Lies About CRT makes it worse

I think the reason why most of these people oppose CRT is because CRT destroys the myth of American exceptionalism, and that the achievements of certain folks mean much less if placed within the context of an institutional system that was designed for them to succeed.

So if someone, let's say Yakuda, says they achieved their relative level of mediocrity because they "worked hard", suddenly that mediocrity looks a lot less impressive if they acknowledge that they had help to get there that others didn't have.

It's like when Obama said "you didn't build that"; I believe he was speaking to my exact point when he said that...that the "hard work" you think you did was actually augmented by institutions that were designed and crafted for you to succeed. So you didn't achieve that/you didn't build that without help.

Acknowledging what that help was is really what CRT is all about, on a personal level.

As I explained in some detail, with appropriate references many pages back in this thread, CRT derives from Critical Legal Theory, and CLT from Critical Pedagogy. CRT sees race as a societal division that becomes a version of class struggle as Marx would define and understand it. This is why the CRT advocate can claim "All Whites are racist" or "Blacks can't be racist," for example. CRT ignores the individual and lumps everyone into a pigeon hole by race and class.

Once you recognize how CRT works, it becomes nothing more than the latest quack version of Marxism being applied in a totally insane and inappropriate manner.

When you say this:
It's like when Obama said "you didn't build that"; I believe he was speaking to my exact point when he said that...that the "hard work" you think you did was actually augmented by institutions that were designed and crafted for you to succeed. So you didn't achieve that/you didn't build that without help.

You miss how Obama was actually thinking. He was putting owners into a class within society and not looking at the individual. His assumption was the class you are in benefited directly and in difference to other classes from societal norms and organizations, like government.

CRT doesn't recognize the individual, but only the class within society. It's a complete fraud based on Marxist theory.
As I explained in some detail, with appropriate references many pages back in this thread, CRT derives from Critical Legal Theory, and CLT from Critical Pedagogy. CRT sees race as a societal division that becomes a version of class struggle as Marx would define and understand it. This is why the CRT advocate can claim "All Whites are racist" or "Blacks can't be racist," for example. CRT ignores the individual and lumps everyone into a pigeon hole by race and class.

All CRT does is establish that racism is a social construct, not a biological one, and you agreed with that position, which means you agree with the central premise of CRT.

You want people to think you got to where you are through your hard work and effort, when the reality is that you didn't work as hard as you think you did because you had fewer obstacles to work through.

All this other shit you wrote is just noise and nonsense that obscures the deep, deep, deep insecurity you have.
No it doesn't.

Isolating from those who hate them makes it easy for those who hate them to round them all up or drive them out.

The Holocaust wasn't the first time Europeans ethnically cleansed Jews.

Dude, get a better education; the treatment and isolation, both self-induced and forced, of Jews throughout history is one thing. What Germany did was another. They are related but clearly different since none of the 6 million Jews or 5 million other human beings the Nazis murdered desired to be killed.

By your definition, the Jews in Borough Park, Brooklyn are forced to stay there and will eventually be rounded up and executed by the US government.

Borough Park, Brooklyn,_Brooklyn#Jewish_settlement
home to one of the largest Orthodox Jewish communities outside Israel, with one of the largest concentrations of Jews in the United States, and Orthodox traditions rivaling many insular communities.[6] As the average number of children in Orthodox and Haredi families is 6.72, Boro Park is experiencing a sharp growth in population.
Once you recognize how CRT works, it becomes nothing more than the latest quack version of Marxism being applied in a totally insane and inappropriate manner.

When you retreat to these same tired tropes, it really undercuts the sincerity of what you're saying.

You're foisting a lot of bullshit on CRT, but you don't seem to know what CRT even is, or that you actually agree with CRT's central premise.

Do you believe racism is a social construct? If so, then you accept the premise of CRT.

If you don't believe racism is a social construct, then you must believe that racism is genetic because otherwise, how is anyone racist?

So do you believe people learn to be racist, or that they are simply born racist?
You don't even have your own argument under control on this thread.
The decision to include or not include CRT into the schools systems is ultimately up to the parents and the teachers of the you needn't worry...
By your definition, the Jews in Borough Park, Brooklyn are forced to stay there and will eventually be rounded up and executed by the US government.

None of the Jews in Borough Park are prohibited from owning land, are they?

None of the Jews in Borough Park are prohibited from engaging in business with people from other neighborhoods, are they?

None of the Jews in Borough Park were driven from somewhere else by antisemites, were they?

None of the Jews in Borough Park were prohibited from opening certain kinds of businesses, were they?
You miss how Obama was actually thinking. He was putting owners into a class within society and not looking at the individual. His assumption was the class you are in benefited directly and in difference to other classes from societal norms and organizations, like government.

You disagree with that?

doesn't recognize the individual, but only the class within society. It's a complete fraud based on Marxist theory.

The central premise of CRT is that racism is a social construct, and you agreed with that point.
All CRT does is establish that racism is a social construct, not a biological one, and you agreed with that position, which means you agree with the central premise of CRT.

Wrong. Racism can be both social, such as designated bathrooms by race, and individual. That is individuals can be racist. CRT ignores the latter except when it can be used to promote the former. That is, they will point to individual racists and then use those individuals to stereotype a whole group or class within society. Where such exceptions run counter to their narrative they are ignored.
Thus, CRT can promote--and often does--racism within society so long as that racism fits in with the overall CRT narrative.

