Lies About CRT makes it worse

Your problem is that you have no short-term memory thanks to your various drug and alcohol addictions.

Also, all this you wrote is just don't believe a single word of it because you're a phony.

Oh...OK LV..:rolleyes: I would take the time to repost your old posts but why? Everyone in here knows exactly what you posted back then. You were even posting that you were worried the D's were going to get slammed in 22 because they would be seen as lying to the voters about 2000 MORE,...not 1400.00 in addition to 600.00. My mission has been accomplished. Many thanks......;) :cool:
Your problem is that you have no short-term memory thanks to your various drug and alcohol addictions.

Also, all this you wrote is just don't believe a single word of it because you're a phony.

I dont have a drug or alcohol problem, fact I dont use drugs at all. I do like to drink some on weekends though and I am known for throwing one hell of a party! :cool: When some of my friends join in sometimes we will have as many as 5 or 6 pontoon boats tied off to one another with multiple jet ski's tied off to those. HELL YEAH!! All work and no play makes stone a dull boy,....CANT let that happen!
.....We were tryin different things ...we WERENT smokin funny things......Drinkin whisky out the bottle.....singin sweet Home Alabama All summer long...... HELL YEAH!
You know the main reason I cant stand weed? Im a rowdy MF by nature,....weed is just wayyyyyyyyyyy too sedate for my liking. When I do party I like to have fun,....not get all googly eyed and look off in the distance thinking about stupid shit. Weed is for people who dont have a pulse. Screw that.
Maybe you should read the precis I posted earlier.

Do you mean this?

Critical race theory

Critical race theory (CRT), intellectual movement and loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category that is used to oppress and exploit people of colour. Critical race theorists hold that the law and legal institutions in the United States are inherently racist insofar as they function to create and maintain social, economic, and political inequalities between whites and nonwhites, especially African Americans.

If so, that doesn't explain in the least its origins with come from a purely Marxist theoretical background.

All the persons in academia who are the founders of this crap theory are themselves Marxists like:

Antoina Darder. Her seminal work on the subject is titled: Critical Race Theory and Education, A Marxist Response
She's a unabashed Marxist Communist and long time academic in the field of Critical Pedagogy.

Derrick Bell, one of the seminal founders of CRT, was less ardent but often described CRT in terms of Marxism as a class struggle.

The CPUSA lists many of the founding CRT academics on their site where they discuss CRT and its merits.

CRT is a field of research that began in legal studies in the 1980s and 1990s. Scholars such as Derrick Bell, Kimberlé Crenshaw, Lani Guinier, Mari Matsuda, Ian Hany-Lopez, Richard Delgado, Cheryl Harris, Patricia Williams, and multiple others began to criticize legal scholarship, laws, and court rulings that ignored systemic racism.

The US Communist Party makes it clear CRT is Marxist in origin.

More and more, CRT scholars have acknowledged these ideas originated even further back in time. Some point to Communist Party leader Angela Davis, and others even to Claudia Jones, who in formulating the Party’s anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-imperialist policy, described the “triple oppression” of Black women under racism, sexism, and exploitative class processes. Today, while many concede Jones’ role in developing this theory, they ignore its original function as Communist Party policy.

It's absolutely crystal clear that CRT is rooted in Communist / Marxist theory.
All the persons in academia who are the founders of this crap theory are themselves Marxists like:

So explain the Marxist content of the essence of CRT, namely;

loosely organized framework of legal analysis based on the premise that race is not a natural, biologically grounded feature of physically distinct subgroups of human beings but a socially constructed (culturally invented) category ]

Never mind WHO else supported this obvious fact- just explain how social-phobics - such as yourself and the Brit maggot- contrive to attach your own political myopia to this anthropological fact.

When you can't you should desist from spouting crap such as this;

It's absolutely crystal clear that CRT is rooted in Communist / Marxist theory.

