Lies About CRT makes it worse

When and where is the State forcing gender rules

Take a look at any of the dozens of anti-trans bills that have just been passed and signed into law the last couple months, including this one that lets adults go into kids' bathrooms to police their genitalia:

Tennessee Governor Signs Two New Anti-Trans 'Bathroom Bills' Into Law

Besides, aren't you among those that believes we have not rights except what the State gives us?

Nice try with the baiting there, but you cannot capture the nuance of my position using exclusively sophistry.
Take a look at any of the dozens of anti-trans bills that have just been passed and signed into law the last couple months, including this one that lets adults go into kids' bathrooms to police their genitalia

That's not Federal, that's just a handful of states.

FWIW, I support full nudity and unisex bathrooms. You?
That's not Federal, that's just a handful of states.

Ah, so then that proves the need for increased federalism, then.

So I'm glad to see you and I agree that there needs to be more federalism, not less.

FWIW, I support full nudity and unisex bathrooms. You?

I support unisex bathrooms.

Nudity? Maybe not in public bathrooms.
Some do...I didn't say they inherited it, silly;)

But you must believe they inherited it because you don't believe in systemic racism.

How could anyone learn to be racist if racism isn't institutionalized or systemic?
Yes. You agreed with public nudity then flipped to getting dressed to go to a unisex bathroom. Why?

When did I agree with public nudity?

I agreed to unisex your Alzheimer's confusing unisex with nudity? They do share a couple of the same letters...
But you must believe they inherited it because you don't believe in systemic racism.

How could anyone learn to be racist if racism isn't institutionalized or systemic?
What personal concerns do you have? Because this does seems to be a personal issue with you... You're angry with people you know nothing about....Where do you get these beliefs? From family? School? Work?
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What personal concerns do you have? Because this does seems to be a personal issue with you... YOu're angry wiht people you know nothing about....Where do you get these beliefs? From family? School? Work?

You keep avoiding the issue of racism being so systemic and institutionalized that parents teach it to their kids.

After all, you said that racism is taught by parents.
It was in my post you quoted. Letting your emotions blind you again like the other fanatics?

Right, and your post was not clear and was in response to my post about the anti-trans bathroom bill.

You decided unilaterally to steer the debate to a non-sequitur, post-hoc.
You keep avoiding the issue of racism being so systemic and institutionalized that parents teach it to their kids.

After all, you said that racism is taught by parents.
Children learn from their parents or caregivers...especially the first 5 years....and continue to throughout their life.....Do you disagree?
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Children learn from their parents or caregivers...especially the first 5 years....and continues throughout their life.....Do you disagree?

Right, so then that proves that racism is so institutionalized in this country, that parents teach it to their kids.

So you support CRT, then, because CRT combats the racism parents teach their kids, who you said are taught to be racist by their parents.