Lies About CRT makes it worse

So, explain what you and others mean by working hard

The problem is that you don't have to work as hard to overcome the obstacles that other people do because of their race.

You have a self-image you created for yourself that makes you a hard worker, but it's all bullshit because it's your self-assessment of your own work ethic.

So you're being generous with yourself in order to promulgate the myth of your individual exceptionalism (manifested in "I worked hard, according to me").
The problem is that you don't have to work as hard to overcome the obstacles that other people do because of their race.

You have a self-image you created for yourself that makes you a hard worker, but it's all bullshit because it's your self-assessment of your own work ethic.

So you're being generous with yourself in order to promulgate the myth of your individual exceptionalism (manifested in "I worked hard, according to me").
You'll have to provide proof of that....I'll wait, of course, for you to do so....
You'll have to provide proof of that....I'll wait, of course, for you to do so....

Proof of what? Is that your standard go-to whenever a debate gets to the point where you become uncomfortable? Cuz it sure seems like it.

You want me to prove that you credited yourself with a strong work ethic? Dude...YOU DID THAT ON THIS THREAD.

So you worked hard...according to you.
It just drives you nuts knowing nothing about my personal life, doesn't it?

Why do you think so? The fact you constantly leap to conclusions tells me you're not in a management job. If you are, it won't be for long. That's management, not "supervisor" of the night shift.

Anyone can clearly judge your online personality for themselves. You might claim "I'm only playing a character" or some bullshit like that, but you and I both know it's your true self. Anyone who reads your posts is seeing your true face. It works both ways.
Do you think it's easy to be lunch lay for over 30 years?

with a bachelors <plus> no less :palm:

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So, I went through the first 200+ posts and selected so quotes that I believe added to the discussion. I broke the into categories and gave my personal response/conclusions.

I learned a lot and appreciate the discussion.


Thanks for the Sean Hannity/Tucker Carlson version.
Here is the actual version:*
Critical race theory is an academic concept that is more than 40 years old. The core idea is that racism is a social construct, and that it is not merely the product of individual bias or prejudice, but also something embedded in legal systems and policies.

What about that do you disagree with?**
Do you not think racism is a social construct?**
If not, then you believe people are just inherently born racist?**
Or do you believe racism is taught?**
And if it's taught, doesn't that mean its institutionalized?**
And if its institutionalized, doesn't that mean it impacts our legal, economic and justice systems and policies?
So isn't CRT really just teaching what society is?

CRT doesn't say all whites are racist.
It doesn't say that at all.
It doesn't say any race is racist.
What it says is that institutions were created and crafted to benefit certain races over others, and I think there's no argument that the people who created those systems were racist.
If you think taking advantage of those racist institutions makes you racist, then that's not CRT...that's your conscience.

If there is no such thing as institutional racism, then that means people are BORN inherently racist.

Dude, the CRT argument is primarily based upon race in America is a social construct.* I tend to agree, but I also believe all human differences are primarily cultural due to genetic similarity where it counts.*
Agreed racial distinctions are trivial, which is why the argument* of social construct is used to explain the issues.*
What, specifically, parts of CRT do you disagree upon or see as incoherent?

CRT is more of a sociological theory about the consequences of sustained racial bias in the population. * Consider how Jews conducted themselves for centuries in feudal Europe: they semi-isolated themselves away from Catholics.* Some changed their names to seem "less Jewish", essentially passing for Christian since others often just assumed otherwise.**
In Europe, a main disdain for Jews 500+ years ago was usury.* In modern times it meant the equivalent of loan sharking, but in those days it was simply loaning money and charging interest of any kind.* It wasn't "Christian" to charge anything.* The Jews filled an important niche yet remained disdained for it.
Run the above scenario for a few hundred years and you'll see a divergence of cultures.* Eventually leading to Germany in the 1920s...and Charlottesville, VA in 2017.*
Consider second generation immigrants or Dreamers.* Regardless of appearances, they're Americans because they grew up as Americans culturally.

LV definitely has me thinking differently about CRT.* The social part vs learned is extremely interesting discussion.* Dutch Uncle also provided some unique ideas regarding the ideas of CRT.* I have an undergrad in Sociology.* I completely agree with CRT being a Sociological Theory.* Perhaps that is why I can’t just dismiss it.* Sociological theories are different from scientific ones.* With people, there is almost always an exception to the rule.* Many scientific theories are provable fact (gravity).
So, I went through the first 200+ posts and selected so quotes that I believe added to the discussion. I broke the into categories and gave my personal response/conclusions.

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Dr. King was actually racist. Sure the oft quoted part of his speech seems to indicate the opposite, but you should listen to the rest of that speech.