To the contrary- it's quite obviously based upon anthropological observations. Do you actually believe in anthropological Marxism ?

There's a member here someplace who believes in Neolithic Judaism. You could club-up.

Haw, haw.......................................haw.
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Following the socially-constructed category of ' race' , ' racism ' attracted weak-minded followers. As I pointed out earlier MOST people here are quite happy to wallow in variants of racism that fit their social conditioning- such as the - currently popular- hatred of Arabs. The weak-minded flock to peer groups for safety and comfort. See you, Jiminy.

So explain the Marxist content of the essence of CRT, namely;

Never mind WHO else supported this obvious fact- just explain how social-phobics - such as yourself and the Brit maggot- contrive to attach your own political myopia to this anthropological fact.

I'm not going to quote at length from the references below, but rather summarize.

The basis for CRT is that racism is a societal issue, not an individual one. That is, racism is based on institutional and class structures within a society. The dominant structures defining race within a society are the basis for its racism. This is very much in keeping with original Marxist didactic about the class struggle. Critical Legal Theory from which CRT derives, is much the same way focusing on the supposed imbalance within the legal system between different classes and institutions of a society.

CRT argues that because racism is a social issue, ideas like "color blindness" are irrelevant because they simply maintain the status quo of racism. That is, individuals not society see themselves as color bind to racism. That in turn allows society to perpetuate racism because nothing is done to correct societal norms as a result.

CRT focuses on looking at society, not individuals, through a prism of race consciousness to give a critical perspective on how that society is racist. It's almost a Pygmalion construct. CRT uses race to find racism and when it inevitably does--either in individuals or society, it labels society as systemically racist because it's society not individuals that are racist. History, Theory, and Implications.pdf

This one opens with a perfect one sentence description:

Critical race theory teaches that racism and racial inequality are constants in American society that stand outside of the prejudices of individuals.

There's plenty more academic stuff beyond that. The description I gave above is correct. CRT uses classic Marxist / Frankfurt School Communist understanding of class struggle within the framework of a society as its basis. It ignores individual racism, which is why it can argue that all Whites are racist for example. Whites constitute a class with society that contains racists. Therefore, by extension ALL Whites must be racist because those that aren't haven't removed those that are from their class within society.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts.
I dont have a drug or alcohol problem, fact I dont use drugs at all. I do like to drink some on weekends though and I am known for throwing one hell of a party! :cool: When some of my friends join in sometimes we will have as many as 5 or 6 pontoon boats tied off to one another with multiple jet ski's tied off to those. HELL YEAH!! All work and no play makes stone a dull boy,....CANT let that happen!

Well, how interesting. Usually when you come across someone on the Internet who is an openly racist, misogynist troll, it's alcohol that allows them to release their inhibitions and be their real selves. So you're one of that rare breed of naturally-born dicks. lol

PS -- I don't believe a word of your denial.
Well, how interesting. Usually when you come across someone on the Internet who is an openly racist, misogynist troll, it's alcohol that allows them to release their inhibitions and be their real selves. So you're one of that rare breed of naturally-born dicks. lol

PS -- I don't believe a word of your denial.

So then according to your theory you must REALLY be a bigtime drunk considering how big of a bitch you are in here. Lemme guess....For you its cheap beer. ;)
So then according to your theory you must REALLY be a bigtime drunk considering how big of a bitch you are in here. Lemme guess....For you its cheap beer. ;)

Nope, I prefer nature's own maryjane, but nice try.

From the Reichwing Abridged Dictionary. Bitch (n): 1. Any female who disagrees with a contard male. 2. Any female smarter than a contard male. 3. Any female who won't sit down and shut up. 4. Any female who will not make a contard male a sandwich.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Haw, haw, haw........................haw,haw..............................haw,haw,haw...................................haw.
Critical race theory teaches that racism and racial inequality are constants in American society that stand outside of the prejudices of individuals.

