Lies About CRT makes it worse

Oh really? So who got that $750B bailout in 2008, and from whom did that bailout come?

THIS ^ is why you cannot argue with a boorish, dishonest gasbag like LyingVagina426.


Well that's just projection from you because all you can do is can't actually defend any of the shit you post here.

All you do is just copy and paste over and over, but you never defend that which you copy and paste.

When forced to, this is your response...stalling.

As opposed to you never providing any facts, flailing like an emotional basket case and lying like a dumbass.

Your shitty tax cut plunged manufacturing into a recession for all 2019:

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

And the rest of the economy followed a year later, before any COVID lockdowns started:

It's official: Recession began in February, ending longest U.S. expansion ever

Everything you believe is utter trash that you are too weak to defend.


My expectation is that you could produce a coherent argument without looking like a loony, boorish low IQ dumb fuck on steroids. So far, all I am seeing is emotional hysterics, lying and strawmen.

OK, you're just lazy, then.

I will lower my expectations of you accordingly, though it's pretty hard to lower them any further than they already are without inversion.
You JUST SAID that racism is taught, not inherent.

So who teaches it, then, and from where did those teachers learn to be racist?
Who do children spend their first years "learning from"? A child is not born racist....are they??
Our personal lives have nothing to do with yo

Wrong. You make your personal lives the focus of debates when you lie and invent anecdotes.

So your personal lives have everything to do with this, since you're almost exclusively using your personal lives as evidence in your arguments.

Like how you pretended to be a teacher so that your shitty arguments and beliefs about education weren't immediately dismissed as the rantings of a deeply disturbed individual.

That's why you lied about being a teacher, right?

I'm not lying

Saying you're not lying doesn't prove you aren't lying.

and unless you prove that Annatta's lying

I did prove Anatta lied, which is why he was forced to backtrack three times from three different versions of fiction he was spinning on that thread.
THIS ^ is why you cannot argue with a boorish, dishonest gasbag like LyingVagina426.

I said capitalism cannot survive without socialism.

You said that wasn't true.

I then invoked the last bailout capitalism needed because Conservatism destroyed the economy.

You then accuse me of moving the goalposts when that's what you actually did.
As opposed to you never providing any facts, flailing like an emotional basket case and lying like a dumbass.

I provide facts all the time, you're the one who refuses to accept them because of how much they upset you.

Like how your shitty tax cut plunged manufacturing into a recession 12 months later...

U.S. manufacturing was in a mild recession during 2019, a sore spot for the economy

And then again, your shitty tax cut plunged the rest of the economy into a recession 12 months after that, before COVID lockdowns started:

It's official: Recession began in February, ending longest U.S. expansion ever

Every single thing you believe, to which you have dedicated your entire life, is garbage.
Wrong. You make your personal lives the focus of debates when you lie and invent anecdotes.

So your personal lives have everything to do with this, since you're almost exclusively using your personal lives as evidence in your arguments.

Like how you pretended to be a teacher so that your shitty arguments and beliefs about education weren't immediately dismissed as the rantings of a deeply disturbed individual.

That's why you lied about being a teacher, right?

Saying you're not lying doesn't prove you aren't lying.

I did prove Anatta lied, which is why he was forced to backtrack three times from three different versions of fiction he was spinning on that thread.
Wrong....about everything;)

Why do you keep posting the same GIF of yourself moving the goalposts?

And from where did I move the goalposts?

(Don't worry, I know you'll never answer other than the same cut and paste GIF because you're just not smart enough to respond with anything else)
Who do children spend their first years "learning from"?

Parents, of course...and from whom did those parents learn to be racist?

A child is not born racist....are they??

That's what you're arguing.

You're arguing that people are born racist because there's no institutions that teach them to be racist.

So...racism is genetic, then. Otherwise, how is anyone racist?
It is proven true because he lied about getting an unsolicited mail-in ballot.

It doesn't matter with the "unsolicited mail-in ballot" bullshit since ballots received are checked by name and voter registration. If two are submitted under the same name, there is an investigation of voter fraud.

How many Trump fans voted twice or three times like Trump asked them to do? As many as took selfies and documented their actions at the Insurrection? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
how unfortunate you don't appreciate what teachers do

According to you, they teach kids racism.

After all, someone is teaching kids to be racist since no one is born racist, right?

So how are kids taught to be racist if not because the institutions that educate them are?

Are you then going to argue that parents teach racism? OK, from whom did THEY LEARN their racism that they teach their kids?
You're just unfortunate you don't appreciate what teachers'd never say such silly things....;)

I appreciate what teachers do. I used to teach....and banged a few teachers on vacation in Florida too. LOL
How many Drumpf fans voted twice or three times like Drumpf asked them to do? As many as took selfies and documented their actions at the Insurrection?

I bet if you were to draw a Venn diagram of people who broke the law by voting for Trump multiple times, and the people who took selfies at the insurrection, it would nearly be a perfect circle.
Parents, of course...and from whom did those parents learn to be racist?

That's what you're arguing.

You're arguing that people are born racist because there's no institutions that teach them to be racist.

So...racism is genetic, then. Otherwise, how is anyone racist?
No..not what I'm "arguing"...I'm stating simple truths....
No..not what I'm "arguing"...I'm stating simple truths....

But it is what you're arguing.

You say there's no such thing as systemic racism, but you also say that racism is taught.

So how could it be taught if it isn't systemic?