Agreed on embedding of racism in Democratic politics.* They’ve institutionalized it.*
OTOH, the Republicans have become a party of racist hatred focused upon Jews, African-Americans and Hispanics…..basically anyone who can’t pass the White Paper Test.
Despite all the faults of the Democrats, and there are many, disenfranchising American voters has to be one of the most unAmerican legislations coming from a political party.

If a baseline belief system allows the election of a Black man as president to prove racism does not exist then I got nothing.* Ignoring realities like birtherism, Charlottesville, the NY Post Cartoon (see image), and Jan 6 Confederate Flag representation is tragically ignorant.* Those events prove racism does still exist.* The election of a Black President doesn’t eliminate those events.
So, I went through the first 200+ posts and selected so quotes that I believe added to the discussion. I broke the into categories and gave my personal response/conclusions.

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CRT is history.
It's the history that you don't want to know because you somehow, someway feel guilty for it.
No one is trying to make you feel guilty.* If you feel guilty because of the actions of white people 160 years ago, then you clearly identify with those horrible people.
If you didn't, then you'd certainly want to learn the history.

The history of violence in the United States should be taught along with all over history.* I am 100% against banning any knowledge from taught since it is contrary to teaching critical thinking.***
Restricting teachings to "age appropriate" as defined by local or state standards is fine with me.* Banning is bullshit.

I dont know if teaching US History more honestly is technically a part of CRT.* If it is, it may be the most valuable part.* It is important that students understand the “why” about current American culture.* That is impossible if the truth is being hidden or minimized.* Take this example:
slavery has always been taught in schools.* so has native american misfortune.
so has jim crow, reconstruction, and the civil rights movement.
Native American “misfortune”.* If the murder of Native Americans, or theft of their land and culture is “misfortune” then we failed to honestly teach US History.* That type of minimizing of what was done to Native Americans will prevent students from understanding our current cultural realities.
So, I went through the first 200+ posts and selected so quotes that I believe added to the discussion. I broke the into categories and gave my personal response/conclusions.

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There’s too much useless crap being taught in public schools as it is. It’s a big reason that parents who can afford it send their kids to private schools. I advocate state bans on it. Tax payers should have a voice in what their kids are taught.

They aren't taught critical thinking.* That's one of the bullshit lines from critical pedagogues.* Students are taught to be Leftists, radicals, politically conscious to that part of the political spectrum, and be activists for Leftist ideas.
Teaching children to share isn't Marxist.* Teaching children that if you are successful and productive you must give away what you've made and earned to others who are less productive.* The key tenant of Marxism is that everyone has to be altruistic all of the time even if that has to be forced on society.* Marxism won't work without that.* It runs entirely counter to human nature.
In critical pedagogy the instructor would never teach Marxism warts and all.* Instead, they'd teach how it works and why it's good.* They'd further teach that other systems are inferior and to be shunned.

I don't believe in racially shaming children.
I dont believe in revisionism in an attempt to demoralize a nation.

slavery has always been taught in schools.* so has native american misfortune.
so has jim crow, reconstruction, and the civil rights movement.

I completely respect the idea of “age appropriate”.* We must be aware of what students can/will understand and what they can’t/won’t understand.* However, I often tell my kids that History is not rated PG.* If we are going to make a subject “age appropriate” that can’t mean editing or mis leading.**

The shaming part I do not understand.* If we focus on teaching the ideals of our founding to young children and then talk about how as humans we are flawed.* A country of the people (who are flawed) is going to make mistakes, sometimes awful mistakes.* However, it is our ideals that make this country unique and great.* Personally, admitting failure is shaming anyone.* It is being honest and teaching a life-skill that is critically important.* Flaws are a reality, but do not define someone (or this country).

The Marxism is an important point that should be acknowledge when teaching any aspect of CRT.* I trust educators to do this.* I understand that like all professions there are some bad teachers.* Also like all professions that become politicized some will use those bad examples to define the entire profession.* We see that by liberals regarding police and by conservatives regarding public educators.* It is not fair or accurate when done.

Finally, I completely agree wth this statement.*
Definitely need more emphasis on learning trade skills but it needs coupled with policy that would keep those kinds of jobs here.
And absolutely on a safety net for the disabled and etc. That’s a totally different thing.
* My local district is certainly doing this.* The trick is to be sure students stay motivated to do well in school so they have ALL options when they graduate from high school.* Nobody will benefit is students ignore the value of English, Social Studies, Science, and Math because they are going to be a welder, mechanic, etc… so it isn’t needed/important.* First, a back-up plan is a good thing.* Nothing bad happens to a student who earns all A’s and decides welder.* D’s limit future opportunities for education.* Finding a balance of the trades without reducing expectations in high school is important.* FYI I come from the perspective that our local trade schools do not require a certain level of success (GPA) in HS, just the diploma.
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QUOTE=PostmodernProphet;4458832]racism is embedded in lib'rul thought and politics.....everywhere else it is in decline.....[/QUOTE]

If democrats and "wokers" did not have identity politics they would have nothing. They need to have some groups somewhere that is in their mind less capable and ones that needs their help. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Shut up fuckwit, you are all in. And you deserve what you'll get.