Two things- look at it outside of the American context because it applies everywhere. Most people really do believe that there are different ' races ' when there is just the one. That's the essence of CRT.
They believe this falsehood because it is a societal construct that they've been conditioned to believe. Somebody is profiting from the deception.

Now, if exposing that is BAD because Karl Marx AGREED with it then good luck, but it is NOT 'Marxist' in essence. It's anthropological- and anthropology is a science for everybody.
Two things- look at it outside of the American context because it applies everywhere. Most people really do believe that there are different ' races ' when there is just the one. That's the essence of CRT.
They believe this falsehood because it is a societal construct that they've been conditioned to believe. Somebody is profiting from the deception.

Now, if exposing that is BAD because Karl Marx AGREED with it then good luck, but it is NOT 'Marxist' in essence. It's anthropological- and anthropology is a science for everybody.


I would add that anthropology is a science *about* everyone, as well.

I don't know anything about CRT. However, if it is pointing out that people believe in the concept of races, and that some races appear to be (smarter, more athletic, lazier, less moral, etc.) than others, then it is spot on.

You do wonder why it triggers the Reichwingers so badly.

I would add that anthropology is a science *about* everyone, as well.

I don't know anything about CRT. However, if it is pointing out that people believe in the concept of races, and that some races appear to be (smarter, more athletic, lazier, less moral, etc.) than others, then it is spot on.

You do wonder why it triggers the Reichwingers so badly.

You just went against everything the democrat party and woke white liberals stand for. Just pointing that out.

I would add that anthropology is a science *about* everyone, as well.

I don't know anything about CRT. However, if it is pointing out that people believe in the concept of races, and that some races appear to be (smarter, more athletic, lazier, less moral, etc.) than others, then it is spot on.

You do wonder why it triggers the Reichwingers so badly.

I don't know anything about Marxism either. Which one was Karl ?

You just went against everything the democrat party and woke white liberals stand for. Just pointing that out.

I don't think so. Almost everyone believes that you can separate humans into various races. It's even instilled in our language(s). Referring to someone as "mixed race" or just "mixed" is an example. That we then subdivide ourselves by self-naming with things like "Native American" or "Asian-American" further perpetuates these mistaken beliefs. From a sociological POV identifying as a hyphenated person might make sense, since obviously my experience as a white female in our culture is going to be different than the experience of a black woman or a Hispanic man. That's what CRT was designed to address: the perceptions of our different experiences (negative and positive). At its core it is an attempt to instill some empathy and the skills to see life through someone else's eyes.

There isn't a damn thing wrong with that. How can you effect change, if you're unaware that something needs changing? That right there is what RWers fear.
I don't think so. Almost everyone believes that you can separate humans into various races. It's even instilled in our language(s). Referring to someone as "mixed race" or just "mixed" is an example. That we then subdivide ourselves by self-naming with things like "Native American" or "Asian-American" further perpetuates these mistaken beliefs. From a sociological POV identifying as a hyphenated person might make sense, since obviously my experience as a white female in our culture is going to be different than the experience of a black woman or a Hispanic man. That's what CRT was designed to address: the perceptions of our different experiences (negative and positive). At its core it is an attempt to instill some empathy and the skills to see life through someone else's eyes.

There isn't a damn thing wrong with that. How can you effect change, if you're unaware that something needs changing? That right there is what RWers fear.

If democrats and "wokers" did not have identity politics they would have nothing. They need to have some groups somewhere that is in their mind less capable and ones that needs their help. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Two things- look at it outside of the American context because it applies everywhere. Most people really do believe that there are different ' races ' when there is just the one. That's the essence of CRT.
They believe this falsehood because it is a societal construct that they've been conditioned to believe. Somebody is profiting from the deception.

Now, if exposing that is BAD because Karl Marx AGREED with it then good luck, but it is NOT 'Marxist' in essence. It's anthropological- and anthropology is a science for everybody.

CRT is racism by another name.