I find CRT valuable.
Good Parenting;)
Now I were unable to accomplish what you feel you were "owed" you're going to blame others because they were successful. Why didn't you just say that in the beginning?
Now I were unable to accomplish what you feel you were "owed" you're going to blame others because they were successful. Why didn't you just say that in the beginning?

Successful in a system that was set up for them to succeed.

Maybe that's why so many of your kind are killing themselves out of despair; despite all the institutional advantages in life, they still amounted to nothing and that's upsetting:

'Deaths Of Despair' Examines The Steady Erosion Of U.S. Working-Class Life
For white Americans between 45 and 54, average life expectancy was no longer increasing; in fact, it was actually declining — in a pattern seen almost nowhere else on Earth. If increases in life expectancy had continued at the same rate, some 600,000 more Americans would now be alive, Case and Deaton write.
So I have to not only do my work on my posts, but I now have to do your work on your posts too?
You equate lying about me to working on my posts? :laugh: Why am I not surprised?
The reason I brought up the anti-trans bathroom bill is because you made an argument (unwittingly) on behalf of federalism that you didn't realize you made.
Sweetie; the fact you leap to conclusions like a methhead on a pogo stick is your problem, not mine.

Just for fun; where did I make an argument for "federalism"? Quote please.
Successful in a system that was set up for them to succeed.

Maybe that's why so many of your kind are killing themselves out of despair; despite all the institutional advantages in life, they still amounted to nothing and that's upsetting:

'Deaths Of Despair' Examines The Steady Erosion Of U.S. Working-Class Life
For white Americans between 45 and 54, average life expectancy was no longer increasing; in fact, it was actually declining — in a pattern seen almost nowhere else on Earth. If increases in life expectancy had continued at the same rate, some 600,000 more Americans would now be alive, Case and Deaton write.
We're happy, though...successful...Worked hard...Do you think it's easy to teach for over 30 years?;) If we were "killing ourselves out of despair" you wouldn't be having these chats here...
Your reference to that article just confirms how unhappy you are with your own life....because the system was not set up for you to succeed. Correct?
We're happy, though...successful...Worked hard

Yes, this is the myth.

.Do you think it's easy to teach for over 30 years?

No. But who says you did? And can you make an argument without using unverifiable personal anecdotes?

If we were "killing ourselves out of despair" you wouldn't be having these chats here...Your reference to that article just confirms how unhappy you are with your own life....because the system was not set up for you to succeed. Correct?

I'm not at least 45 or working class. But y'all are, though.