Funny how you fucking ass wipes never say or do anything that's misleading or a lie. Fuck off you queer

The title to this OP is instructional.
‘Lying about CRT only makes it worse’. That’s like you’re getting this whether you like it or not so stop ‘lying’ about it. It’s coming, so go pound sand. It reveals the nasty authoritarian streak that’s endemic among leftists.
And the so-called ‘lies’ only amount to critics pointing out CRT’s patently obvious flaws.

I share these for amusement.* How can anyone posting such dribble question others intelligence?* How can they claim to talk about truth?* It is sad.* They actually believe they are credible when they provide no substance to the discussion.* Anonymous courage is real and pathetic.
So, I went through the first 200+ posts and selected so quotes that I believe added to the discussion. I broke the into categories and gave my personal response/conclusions.

I learned a lot and appreciate the discussion.


QUOTE=PostmodernProphet;4458832]racism is embedded in lib'rul thought and politics.....everywhere else it is in decline.....

I share these for amusement.* How can anyone posting such dribble question others intelligence?* How can they claim to talk about truth?* It is sad.* They actually believe they are credible when they provide no substance to the discussion.* Anonymous courage is real and pathetic.[/QUOTE]

Ahhh poor little bitch is butt hurt. I posted a video of someone opposed to this leftist clap trap bullshit. You cowardly cunts have no effective rational response. Here's a clue for you, if you don't want to be called a cunt don't act like a cunt. But I know you can't help it because a cunt will always be a cunt.
Ahhh poor little bitch is butt hurt. I posted a video of someone opposed to this leftist clap trap bullshit. You cowardly cunts have no effective rational response. Here's a clue for you, if you don't want to be called a cunt don't act like a cunt. But I know you can't help it because a cunt will always be a cunt.

Thing is, you actually believe in Critical Race Theory yourself...when you say "you don't see color" what you're saying is that you don't believe race is a biological construct, but rather a social one...and that's precisely the major theme of Critical Race Theory.
Thing is, you actually believe in Critical Race Theory yourself...when you say "you don't see color" what you're saying is that you don't believe race is a biological construct, but rather a social one...and that's precisely the major theme of Critical Race Theory.

People arent black be sure society says they are asshole. You're a raging fucking moron
I share these for amusement.* How can anyone posting such dribble question others intelligence?* How can they claim to talk about truth?* It is sad.* They actually believe they are credible when they provide no substance to the discussion.* Anonymous courage is real and pathetic.

Ahhh poor little bitch is butt hurt. I posted a video of someone opposed to this leftist clap trap bullshit. You cowardly cunts have no effective rational response. Here's a clue for you, if you don't want to be called a cunt don't act like a cunt. But I know you can't help it because a cunt will always be a cunt.

Amused not hurt. The ignorant pathetic anonymous name-callers hiding in their mom's basement don't hurt me. However, your post reinforces how pathetic they are.
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People arent black be sure society says they are asshole. You're a raging fucking moron

The problem you face is that if you admit racism is a social construct, then you are supporting Critical Race Theory.

But if you argue race is NOT a social construct, then you are arguing Eugenics.

This stark dichotomy has pretty much rendered your entire argument impotent.

That's why the best you can do on this thread is flail about, aimlessly and pointlessly from post to post.
“No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”
Nelson Mandela
“Our world is not divided by race, color, gender or religion. Our world is divided into wise people and fools. And fools divide themselves by race, color, gender, or religion.”
Nelson Mandela
Consider how Jews conducted themselves for centuries in feudal Europe: they semi-isolated themselves away from Catholics. Some changed their names to seem "less Jewish", essentially passing for Christian since others often just assumed otherwise. didn't isolate themselves, they were isolated by other people.

Jews in feudal Europe weren't allowed to own land in many places, had their land stolen from them in others, were ethnically cleansed, forced into ghettos, or just fuckin' murdered.

None of that was voluntary on the Jews' part.

And the name-changing wasn't entirely their decision either, as many Jewish immigrants to America in the late 1800's/early 1900's had their names changed by the people who processed them in places like Ellis Island. This happened to my paternal ancestors, whose long, long, long, LONG Jewish last name was trimmed in some pretty interesting ways.