You want people to think you got to where you are through your hard work and effort, when the reality is that you didn't work as hard as you think you did because you had fewer obstacles to work through.

Wrong again. Individuals got where they were primarily through their own, individual, efforts not because of government, favorable laws, or other outside influences. The Left reverses that saying that individual effort was the least important thing in advancing. They're oblivious fools studiously ignoring reality.

All this other shit you wrote is just noise and nonsense that obscures the deep, deep, deep insecurity you have.

And you close with a gratuitous ad hominem... How usual.
You disagree with that?

The central premise of CRT is that racism is a social construct, and you agreed with that point.

CRT makes racism solely and entirely a social construct. Obama's claim was that people got where they were only and totally because of society, their individual effort was irrelevant. Those concepts are straight from Marxist didactic on class struggle.
Wrong. Racism can be both social, such as designated bathrooms by race, and individual. That is individuals can be racist. CRT ignores the latter except when it can be used to promote the former. That is, they will point to individual racists and then use those individuals to stereotype a whole group or class within society. Where such exceptions run counter to their narrative they are ignored.

I was speaking about it not being a biological construct.

So I'm a bit confused by your response here.

I never said individuals couldn't be racist or not, in fact, I said that individuals are who are proliferating racism by teaching it to their kids.
CRT makes racism solely and entirely a social construct.

Right, because otherwise, it would need to be biological and genetic.

Racism is solely and entirely a social construct because no one is born racist.

So you agree with the premise.

Obama's claim was that people got where they were only and totally because of society, their individual effort was irrelevant.

And that is entirely, 100% why you have such a bug up your ass about this; because CRT doesn't let you live in the fantasy world of exceptionalism.

There is NOTHING exceptional about you...not even your capacity for insulting people.
Wrong again. Individuals got where they were primarily through their own, individual, efforts not because of government, favorable laws, or other outside influences. The Left reverses that saying that individual effort was the least important thing in advancing. They're oblivious fools studiously ignoring reality.

You need the myth of exceptionalism in order to justify your complacency.
None of the Jews in Borough Park are prohibited from owning land, are they?

None of the Jews in Borough Park are prohibited from engaging in business with people from other neighborhoods, are they?

None of the Jews in Borough Park were driven from somewhere else by antisemites, were they?

None of the Jews in Borough Park were prohibited from opening certain kinds of businesses, were they?

Hence my point they live together by choice. Thank you for admitting you understand it's a matter of choice. didn't isolate themselves, they were isolated by other people....
The decision to include or not include CRT into the schools systems is ultimately up to the parents and the teachers of the you needn't worry...

They're already getting CRT, and have for decades.
OK...if you say so...;) Please feel free to share....I didn't realize you were involved with the system....

Amazing that you, as a pretend teacher, didn't know that CRT has been a part of curriculum since before you started pretending you taught.
Amazing that you, as a pretend teacher, didn't know that CRT has been a part of curriculum since before you started pretending you taught.
Well, I'm a retired teacher...but please share the "curriculum"....with proof, our course....I know that's important to you...So I will ask you to do the same.... Your personal school experiences will suffice if you have nothing professional to offer....
I was speaking about it not being a biological construct.

So I'm a bit confused by your response here.

I never said individuals couldn't be racist or not, in fact, I said that individuals are who are proliferating racism by teaching it to their kids.

Racism isn't biological. We aren't born racist. But it also doesn't have to be a societal basis that creates racism. Individuals can be racist too regardless of society.

As for your last sentence. Fine, you never claimed that but CRT does claim that because that's how CRT works. The individual doesn't matter because if racism was on an individual basis, CRT's central tenant of being the equivalent of the classic Marxist class struggle collapses and CRT becomes nothing but the unworkable quack theory by radical Leftists it actually is.
You need the myth of exceptionalism in order to justify your complacency.

In many ways the US is exceptional. For example, the US just about the only nation to ever become both a sea and land power at the same time. The US is almost singularly the only nation to use the English measurement system versus using metric. The US became a world power without any particular military strength. In 1939 the US Army was 36th in terms of size and the US Navy was just on par with the Royal Navy. Prior to WW 1, the US had neither in particular strength except for short periods during a war. That too is exceptional.

There may be nothing exceptional about me but the US has a number of historical exceptional points about it. Many other nations have their own too. To claim the US is just some run-of-the-mill nation is to ignore America's place in the world.
Racism isn't biological. We aren't born racist. But it also doesn't have to be a societal basis that creates racism. Individuals can be racist too regardless of society.

As for your last sentence. Fine, you never claimed that but CRT does claim that because that's how CRT works. The individual doesn't matter because if racism was on an individual basis, CRT's central tenant of being the equivalent of the classic Marxist class struggle collapses and CRT becomes nothing but the unworkable quack theory by radical Leftists it actually is.

Agreed. Some individuals are assholes including being racists. Little can be done about that as long as they don't break the law. Social racism is a different matter. You are correct that racism is cultural. It's taught.

Segregation laws are an example of social racism. By trying to eliminate segregation, the Democrats also institutionalized racism; writing it into government culture of the USA. Even the Constitution has racism written into our laws with the 3/5s Compromise.