Lies About CRT makes it worse

But it is what you're arguing.

You say there's no such thing as systemic racism, but you also say that racism is taught.

So how could it be taught if it isn't systemic?
I'm not arguing....where did you learn to read?
I'm not arguing....where did you learn to read?

So you agree that racism is systemic, and it would be prudent of us to educate children about it?

You painted yourself into a rhetorical corner and now you can't get out...

You say racism isn't systemic, but it's taught...but then you won't say who is doing the teaching and from where did those teachers learn that racism?
So you agree that racism is systemic, and it would be prudent of us to educate children about it?

You painted yourself into a rhetorical corner and now you can't get out...

You say racism isn't systemic, but it's taught...but then you won't say who is doing the teaching and from where did those teachers learn that racism?

I'm not arguing or ever mentioned systemic racism...You're battling within yourself...
I'm not arguing or ever mentioned systemic racism...You're battling within yourself...

Well, you're responding to a thread about Critical Race Theory which educates students about systemic racism.

OK, so then you agree that systemic racism exists and educating kids about it isn't a bad thing? If so, then you support Critical Race Theory.

Because the alternative is to deny systemic racism exists, which means you have to believe that racism is genetic.

Do you believe racism is genetic? Of course not, because you answered that racism is taught.

So really, you're as much a supporter of CRT as I am because we both agree that racism isn't genetic, but rather is taught and learned.
OK, so then you agree that systemic racism exists and educating kids about it isn't a bad thing?
I can't answer for'll have to resolve your feelings on your own.
I do not suggest for CRT to be introduced in our do so would be troubling....for everyone...
I do not suggest for CRT to be introduced in our schools

But you JUST SAID that racism is taught.

So how are we to combat learned racism? <-not a rhetorical question

How are we to combat kids being taught to be racist? <-not a rhetorical question
But it is what you're arguing.

You say there's no such thing as systemic racism, but you also say that racism is taught.

So how could it be taught if it isn't systemic?

You are generally correct; racism is cultural and, therefore, "taught". "Systemic racism" = Institutional Racism, meaning imbedded in laws like parts of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action.

At one time there were complaints that judges were biased in sentencing so mandatory sentencing laws were enacted. That just made things worse. IMO, it also proves the maxim "The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions."
You JUST SAID that kids are taught to be racist.

So who is teaching them to be racist?
Their first and most important education is begins at home....tiny ones learn by imitation and repetition....Birth to about age 5, the most critical, formative time of their lives... Do you have children?
You are generally correct; racism is cultural and, therefore, "taught". "Systemic racism" = Institutional Racism, meaning imbedded in laws like parts of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and Affirmative Action.

So you're trying to set artificial goalposts as to what constitutes "Institutional Racism".

Institutional Racism does include things like Jim Crow but it also includes things like this; which is not a government policy, never was, and has never been subject to any law:

NFL pledges to halt ‘race-norming,’ review Black claims

So would you agree that what the NFL did with "race-norming" was Institutional Racism?
At one time there were complaints that judges were biased in sentencing so mandatory sentencing laws were enacted. That just made things worse. IMO, it also proves the maxim "The Road to Hell is paved with Good Intentions."

It made things worse because certain communities are more heavily policed than others, and those that are more heavily policed as the descendants of the same people the Slave Patrols (the ancestors to every modern police department) were also "arresting".

Now, would that uneven policing also be a product of Institutional Racism? Specifically the evolution of Slave Patrols to modern-day Police Departments? So all they really did was change the name from "Slave Patrol".
Their first and most important education is begins at home....tiny ones learn by imitation and repetition....Birth to about age 5, the most critical, formative time of their lives... Do you have children?

Very good. And at that age there is no way in hell they decided what gender they "are".
Their first and most important education is begins at home....tiny ones learn by imitation and repetition....Birth to about age 5, the most critical, formative time of their lives... Do you have children?

OK, so you're saying parents are teaching their kids to be racist.

So who taught the parents to be racist?
Very good. And at that age there is no way in hell they decided what gender they "are". you support kids finding out for themselves what gender they identify with instead of having The State force it on them?
Oh boy. LV is on ignore but it has to try and contact me. Must be offended about the gender truth. Poor confused fuck.
So you're trying to set artificial goalposts as to what constitutes "Institutional Racism".

Wrong, sweetheart. I'm going with the fucking definition. :)
It made things worse because certain communities are more heavily policed than others, and those that are more heavily policed as the descendants of the same people the Slave Patrols (the ancestors to every modern police department) were also "arresting"...

Nice rant. Maybe the fucking Democrats should have thought of that before plowing down that Road to Hell. :laugh: you support kids finding out for themselves what gender they identify with instead of having The State force it on them?

When and where is the State forcing gender rules? Besides, aren't you among those that believes we have not rights except what the State gives us?